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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. @psm026 the times we had with this beer...
  2. Crazy what full autos sell for. If I could go back in time I’d have hoarded a bunch or gotten into sales. Then again I’d have also invented Google, Facebook and put everything I had into mining bitcoin. In any case, looks fun. Seen a lot of dudes come through class with full autos just to sort of show off and have fun. Usually they’ll let you throw your upper on it and dump a mag or two. Fun stuff, but definitely see why they’re aren’t standard for most military.
  3. misteraven


    Hoping this thread picks up a bit since podcasts are my main source for entertainment, opinions and current events. Are most of you guys just not listening to podcasts?
  4. Interesting to see how varied the responses have been. Feel like I’ve been in a rut regarding my book reading lately. Am I the only one that seems to fall into a cycle of a few great books in a row followed by a few you just never seem to be able to get into?
  5. Can't stand Cher... Not sure I could sit through that movie to be honest.
  6. The Selection (TV Series) Not really a documentary but unscripted reality TV series that I really thought was pretty good. https://www.history.com/shows/the-selection-special-operations-experiment/about HISTORY® places 30 men and women with no military background through the most intense physical and mental challenge of their lives in the new series “The Selection: Special Operations Experiment” from executive producer, Peter Berg (Lone Survivor) and his unscripted shingle Film 45 and Bunim/Murray Productions. Trained and led by veterans of the Navy SEALs, Green Berets and Army Rangers, these instructors drive those who are willing to push themselves to the limits of the human body and mind. The eight episode experiment series premieres Thursday, December 15 at 10PM ET/PT on HISTORY.
  7. Navy SEALs: BUDS Class 234 https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0426761/ A Six Hour Series for The Discovery Channel that follows 80 candidates of Class 234 and their efforts to become US NAVY SEALS. You WILL feel the pain after watching the physical and mental challenges these candidates are faced with. Available free if you Google it. This ones a classic and frequently referenced. You’ll notice clips from it used in movies once you watch it. Think they have all 6 parts on YouTube.
  8. Still with I against I on rotation for the last 25+ years. But been also bumping some Fugazi lately.
  9. misteraven


    @dekayfa where are you man?
  10. misteraven


    @Joker damn dude, not sure if sympathy or congratulations are in order. Sick freakin bike so as long as there’s no permanent gimpyness, I’d say you did well. Such a good looking bike. I see so many high end bikes out this way, it’s crazy. Literally every third car that passes this time of year has racks with a few super loud colored bikes that just just scream big money. Also seeing a lot of street bike riders with all the long haul saddle bags and stuff. Was actually thinking of planning a bike ride from my house to Yellowstone once the dust settles and I’m straight again. Not saying I can do it, but thought it would be fun to try. Just open camp the entire way down.
  11. misteraven


