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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Fuck, no Multicam black transport tails in stock. SMH
  2. Yeah it’s definitely not a cheap pack. But going to call this one “market research”. Buy once, cry once.
  3. misteraven


    Damn, I’d have gladly paid that. Was thinking it’d be twice as much. Good score man. If you hear them getting their shot together or come up on another co isn’t putting out heat like that, hit a brother up.
  4. Shameless plug for the 12oz patches... https://12ozprophet.com/collections/accessories/patch
  5. About to finally pull the trigger on that TAD pack. Been dragging my ass on it going back and forth between black and Multicam black. Think I’ll play it safe and just get Black since Multicam Black is the only one in that 500 denier nylon instead of 1000. Thinking maybe I can buy the extra panels and switch it up though. Wish I could find a coupon code or something.
  6. Such a sick photo set. Really appreciate you taking the time to do that man. ???
  7. Never been a Boston fan. Always seemed so expensive and jam packed with lawyers and people in suits. Great history up there though and assume if I had someone show me around I might like it better, but yeah used to fly there often when I was doing work for Timberland.
  8. misteraven


    Yeah, I meant any of their knives. They got a ton of shit for taking money and sitting on it for 12 - 18+ months at a time. Not sure they were sketchy, just seemed like they were poorly organized and demand far exceeded what they could supply. Thing looks so mean man. Would love to get one. Assume it was pretty big money?
  9. LOL, now I remember... 5 thousand variations on his name in the database. Tell him to email info@12ozprophet.com and we can work something out.
  10. misteraven


    @DisgracedCosmonautWelcome to the forum. This guy was a guest / regular on the SOFREP podcast. Used to listen to that one a lot, but felt it got too commercialized. Like it was more about turning it into a business than focusing on having a good podcast. Then after all the controversy with the founder of it, just moved on. Recall Jocko though... Believe he was one of the oldest SEALs to go through BUDS. Also was unusual since he had fairly recently immigrated from another country. Jocko was fun to listen to though. Will check it out, but bet you’d really like the Team Never Quit podcast. Really good, go check that one out. Posted a link further back in this thread.
  11. You can attach directly with this system. Helps the page load faster since it’s cached differently and will insure no broken images in the future. Fresh setup man!
  12. Watching Blade Runner 2049 buffer cause my interwebz is straight sucking tonight.
  13. Anyone know where the hell DAO went? Free copy of the new 12oz book to the first person responsible for getting him logged in and posting.
  14. One of these days I need to dig through nerd matrix and see about making an Oontz altcoin.
  15. *Cat can stand to lose a pound or two man. LOL
  16. LOL! Need to add this to the https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/86647-12oz-gets-around/ thread
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