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Everything posted by ElectricitySucks

  1. "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."
  2. alright you guys are just killing it now.
  3. I give it a month before the fast-food chains and friends start jumping on. Another part of me says they won't do it, I don't care. There goes the desert, covered with American corporations.
  4. Listen up. Hang yourself...with steel-razor wire. Sticky glue your hands to your head. Jump off of whatever surface you're on. The result: It looks like you ripped your own head off. I did this in my past life...and recieved widespread acclaim.
  5. for i second i thought this was a joke and i felt retarded for actaully clicking on a link that read "shes mature." (while it was loading; this whole thought process took about 1 second) not to mention, i was in the company of others. i was happy to see 0 mature women.
  6. i am now visualizing all of these people in a bar or some location where alot of people would be grouped together and everyone is just dropping their one-liners from one person to the next. wait, what?
  7. dear black people, please stop taking over the live's of white people.
  8. First off, I would never do some retarded shit like that....but if I was him, I would have hid somewhere. Then when the workers get in, just run out quickfast.
  9. we played the mario cart theme song when one of my roommates was with his girl. if either of you play an instrument, play that. it just works out for some reason, or something. and if you don't know that song then you're missing out.
  10. I get life flashbacks. I've never done acid but I can manipulate things with my own brain. It's not hard.
  11. take a break. then come back. ive been at it for a year.
  12. im just suprised noone has brought anything up like "im going to do fill-ins on the white house" or something. i would try and find the highest thing there is and get front row seats. just watch and die. i want this to happen.
  13. You should have just walked into the train. That would have solved alot more problems, too.
  14. nothing new....just got alot more attention then the others on line. and off line.
  15. I'm known for wearing shirts of various colors with nothing on them. that is all.
  16. did this page actaully get 2 pages so far? yes, yes it did.
  17. reality tattoo shows? what? good thing i havent participated in television in a long time. turn it off.
  18. its coming out more and more which is good. this video is weak in a few ways, but as long as they keep making these....maybe sooner or later people are going to start waking up. *sp.
  19. if it ain't you...its gonna be someone else..
  20. im cleaning. with beer. and listening to air conditioning. im the only person i know who loves the sound on central air.
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