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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Lot of truth to the video above. A couple recent observations... 1. You can see repeatedly that anti-gun politicians are so unbelievably misinformed. I'm not even talking about personal positions or the gray areas that exist ideologically between individuals. I mean that politicians are supposed to be professional legislators. According to Wikipedia, here is what's stated as the job of a politician: A politician is a person active in party politics, or a person holding or seeking office in government. Politicians propose, support and create laws or policies that govern the land and, by extension, its people. So one would assume like any other career, they're expected to have an expertise (or at least clear proficiency) in the core skills required to do the job. Seems perfectly reasonable to expect politicians to due their due diligence to understand in very specific detail, the subjects for which they are reviewing / amending / creating new legislation for. Yet in regards to discussions on guns, they continue to display an utter lack of even basic understanding. They regularly go up in front of news cameras and assemblies and spout utter nonsense, and somehow deliver that nonsense with a confidence as if it's so obvious. Honestly, it blows my mind how they can do this and I can't help but wonder what other areas they're creating legislation around in which they don't even have a basic understanding of (I happen to know guns, bill of rights / 2A fairly well). Also, in what other profession would this be acceptable? Whether marketing or construction, if you stood up in front of people and spouted off shit that was so completely erroneous like what we see in the video above (and way too many others just like it), you literally would not have a job. In fact, I'm not even sure how you could get the job to begin with. Yet here we are... Paying our heart earned taxes to pay (most often) exorbitant salaries and job related benefits that go far above that most professional careers to people that seem to have no real qualification, let alone talent for the job. It's pretty insane if you take a moment to consider this. ------ 2. In a recent chat with @Kultsit occurred to me that there is a vast and fundamental difference between Americans and just about every other country out there, most notably most of Europe and especially the UK and its commonwealths, which include Canada and Australia and many other nations. Americans are born absolutely free. There's not only an expectation of freedom as defined clearly in our Bill of Rights, but an absolute guarantee that extends beyond the limits of government. By charter, our government is by the people for the people and is specifically setup and maintained to be servants of the people. In other words, they answer to the people, not the other way around. I'm no expert on monarchies, but Kults sent me a standard news article where they keep referring to "the Crown". Maybe you guys in other countries are used to seeing stuff like that, but that blew my mind. In Canada (and I assume all the commonwealth countries), they literally refer to authority as "The Crown". Likewise, the people are largely consider "subjects of the crown", though there's some new legal distinction that resulted from mass immigration that has revised some of that to "subjects of the queen" and "British citizens". In any case, it's a very notable and fundamental difference between Americans and most others. American's are born into the concept that they have freedom. Most other countries are born into the concept that your government, whether its a monarchy or other, is above you. There's a vast historical, as well as cultural difference in how you perceive your relationship with "the crown" that is incomparable with anything we have in America. I've often heard America referred to as "cowboy culture" and it never really meant anything to me. Likewise, I've often heard reference to other countries being "jealous of our freedoms" and that never really meant anything to me either, at least until Kults sent me that article. Americans are truly born free. By charter our country is setup where its people sit above the government, which is specifically tasked with serving its people. Our entire Constitution is a set of rules they must abide by (versus limits put on the people), with the first 10 amendments making up a Bill of Rights that exist completely beyond the laws of man, including government. I know there's a lot of politicians out there trying very hard to make it seem this is not the case, but its absolute fact and all are free to look into this as its all very thoroughly documented by the founding fathers of the United States. In any case, it occurred to me that people outside the United States are no more qualified to speak on our freedoms and system of government than they are to speak on any other culture or system of government outside their own. I personally can't imagine ever referring to anyone as "The Crown" as the implications of that go completely against what I know and what I'd ever accept. I suppose that's where the "cowboy culture" reference comes into play as I'd be willing to bet that huge swaths of this country would literally fight to their death, before ever being a "subject" of anyone. It completely goes against what it means to be an American to exist below that of government, but it's almost offensive to think of ones self as some sort of property or subject to "The Crown" or anyone else. Maybe I'm over thinking this, but I'm kind of the mindset to be like "fuck the opinions of the rest of the world" on this subject since most simply lack the perspective to have a valid opinion on the subject. That goes hand in hand with comparing what's being done in other countries as a model or even reference to what maybe we should be doing here. When you consider the situation in these terms, t's literally as ridiculous for others to consider America's relationship with particular freedoms like gun rights as it would be for Americans to consider the lack of separation between society and religion in the Middle East. We simply lack the history and cultural understanding to begin to wrap our heads around the various nuance that define the real day to day implications of something that is so specific to the culture. Anyhow, thought I'd voice that observation as an American. 🇺🇸
