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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. It's wild how this whole business swings. Its been violent. I know we were talking about how slow it's been. Literally yesterday my phone started blowing up even without an online presence. I don't even know what to do with myself.
  2. Maaaan. I fucked up. I started looking for jobs. I can't afford all of my bills working for someone else. Yikes.
  3. Yes. Awesome. They are still a thing. I much preferred that style of internet to this current style of internet.
  4. This also got me wondering if usenet and newsgroups are still a thing.
  5. Haha. There are several states that are the geographical equivalent of a shoulder shrug. Ohio and Indiana definitely top the list. Maybe like Missouri and Kansas are also on the list.
  6. I forgot all about those. I installed one several years ago and my initial reaction was I'm never going back to wax again. Good suggestion man!
  7. I feel like you could make music play on teh oontz when you could do a bunch of html shit.
  8. All jokes aside, Indiana did have some party schools, for real.
  9. It's a small amusement park in Indiana. There were always commercials for it with that crow yelling "there's more than corn in Indiana!" Then they closed down the park thus the joke now there's only corn left lol.
  10. @KILZ FILLZmy parents had that same countertop over the toilet deal in their house when they lived in Michigan. They ended up replacing the toilet with something... Ugh.. I feel like it was called a Toto. I think the tank was low slung so they had more clearance to work with under that counter top. I would look into that, and that would save you from having to tear the whole bathroom apart.
  11. @Elena Delle DonneThat's true. I grew up in Indianapolis. Outside of the city and it's surrounding suburbs, I couldn't tell you shit about the rest of the state. It's almost like it didn't even exist.
  12. @nicklesndimesyeah bro. That gap requires door casing. That's a pretty smooth looking fix you came up with, but it is going to crack to pieces from the door movement and hot/cold variations of the seasons.
  13. Damn @KILZ FILLZthat's a tight spot. I've only ever seen those continuous counter tops a handful of times in my life and never had to work around one. If you take the lid off to the toilet tank, what kind of clearance do you have between to the top of the tank and the counter top?
  14. I drove to Ohio once when I was like 18 to buy beer on a Sunday. Luckily the gas station man didn't give a fuck about IDing me. That was lucky.
  15. @KILZ FILLZdid the restoration company that did work on your house touch that bathroom and pull that toilet? These companies are required to warranty their work for like 1-5 years. The warranty period is fucking crazy for repair work.
  16. For that price around here, that would be a $300k truck. Lol take that shit with you. Truck does not convey.
  17. Maybe it's me, a lot of times it is. I just never got the hype.
  18. Laying in bed trying to figure out how toblerone is still in business. Who's buying this mediocre weird shaped chocolate?
  19. Bread once in flour. Dredge and recoat in crunched up corn flakes. Crispiest fried chicken you've ever had.
  20. People with all them lifestyle stickers are abject posers. Including the stick family lifestyle. You dont really want all them damn kids and animals. Quit frontin. Your life is miserable.
  21. Im sure I'm good. In the concentration that large plume of black smoke was, I'm sure that shit was terrible. Spread out over 10s of thousands of square miles, not as bad. I did watch a video of some scientific weather jerk off was recording air quality and has been doing so every day for his job for the past 20 years. He said he had never recorded numbers as high all up and down the east coast as after the wind blew that black smoke cloud on over. Then the rain douched us in that shit. Maybe it all blew out to sea before the rain came. We'll never know.
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