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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Okay, just noticed the last person to reply to another thread I just posted in was @boogie hands Dude was last on here March of this year so hasn't been gone for ages. Hoping the recent activity means that this will be an easy one. Hopefully calling out the screen name sends some type of notification (assuming the email on file is correct), but anyone in touch with him that can reach out and let him know what's been happening these last few weeks?
  2. So in the spirit of the Weigh In thread and how many of us are feeling social media like Facebook and Instagram cheapened relationships and all but killed conversation (you should really read it if you haven’t already)... and inspired by a comment from @Hua Guofang , I was thinking we’ve got enough OGs back on here to put our heads together and start sorting out who’s still missing. Maybe between all of us we can start tracking people down before they’re some are gone forever. As mentioned all over the place already, all accounts going back to 1999 are in the database and can be recovered. Just got to hit me up or email info@12ozprophet.com or DM @12ozprophet.com on Instagram (haven’t closed that yet) So with all that said, who’s still missing?
  3. Damn, I have a daughter too. You just fucked it up man. I was blissfully ignoring dots being connected and you killed it.
  4. I penpal’ed one for a while. Pretty sure I sent her a mix tape at some point. Was supposed to fly her out to the 12oz warehouse but it never made it that far.
  5. Best show ever... Seemed like a freakin prank concept but pretty amazing what being naked in the woods with a pot and a fire starter does to the dynamic between strangers in a survival situation.
  6. Need another wet t-shirt contest so motherfuckers are popping in and refreshing hourly again. Anyone know where cat eyes ended up? Is it fucked up most of us are married, with kids and in some cases have graduated on to divorce and I’m suggesting that boobies might be the solution? @seeking any idea where our Russian bride thread is? That was some pretty epic fun for a good while.
  7. LOL, that advice literally came 4 years after the fact, but appreciate your spirit of helping out. How good are you at website stuff?
  8. @psm026 Fuckin finally... Glad you finally stopped through dude. And yeah, reach out to @Burger King and see if you can get him back on so we can wish him a proper congratulations and catch up.
  9. @seeking I'll keep this short for a change... Your last post is 100% on the money. You've always been a huge part of 12oz. Your insight and humor played a huge part back in the day. It's awesome to be able to hop back on and read what you have to say. This shit is fun and the more people like you pop up and join in, the more fun its going to be. Oh yeah, you might notice that the muscles used to post and read long ass rants will loosen up and grow stronger as you use them more.
  10. @seeking I DM'ed you but here it is again... https://www.instagram.com/keepitrail
  11. *sorry for the long post. Maybe make a sandwich and grab a beer before you dig in.
  12. Alright, have a minute and will chime in with a proper reply... @seeking I feel you 100%, especially about the difficulty in processing large blocks of text and all the demands on time. I have two kids and have to manage all the livestock and property in addition to my work with 12oz, which at least now is my main focus when it comes to work and even then I can't log those long hours on here. I still have other obligations for work, attend to family (freakin cat passed away yesterday - Earl RIP) and then there's the stuff you want to do for yourself, friends in the real world, etc. What I can say is this: The days of any of us 35+ year olds spending 7+ hour stints on the forum are likely long gone for the most part. I certainly can't do it and I'd be pretty amazed (and a bit concerned) if any of you older guys could. But I can say that more and more often these last couple weeks, I'm genuinely excited when I check the board and see there's a bunch of alerts for new activity in threads I'm following or have posted to. I'm extra excited when I see the alerts flag users like you and other OG crew and members. Not entirely sure I can explain why, but it really feels good to reconnect, share and discuss with you guys almost 20 years after the fact of when this forum was started. Literally a half lifetime ago and longer than a lot of users on here have been alive. I also have said that the future of 12oz lies in the younger generations that still have the time, lack of real life adult responsibility and the enthusiasm to explore, share, discuss and debate. Much of it (to your point) we've already done, but at the same time, as we gain experience and the world evolves, there are fresh perspectives, new ideas and insight and plenty of topics that are interesting, if not compelling and important if not flat out critical. Also previously stated is that there remain pockets of genuine community online outside of social that are not just thriving, but more successful that 12oz ever was. Likewise, I agree that my attention span atrophied quite a bit as well in this last half decade. Over these last few weeks, with each comment or thread, I find it getting easier and easier. (Like riding a bike...). More significant, to me at least, is that I'm really enjoying it. After all those years on Instagram, being able to think through a position and drop it on here to whatever extent I have the time and patience for feels refreshing. After all the pent up feelings I'd been carrying around regarding 12oz, seeing so many old names pop back up on here (and a few new ones) and drop insightful / interesting / entertaining responses, has been cathartic. But perhaps more important than my own personal take-aways is the conversation I've had recently with @STYLEISKING which in turn echos the same I heard from @dekayfa, @diggity and so many more recently, which you even stated... That social media has cheapened the relationships between us all. Further to that, allowing Zuckerberg to continue middle manning the relationships between people, as well as the connections between people and a lot of the subject matter those same people are interested in following hasn't been sitting well with me. @diggity said it well when he mentioned that 12oz was an actual community. Instagram never has been and likely never will be. It's just a massive echo chamber of glimpses and excerpts. Sure, I can see what you drank on the beach a few weeks back when you went on vacation. Saw this morning that your dog patiently waited for you to get home at the back door. But at the same time, back in the days, we all know that never in a million years would any of us be living in the same town and not be catching up in real life. No way would you not even know how many old friends actually live close by. No way would I know that @diggity