  2. Starting to see a couple more names popping up occasionally. Have also had quite a few people DM the 12ozProphet instagram account asking for help recovering old accounts. Even occasionally see the OG mods pop in and post every once in a while. Actually seeing @b0bholding down a couple threads fairly regularly. Been interesting to see all this unfold, especially the effect that the forum reunion tee had on creating some awareness. Personally I'm pretty happy to see the progress we've made. No doubt a couple of you remember where things were at a year or even two years ago when shit was a graveyard. At least now there's a dozen or so threads that are active enough to almost feel like the old 12oz. We broke a bunch of traffic records these last couple months and have also since upgraded the entire forum (with huge help from @Dirty_habiT). Seems that we're seeing a steady dozen people logged in pretty much throughout the day and the activity logs are showing an increasingly large number of users that are passing through weekly. All this being said, I'm also seeing more and more people disgruntled on Instagram. It's obvious it'll take something significant for the masses to drop it entirely, but lots of articles out there talking about the decline they're seeing. Curious if any of you guys have any feedback on how we can step our efforts up with spreading awareness? I feel like I've been steady pounding in the message on Instagram that we're back and all OG user accounts are recoverable, but still amazed how often people drop a comment or send a DM that they're just finding out. Even with all the Instagram suppression, I'd figure I'd be flogging a dead horse with that message by now, but apparently not. Anyhow, I'd project the tipping pint to be at roughly 3x where we're at right now. Once we see 36 - 50 or so members logged in 24/7, it means we're at several hundred active users. I'm sure it'll keep gradually building as we've seen, but would be nice if we could speed that process along a bit. Any ideas on what more can be done to that end? Some things I thought of that might help... More forum specific type t-shirt releases so we have an excuse to hammer out the message. Dialing in the digest emails or perhaps generating new dynamic scheduled emails from forum content, so it stays in front of people a bit. Perhaps an email campaign specific to talking about the forum, its return, new features and just putting it out there. (By the way, I tried to run a scrubber program with the entire member database emails and after about a week of attempting to verify emails, it just crashed. No doubt most are dead, but also surprised by how many aren't) More regular forum based Instagram posts as I've been doing. Also, could use more help with content. Welcome more suggestions on the subject.
  3. Woke up to a frost layer on the ground. News said there would be heavy snow at elevation starting today and a possible blizzard hitting the valley tomorrow. And the neighbors horses that escaped and were hanging out with our horses.
  4. Fake news. Even according to the Trace, a staunch left leaning anti-gun media source, the number for 2018 is 14,263 for all gun deaths, down from 2017 which was 15,658 for all gun deaths. Considering that long guns are a fraction of firearms used and the AR15 is a fraction of the long gun metric, these numbers are far beyond ridiculous. Top 10 greatest annual causes of death in the USA. Sadly, shit like that gets floated around and reposted over and over again by people and just accepted as truth despite being so far from it. Wake up people.
  5. hosed down the old pipe. hack sawed off the cracked elbow. dried it with a throw away rag. Washed it with an alcohol saturated rag and then applied the PVC primer and glue. few hours to dry and 20 minutes to bury it all and we're back in business. sucked but $15 and a little time beast the $1k+ bill I'm sure it would have cost.
  6. So take it you're a plumber? My suspicion is that a heavy load during the deep winter when maybe it was brittle. Likely a small crack that led to water leaking that in turn created a small sink hold around the pipe, which then expanded the crack due to a lack of support holding it in place. Other day the drainage just stopped working. Thought I had an obstruction in the main drain line since nothing in the building was draining. Ran a 50ft, then a 75ft snake with no luck. Next guess was the baffle was clogged, so had to dig up the septic to take a look. Got to a point where I could slightly smell it and then noticed moist earth, so figured it out pretty quick. Sucks, but would have been way worse. Thankfully it all happened before winter set in and the earth here is frozen into ice. Big concern was that maybe the screen printing stuff we were doing killed my system, but doesn't seem to have had any negative impact we can see. Anyhow, its getting pumped today to be safe and have the extra pipe and elbow for thew fix, which I'll do later today. Should be back up and fine in 24 hours.
  7. Good times... At least is was only a $15 fix even if it did smell like shit.
  8. Yeah, real Tweet from 2011. Why is it just making the rounds now or is dude still all up in the congress with the stone cold nipplzzzzz?
  9. So I finally tried that Headspace app. Tried to do the 30 minute guided intro mediation and really didn't like it all. Don't like that its a man's voice with some sort of accent I can't place, but more than that, just wasn't nearly as good (for me) as the podcast one I mentioned. I know its not a fair assessment and I'll try it a time or two more, but main thing I also didn't like is it was so minimal, I kept wondering if the app crashed. Literally minutes between any sound at all. Again, maybe just a bad episode or something, but off to a poor start.
