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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. @misteravenI dont know how else to classify him. If you are comparing him to people responsible for genocide, then he pales in comparison. How ever, for all the small businesses that completed contract work for him and were forced into bankruptcy because it was cheaper for Trump to burry them in litigation than to pay his bills, they might see him as a monster. For all the people that wanted to get a leg up in life and gave stupid money to his bullshit university only to be tought nothing, he's a monster. For every act of tenant intimidation he had committed, he's a monster. For every person that knows him to be a piece of shit and isnt afraid to say so only to be met with a 100 mil dollar lawsuit. Fuck him. His own wife knows he's a monter and that's why she curves him every chance she gets. The man leaves economic ruin in his path for his personal gain. He silences his opposers with soul crushing litigation. He views human beings as objects to be conquered just like the most terrible people and groups on your list. I know you arent defending trump, but playing devils advocate with him seems to be a weird hill to die on to me.
  2. Why not? I understand the sentiment with most people but this piece of shit is a fucking monster. People have a really short memory about things. Ive been talking to a lot of my republican family and friends recently because they act like trump is the saviour of their second amendment rights. I keep reminding these people that trump banned bump stocks by way of executive order after the supreme court ruled that they were in compliance with all laws and didn't meet the criteria of making weapons automatic. I even got a few responses that I never thought Id get from my republican brethren. "Yeah but you dont need that." He's not the captain of your team. He's not on your team. He's not playing the same game as you.
  3. Eating a popsicle and watching some mtv challenge show.
  4. My favorite part of last night and every other night is how hard and ruthlessly Melania curves DJ DonDon.
  5. But how many of the dead survived, man?
  6. They found 14 in Ohio. Just trying to suss out a coherent game plan for the country. Ha.
  7. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJyPNDsH/
  8. @Schnitzelthe fact checkers are going furiously but the consensus is the vast majority of what trump said was made up horseshit including topics that had previously been discredited that he continues to repeat as fact. Also he was called out to directly denounce white supremacists and he wouldnt. The proud boys are now using "stand back stand by" as their motto which is something trump told all of his supporters to do. Joe Biden was talking about his son who served in the military and is now dead. Trump told him he didn't know who that son was and then started talking about his other son who is struggling as an addict. I think exhausting was a good word to describe this. Shit show has been thrown a lot.
  9. No kidding. I did their measurement and conversion chart thing. It was originally telling me to buy 40s and I was like hells nah and sized down. I need to size down more.
  10. @Dirty_habiTwhat are you printing man?
  11. I think 35 is absolutely the way to go. I'll check out their sizing chart again but I may also be changing cut to slim straight. Slim with the tilted grin.
  12. @swif1 @glorydays @CLICKCLACKONER @ndv @LUGR My brave stars came in today. I got true straight 38". These things are massive. Like im 6'2" 220 and I dont even come close to filling in these ass and thighs.
  13. Gatorade girl can quench my thirst all day son.
  14. Lol nerd out on this denim with us @LUGR
  15. @Kultsi know it man. He knows Im not a republican but he also knows Im not about that liberal bullshit either. I unplugged from facebook a while ago. If any of this shit is outdated just let me know... cuz I dont lol.
  16. Cool. I got the 15oz cone mill janks. Im really excited for these dumb thicc pants.
  17. Brave star had some pretty specific instructions for their denim. They were pretty insistent that if you soak before you wear, they might shrink to a point that makes them unwearable. So they suggested to wear and stretch them out a bit before shrinking.
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