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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. So can some one summerize pages 26-321 for me. Any thing good go down that i missed. ^0^B A C K I N A C T I O N^0^
  2. Back when i was in like....5th grade maybe. My boy next door made a stop motion movie with legos. He built a house brick by brick and then built some cars and had people walking around. I thought it was cool as shit and was my first exposure to the subject.
  3. Yeah if you are doing time lapse on things such as flowers growing you are gonna want to set the timer on the camera to take a picture something like every hour or its gonna make for a really long movie. I think its something like 16 frames per second if i remember right.
  4. I dont know if you are trying to go digital or not. If not, because i hate technology i have an old school 8mm camera at the crib that either does single frame pictures or regular record. If you do want digital you are going to have to find some one else.
  5. Yo im here. For real. Since i decided to become unemployeed from now until forever I have been spending a lot more time with that sweet sweet bitch named myspace. I see yall have been gettin at her too. What a whore.
  6. Hahaha Drugged Monkey X Duncan McCloud X
  7. I got it to work. I just dont have sound for some reason. Unless I really need the sound, I'm just fine with the video.
  8. How come it wont automatically launch for me? I wanna see hot tramps.
  9. Haha. None of my real life friends have taken the test. I dont think they know me as well as they pretend.
  10. mr.yuck


    i still use tapes.... how old school am i? Quoted post [/b] I have an 8 track. no but for real i still get down on tapes too man.
  11. Im tellin you that nigga is off his square.
  12. nice im about to check this shit out.
  13. This has me intrigued. Can we get a super secret run down of what it is about.
  14. Haha. Im down to see this shit too. They are gonna erase all of us like on some The Net shit with Sandra Bullock.
  15. hahaha that fool has mad problems. Yeah he posed as an FBI agent and hijacked some ones whip at an airport like he is fuckin crazy and nobody knows who he is. Man that dude is the ultimate gangster of the world. I dont care for his music or his movies but I do like his attitude.
  16. i like wackjob shit. Let me get a copy of that dvd. Im for real.
  17. You fuckin HOSER. You do collect shoes. Ive seen pictures. pffffffffffffffffffffffffffft. 40
  18. Haha. I made one of these right before you. I got a 20 or 30 on yours. what do you know about yuck?
  19. Yeah i hear that. Pot is harmless. Its a non addictive (physically) drug. My cousin is addicted to crack and Im on my way in a week to go handle her boyfriend that introduced her to that shit. She knew that crack is bad news. She saw how it was doing him. Im tryna figure out why you would do the same shit when you have been watching first hand for years what it has done to some one. Before she was making good money. She had an offer to work with a family friend making $1500 a week. She turned that job down to smoke more crack. In 2 weeks she got fired from her job for hittin a lick on her drawer, got kicked outta her house and is robbing my grandmother for what little money she has. Shit is rediculous. Thats the real white mystery.
  20. I really like zep back when i was in 6th grade. I havent listened to them since then. Now its all about Erytime i do it, i do it for my hood. an erytime i do it, i do it fo yo hood. an erytime i do it, i do it fo they hood. its understood i do it fo the hooooood.
  21. damn. Did anyone die? Im not gonna lie, I laughed hard when the floor broke.
  22. Hahaha. I dunno. I hear its the new number one shit over crack out in the country where im moving. I sometimes wonder what makes people want to do this shit. Unless you really need to get some shit cleaned around the house quickly this drug is pointless.
  23. Yeah. The midwest is on it nasty. There is nothing better to do.
  24. Whats up yall? Im moving to Tennessee in two more weeks. I need help sorting out what im gonna take and what im gonna leave here.
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