is teaching his kid to skate yet barely even talk to him for a year or two at a time. Unlikely that you'd have connected with someone you look up to like @Joker and built the relationship that you've said inspires your own creative direction. In fact, I'm willing to bet that had it not been for the big fallout we had, the neglect I showed the forum and all the other stupid shit I did, that you guys would likely still be in communication regularly. Honestly, its crazy how all that works... We get just enough of a glimpse on social media to convince ourselves we're *connected* to the world around us, yet most of the time, its been dumbed down to dropping a stupid fuckin emoji if even that. In any case you're here and @Joker has stopped by regularly and all of us are steady reconnecting. There's no threads about rudolf steiner, but I'm willing to bet that as we build momentum back up, that there very well could be. I also think there's plenty more to explore and learn about, but most of all there's a sense of community (as @diggity put it) that Instagram was simply unable to ever replicate, even if for a the last many years it did manage to replace it. @STYLEISKING articulated it strongest in our conversation in that even the culture of graffiti (no doubt serving as a small cross section of society on general) has become diluted due to social media. Was a time where you really had to work at getting down and learning a craft. That you'd get pounded on by your peers and genuinely work hard to move up the ranks of respect and accomplishment. Now there's no cost to entry, you can speak to the global white noise that is the social media world, and carve out a successful niche if you know how to play the game and because there is no longer any sort of standard or rigor applied. You can buy your followers, stream your falsehood and leverage that into an opportunity since everyones too busy doing the same thing to really call anyone else out or reached a point where they just don't even care enough to say anything. Its sort of ironic that you were one of the first OGs I reached out to a few weeks ago and it really came from the fact that you were posting these long captions. That and picking up on your Instagram frustrations and feeling the same way about it. If you hadn't posted those long rants (and they are indeed funny most of the time), I'd probably have tuned it out like I have so most others on there. Not because I don't give a shit, but because I've sort of become numb on there since there's little in the way of actual dialogue and discussion. Likewise, I know you're unlikely to keep your laptop at the ready and drop in regularly again, but at the same time, you do put in the effort to still put out your thoughts or opinions with more than an emoji or shallow caption like most people on Instagram. If you're going to go through the trouble, why not do it in a place where it can actually engage and inspire? I'm about to launch the next generation of the forum and it'll be as easy to post photos and drop emoji's on there as Instagram is, but for it also allows for a deeper level of engagement if you want it. Won't fix the fact that typing on an iPhone will always suck, but if you find a little extra time or feel compelled to do so, at least the option is there. Likewise, it wont be buried in moments or disappear after 24 hours.
  13. Ironically, plays into what you commented on about not bothering to look up and realize how many of these guys are around you.
  14. @seeking will respond when i get a sec and at my computer. But really glad you posted originally and honestly made my morning seeing the alert that you posted again. Not even mad you’re fighting it, LOL. Spoke briefly to @Keepitrail and he said he’d get back on a after he sorted some shit out. Here’s his IG... https://www.instagram.com/keepitrail
  15. HA! Not surprised. My taste in movies is basic... I get plenty of real life, during real life. When I watch movies, I want to see robots fighting or aliens obliterate the planet. I rather forget about real life for 90 minutes.
  16. What city / state do you live in? I’d suggest starting with a fundamental proficiency course if you don’t have military experience or grew up hunting (even then it’s not a bad idea). If you google map Logan gun shops and gun ranges for the ones with best reviews, then maybe swing by the three most promising looking ones. Virtually all will have a community board or something with courses listed or people offering to do courses. Likely they’ll also offer their own safety or CCW (concealed carry permit) course, which is really just a safety course for the most part. Start with that, then move on to some local marksmanship courses. Once you thoroughly understand safety, know the general theory / practice of marksmanship and know how to safely disassemble, clean and reassemble the firearm you shoot with, then I’d say you’d be ready (and fairly comfortable) with some of the national circuit type tactical courses. Especially if you’ve managed to squeeze in plenty of range time and hopefully have someone experienced that you’re friends with to partner up with. Sounds like a lot, but it’s not too deep and mostly a ton of fun. Also, videos don’t substitute hands on training and real world experience, but you can learn a lot and it’s a great primer as well as good supplement to real work training and experience. Though fairly old at this point and some of the technique have evolved a little, the Magpul Dynamics series with Chris Costa and Travis Haley are still the gold standard for training videos IMO. Worth a watch, even if you’re just curious and want an intro glimpse at it. *Keep in mind the videos are fairly advanced and not what you’d encounter at one of the fundamental courses you’d be starting with. Also, these are usually about $20 per set if you look around. Might even find a stream or at least excerpts on YouTube or online. Magpul The Art of the Dynamic Handgun https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00373PEVW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_UasiBbGD4KVAE Magpul 2nd Art of Tact Carb (Set of 4 Dvd) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007P5551W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_AbsiBbANABWDH Magpul Art of Tact Carb V2 2nd 4 Dvd https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007DN5T1C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_.bsiBb7BMBTZ6
  17. @STYLEISKING I'll send one to you in that package from my personal stash.
  18. going to dig through some archives to find more Crude Oil (RIP) handstyles, but here's a few to get going...
  19. Supreme heavyweight hoody with thermal lining. This shot is off the web, but mine has a ton of miles on it. Takes lots of abuse, nice and warm. Made in Canada.
  20. @Pistol you should check that Ebbets Field link I posted a few comments back. All are made in USA and all are available as fitted in addition to SnapBack.
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