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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2013 in all sections

  1. RIP JUSTIN BIEBERFITTI Thread RIP Dao's: Street Cred/Cheese Steak PhD/Sexual Orientation(NO HOMO) RIP spike in traffic on the Oontz. Best thing to happen on 12oz in forever and DAO had to cry to the mods that his butthole hurt.
    2 points
  2. sooooooo The other day we went to the movies and upon leaving the casino, who do I see? the fucking guy that my stories on this page are about. I forgot how short he is hahah We make eye contact and I can tell he recognized me. maybe not specifically but know I was familiar to him. We walk past him and a few steps after I look back over my shoulder at him to see if he was looking and he was..at the same time one of the guys we were with tapped my ass (to get my attention) ha I look back one more time and he has a smirk on his face and was shankin his head. nothing exciting, but just felt like sharing. Vegas is so small
    2 points
  3. Can't believe he's not even from Philly. I feel used.
    1 point
  4. Been writing for a year or so on and off trying to improve my handstyle etc. Came up with a name that I like 'bigse' and need some crits on these tags/handstyles, need some outside opinions!!
    1 point
  5. Google title (Xhamster)
    1 point
  6. Dao the type of nigga to threaten physical violence as a veiled effort to have physical intimacy with another man and then talk about crushing pussy hoping that will disguise his obvious homo desires.
    1 point
  7. Average military tour 2-3 years. If I had to guess, DAOs dad did a tour near there, maybe FT Dix when he was around 16-18. Which would explain why DAO reps Philly. But what I also think is that DAO did not grow up there and moved before and after those 2 years in PA. I always wondered why he lives in TX now, this explains it. He is closer to family. I bet he is near a base there too. DAO is a military brat who moved a lot when he was growing up. Philly is probably the closest place he has to claim as where he is from, since that was where he was when he learned about pussy.
    1 point
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