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T.T Boy

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Everything posted by T.T Boy

  1. saw rusko last week, my god he puts on a good show.
  2. this garbage or any lite lime bullshit.
  3. this broad is from my home city. 1.she didnt have a journalists permit thingy that gives you insurance for this type of shit. 2.this was her FIRST time abroad doing travel writing(she was just some idiot who went to somalia of all places) 3.she used to be a beertub girl/waitress at a club known to pay your implants if you worked there 5years 4.she is stupid hot regardless. she wasnt even really a journalist. stephen harper is useless. i used to think my passport would help me get out of foreign prison. not so much anymore.
  4. condolonces homie. lost mine of 17 years this summer. it was hell but it gets easier...
  5. seen similar pics of yards like that in malaysia, and they werent dead trains! still a cool pic none the less.
  6. now available in canada.
  7. i think you need to rewatch a certain movie. if you were 6K into the game, which isnt a bad start you should have some more smarts than that. even if you live w fools, they shouldnt know where it is. youre selling drugs, not avon. that shit isnt to be flaunted.
  8. this is fucked, im semi glad i left. but honestly i dont think itll really do much. even with cctv, tv ltax vans, benefit detectives and crazy laws a lot of shit still gets done in the UK in terms of crime.
  9. T.T Boy

    New York

    this was hands down the best pizza ive had in north america.
  10. found a flap in friends couch, thought it was some girls coke. proceeded to sniff, was k. not a fun bus ride home.
  11. god i hope they lock up all these shit rappers so this trend can die. all the money in the world and fuck it up with jail. god. they should just start putting people down already.
  12. cargos = unacceptable. cut off denim shorts = totally unacceptable. unless youre at a beach, or playing a sport, shorts have no place in public. unless youre a woman.
  13. i have a drawing tablet and its kind of shitty to get used to, like the new mac mouse. but i agree, i would not want to draw on the screen. would waaaaaay rather have the 27inch screen rather than the 15inch tablet thingy. i use both. and enjoy both.
  14. yeah! prepare sprays for night actions! only backjump bailenca wholecar missions with sharpies and stock caps!
  15. stop talking all this bullshit. that teras panel gets the job done. im sure if homeboy was hooking you up as a tourist youd not be talking shit. or wait, youve never been taken to paint once right. suuuuure. post flicks!
  16. holy shit SLC PUNK was horrible. this little turd was pretty bad too. and cillian murphy is usually good.
  17. kinda what i was thinking. theyve hinted at clays failing health before so i figured some accident might make jax take over wo a violent thing. cant see them cutting the series so short tho.. a series about a biker gang going legit wouldnt do so hot. i wanna see how they get rid of zobell and work with the chinese. also what happened to the jerk off accountant guy?
  18. pretty sure i have it myself. just an excuse to drink smoothies and watch dvds all day.
  19. youre going to need to change your whole lifestyle 180degrees for a while. hit the gym, yoga, read books, you can do it, just habits are hard to break. youre on the right track, you cant quit unless you want to.
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