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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Good timing, someone just sent me this... Woman fights off grizzly bear, then walks to safety https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44243418
  2. Medical care hasn't been an issue out this way at least. In fact, its been the opposite. There's an unusually high number of urgent care facilities here. Part of it might be that there's a ski resport and Glacier close by, both with plenty of tourists, but I suspect it's likely because farming and ranching can be dangerous and there's enough business out this way to merit so many urgent care spots. That said, there is a tendency towards self sufficiency as well and most people have enough kit to treat most anything short of a broken bone. In fact, its normal enough to have to stitch up livestock that got a gash over barbwire or whatever that I'd bet plenty of people don't really bother going in for stitches. Personally I have a medical kit the size of a small duffle bag that would rival the kit carried by EMTs in any major city. From all the tactical training I've done in the past, I also have an IFAC / blow out kit in my car and in my closet that covers quite a bit from obstructed airways through to a collapsed lung, as well as a couple tourniquets and plenty of antihemorrhagics like Quikclot and Celox. I really wouldn't worry to bad about it. Anything truly life threatening would qualify for a life flight airlift in a helicopter and anything less is a drive away. It might take a few to get to a hospital, but I doubt the response and turn around is significantly better in most places considering they also need to fight traffic both ways half the time. Where I lived in Miami, the hospital was about 30 - 45 minutes away with regular traffic. Also, where I live now is heavily populated with veterans. In fact, Montana and general but my town especially is known for supplying an unusually high rate of navy SEALs. My guess would be if you had a big accident in public, there's a better than fair chance of there being a corpsman or ex corpsman close by that would probably be able to assess and treat trauma as good or better than an EMT. But then again, maybe not all rural areas are like this one.
  3. Bump cause this thread is too good to be buried.
  4. Was trying my best to close a big deal before mid April so I could by a grip of BTC for almost half price. Missed that opportunity and was a no brainer it would bounce right after everyone filed taxes. It'll still climb throughout the year culminating in another peak likely around the holidays but damn if you couldn't nearly double you money in those last few weeks. Anyone manage to buy in when it was still in the sub 7k range?
  5. Recent shots... Not my photos, but some shits taken about 20 - 30 minutes from where I live...
  6. Ebbets Field - Army 1957 Vintage Ballcap. Checking to manufacturing quality and materials as a possible future 12ozProphet x Ebbets Field collab.
  7. Couple from this week. Weather is really nice out this way now... Mostly mid 50s - mid 70s during the day.
  8. Yeah man, its a great park for sure. Never really crowded and you cant beat the views.
  9. Hopefully getting a new camera soon, but yeah... I'll try to take more pictures, especially with the better weather.
  10. https://limacharlienews.com/business/fine-art-meets-bitcoin-blockchain-cryptocurrency/ When fine art meets Bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrency the real fun begins Published on April 28, 2018 by Lima Charlie Tech Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are set to disrupt nearly every industry, and have already become a changing force within the global fine art market. While news often focuses on the price of Bitcoin, there is a much larger story to be told about the technology and its gamechanging uses in the art world.
  11. Just bumping my thread since those of you living rural should be pretty well into setting up spring gardens. We're finally past the snow out my way, but still not past last frost so for now all the plant starts are indoors. Recently bought another 12 chickens so doubled our flock size. Can't find any decent deals on heritage pigs so that plan hasn't seen the light of day yet. Anyhow, anyone else out there with news to share? Any of you guys considering the move out of the city to your own land any further with the plan? Some recent photos to keep the thread a little more visual...
  12. God she sucked in that last Star Wars film. Whole move was crap actually. Trash, unless she'd get a full wax and run around naked with a rubber dinosaur mask yelling Rawwwwrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  13. Isn't this the woman that just shot up YouTube?
  14. That's awesome man, congratulations to you on having pulled off this move. I'm living a fairly similar existence, except in the mountains of NW Montana just outside Glacier National Park. Looking forward to May when the local farmers markets open. Always fun to check out and always good food and friendly people. We didn't build our house, but figuring if I have a few more good years in me that I'd likely push out even deeper into the mountains, buy a couple hundred acre spread that has a variation on wooded and pasture land with some sort of river or lake access and put up a nice simple place. In the meantime, have a really awesome home though and already living on a pretty decent size chunk or property that also happens to be on water. In any case, hoping you might take some photos and share and get into a little more about any farming / homesteading / sustainability stuff you guys might be doing? Regardless, welcome back to the boards and thanks for sharing.
  15. Nice man! Seems like you might be a good person to jump into the Off Grid Living thread... http://forum.12ozprophet.com/threads/the-off-grid-living-thread-dropping-out-the-rat-race.148188/
  16. Holy Shit! Been a loooonnnggggg time dude! How's it going?
  17. LOL! Would be a given had HRC been in office and we were discussing slick Willy. But yeah, better than fair chance for sure.
  18. Why do you feel this way? One thing I've learned is that crypto is still way in its infancy. I'd read that about 2% of the nation is turned onto it, but I suspect that the true number is far lower. Perhaps 2% have figured out how to join coinbase and buy, but the number of people that even have a basic understanding of blockchain, let alone the potential ramifications of that tech, seems to be very few and far between. Seeing as how well many people I know did with NEO, I still think there's plenty of potential for come ups on shit coins. I hear you, but also know a number of people that are almost at the point of making a living with day trading like approach. I'm not super familiar with charts and the methodology used for tracking trends through them, but does seem to me that there's more to it than happy accidents. I can understand your weariness with leaving funds on an exchange, but still don't think its been a regular enough occurrence that I'm super concerned personally. Maybe I'll feel different when I have significant money in play, but we'll see. Hopefully I can pull off what I'm trying to do and get some real money in play. I'll keep you guys posted once I get to that point.
  19. These swings have been pretty wild. Hoping to close on something I've been working on for a couple months. If so, I'm planning on putting a fair sum into BTC, and spread a decent amount across a few shit coins. Also, planning to start messing with Buy / Sell orders instead of just HODLing.
  20. I can see any of those mentioned so far... Also, seems like a classic rappers are dropping like flies. Assume that'll continue. Flavor Flav wasn't looking great last time I saw, but thinking it'll be more of a curve ball and not by natural means or prolonged abuse. Sort of surprised there's been no members of government meeting an untimely death, then again Hillary didn't make the oval office. Still won't be surprised to see a high profile member of government meet an untimely death with plenty of loose ends. Sorry to not be more specific, but almost feels wrong to name someone.
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