    Best podcast out, IMO... Team Never Quit with Marcus Luttrell (Lone Survivor) and Dave Rutherford. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/team-never-quit-podcast/id1119435387?mt=2
  12. Strongly recommend Halt and Catch Fire. AMC original and only 4 seasons. So good...
  13. On that note, we actually use cron jobs to purge logs older than 60 days so that by the time we're subpoenaed, the information no longer exists and we cant be accused of destroying evidence. Helps maintain privacy and save precious disk space.
  14. @simon sandleshit Oh shit, you're right. Was told there were no poisonous snakes in Montana at all, but just took the time to look that up. http://fwp.mt.gov/recreation/safety/wildlife/snakes/ "Of the ten snake species that live in Montana, only the prairie rattle-snake is venomous. Also known as the western rattlesnake, the prairie rattler is found in open, arid country and ponderosa pine savannahs. It often dens on south-facing slopes in areas with rock outcrops."
  15. Its a bug with our system. It'll be fixed in the next forum update that we're almost finished with, so likely in the next few days or week or so. Basically, we strip all exif data from attachments so nobody can track the attachments by GPS data or anything else that might tip off locations and who took the photo. Happens to be that smart phone photos are always saved sideways and uses the exif to provide orientation data. Since we strip that off to keep things private for you all, it screws that up. We found a solution to stripping all data except orientation and that'll be part of that next update along with a bunch of really cool features and a more intuitive interface that'll make using the forum much easier.
  16. @Mercer was just thinking that with all you know regarding tech, privacy, block chain etc... Would be really cool to start up a thread with tips and info on how the average user can take steps towards helping preserve online privacy. Feel up for that? No doubt @glorydays and @Dirty_habiT could lend a lot of insight and knowledge on that subject as well.
  17. Havent seen snakes at all here. Interesting fact is that MT doesn't have any poisonous snakes or spiders natively. Been thinking about doing goats. I know that's what @abysmal is focusing on right now. Definitely would do it for the diary, both milk and cheese. Don't think I'd do it for meat though. Only had goat once and was okay, but nothing I like enough to bother with. Cleanup is actually pretty easy if you have your stuff planned and built properly. Especially now that they're all free roaming, feed is next to nothing and there's far less mess since they spend the whole day wandering. At this time of year and because I'm so far North, sunrise is 5:30 and its still light out at 10:00pm so that means most of the day they're all out roaming around.
  18. 100%. My son is a year younger. Has zero interest in Facebook and has never bothered with it. Daughter as well who is nearly 15. Both have Instagram and rarely use it. My son loves YouTube, but uses reddit for discussion and Discourse for real time chatting, if not doing it via console. Both kids are fairly regular Snapchat users, but don't really seem loyal to it. They actually use it as a replacement for text messaging, for reasons I still don't fully understand but have also both said it's getting lame.
  19. @Mercer I'm consistently impressed by your grasp of leading edge tech. Just wanted to say that. In any case, I'm not saying that GitHub or Reddit are as big or profitable as Facebook. Only that they're fine examples of business' that are hugely profitable and accomplished it while not fucking their user base and over playing the leverage they have over their respective communities. I'm going to stray a moment now, while put on my tin foil hat and say that I do not believe that Facebooks success is necessarily savvy business. At least not in the traditional sense. There's conspiracy theories regarding a DoD project called life stream that was looking to document all aspects of a persons life for the purposes of building massively detailed histories and profiles that in turn would allow for algorithms to be developed to model predicted behaviors. It happens to be that project was cancelled suddenly the exact day that Facebook went from being an upstart to an official business. Could be coincidence, but certainly raises a flag and worthy of considerate review. What I do not believe is conspiracy theory as the knowledge is publicly available is how deep in bed Facebook is with spy agencies like NSA, CIA, FBI, etc. Again, NSA is credited with co developing the algorithm used for their facial detection software. Its clearly in teh governments best interest for Facebook to not only exist, but for it to become as prolific and universal as it possibly can, especially when its clear that Facebook has zero qualms about sharing that data with third parties. Clearly they have a close working relationship, so its not a huge leap of faith to start assuming that there's a lot of nefarious shit going on and that if the government and its various agencies and vast resources have to pull a few strings to ensure their success, that it's in their best interest to do so. We also know the government absolutely has the power to do so and based off legislation like the Patriot Act and NDAA (which has very clear bipartisan support considering the various administrations its maintained and has grown through), as well as the Snowden data dumps, that they also have zero qualms about leveraging every tool possible to push their own agendas. Would seem to me that its a match made in heaven. Anyhow, slightly off topic, but related and point I wanted to make is that its nearly impossible to look at Facebook and their practices as the example of whats needed to be successful as there's is a very likely possibility that the entire success has been engineered not through hard work and effective business decision and practice, but rather through some really shady practices by entities that have way more power and control over our lives, and the world at large, than they should. That flash in the pan Vero is another great example that I believe follows what you saw with Verge (perhaps even more obviously). Assuming for a moment that what I said above is uncontested fact, and that Facebook is a powerful tool wielded by a the true power brokers, then we can also assume they'll do what they can to preserve it as an affective tool. We both know tech well enough to know that it takes nearly zero effort to degrade performance online. In fact, even this forum has a feature that allows me to stall the connection of a certain user so that instead of banning, they get time outs, errors and mis-loaded pages that eventually make them not bother coming anymore. Having full control of name servers, the national backbone and just about every aspect of the internet, not to mention highly talented tech people and software and hardware that we can barely wrap our heads around... How hard would it be to sabotage a promising new social platform that has the potential to supplant Facebook and isn't showing much interest in playing ball with those very same power brokers? Take Vero, which was founded by the son of some Syrian king or some shit... Then think how many meetings it took for that same group to reach the conclusion that having a successful social platform owned by an private international company and worse, possibly tightly connected to not only a foreign government, but one that has historically been on our shit list and more recently, on the receiving end of some deep political drama and military action... Its clear that Vero was dead before it began. Suddenly there's accusations in the media that the dude was a rapist, that his uncle was responsible for censoring Facebook in Syria (ironic since its a muslim country largely run under Sharia law), and all kids of other negative shit that popped up everywhere. Ready to post memes flooded Instagram with nearly the ferocity as the backlash of users that we're excited to finally dump instagram for something else. Then service on Vero degrades to essentially being unusable and it never manages to recover and eventually dies. Don't know man, I have a very tough time believing they simply dropped the ball and couldn't scale their growth. We live in a world of elastic computing and we're talking about a dude that had the resources to throw as money as needed at a problem that is relatively easy to solve. Anyhow, starting to stray, but also overlaps and a part of this discussion and further supports my position on why its so important to not allow ourselves to place all our eggs in that one Facebook basket; allowing them to continue as gate keepers to nearly ever facet of the internet, including our relationships, all the while cheapening them at the same time. P.S. Browser looks interesting, will look at it closer. Started playing with Aloha browser for iOS that sounds similar, but isn't available on desktop.
  20. Freakin $80 in gas for my truck. Sucks.
  21. @6Pennies just had to decline an invite only CL class (VET), but thinking we should link up and try and hit a different one this summer if you have the time?
  22. Almost 15. She's super quiet, shy and errs on the conservative side. The political aspect probably doesn't help, but I think its more a matter of the high speed, loud noise side of it that really isn't her thing.
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