  10. via @Kults by way of Reddit. Google keeps a ridiculous amount of data about everything you do online and you can go to myactivity.google.com to review this data, delete any/all of it, and setup how google tracks and saves your data. myactivity.google.com
  11. Worth a minute to go check out - https://12ozcollective.com/ Designed, photographed and developed by 12ozProphet. But for those of you that don't click links...
  12. Seems to be that a lot of the first content is free and then you need to unlock the rest of it. Still planning to try it though.
  13. So I've been continuing with my DIY efforts and thought I'd provide an update. I've been listing to a guided meditation podcast and it is relaxing. I have no frame of reference for this stuff and for all I know maybe its a placebo effect, but I can say that I feel noticeably more relaxed. Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/meditation-minis-podcast/id963597166 Its the highest reviewed in iTunes I was able to find and has crystal clear production, which I find helps me personally. The ladies voice is super soothing so it all works pretty well (for me at least). What I don't like is that they're all super short. Like 10 - 15 minutes. I'd love if they had hour long ones because I'm just barely getting into relaxing when it's ending. Then she comes out of the guided meditation to give a plug to her sponsor or whatever, which kills the vibe a bit. I still tend to listen to a few in a row and again, I am feeling a but less anxious and just more calm in general. Been doing this before bed and early in the morning when I wake up before the alarm. Further to that, I've been listening to "The Secret", mostly at night and usually after the podcast I just mentioned. Again, I don't necessarily take what they're saying literally, but the whole thing is essentially positive messages and it helps keep my mind focused on not dwelling on negative shit as I'm falling asleep. Wondering if there's a sound track or something that is essentially an hour of just positive messaging and soothing sounds? Haven't tried just listening to those rain or ocean waves or other white noise sound tracks, but will likely do that next to see if it manages to keep me focused. -------------- All in all, I do feel better though. Again, might just be that I'm putting effort into it and that's convincing me of something, but if it works to make you feel a little better, I really don't care if it can be proven in some scientific study or not. I do suspect that a lot of this is likely very intertwined with diet, supplements and exercise. Seems like a no brainer since that's what they always tell you... Eat right, exercise, get a good nights sleep, etc... Maybe its me, but its easy to just ignore shit that is so obvious like that. Further, like exercise, I suspect it takes time to undo the damage that builds up over time. Much like if you let yourself get vastly out of shape, you can't hit the gym for a week and expect 6 pack abs. I think a lifetime of stress and not taking as good a care of yourself as you should is likely why so many people are feeling anxious, stressed and fucked up. There's a lot out there on how western society has really lost their connection to some of this sort of thing. I'll be the first to admit that there's so much out there telling you what you should or shouldn't be doing that its easy to tune all that shit out or outright defy it purposely as some pseudo science hooky bullshit or someone just trying to get rich with another self help gimmick. But then again, a lot of us are feeling pretty fucked up and whereas your body bounced back when you were a kid and you also had your whole life ahead of you and could put off a lot of shit, I think most of us are waking up to realize that something is off or outright wrong and maybe we need to remedy the situation asap. Hopefully this helps some of you somehow. Still trying to find some 60+ minute guided mediation or positive thinking type soundtracks, so let me know if you come up on any. Have not tried the CBD, and also have not tried that meditation app, though I downloaded it. (Hate the idea of falling asleep with air pods and freakin iphone has no headphone jack.
  14. Actually did know that, but neither is my area of expertise. Never tried either and only read a little on the subject. Mead just sounded like something tasty and liked the idea of it being some shit Vikings once made.
  15. Just watched Glass with Samuel Jackson and Bruce Williams and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. New take on super heroes that comes off more believable than the typical stuff. Apparently it’s the third in a series so maybe watch them in order.
  16. First time I had corn whiskey, or moon shine if its actually a different thing, was in South Carolina. Got invited to a low country boil at a family run motorcross mechanic / shop. There was like 5 generations of the family in attendance and at some point the oldest dude pulled out some mason jars of clear liquid to brag about his ability to distill. He proceeded to pour a bit on the cement floor and lit it with his lighter producing a layer of vibrant blue flame. Then stood back all proud and explained that the blue flame was testament to his ability to distill a good batch. Anyhow, we drank it all and imagine it was about the equivalent of drinking vegetable oil. Super oily and coated my mouth, throat and stomach with a film. But it did fuck us all up really good.
  17. Pretty sick @One Man Banned. Probably a question for the off grid thread, but you ever try and distill anything? Been wanting to get into mead making for a while, but reality is I dont need the carbs.
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