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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2014 in all sections

  1. For Codecs, try this site... http://shark007.net/ Maybe you are missing a few.
    1 point
    1 point
  3. Re: random thoughts the movie portrayed him alot whole better then he should've been. dude was a selfish dick who with a little preparation could've just walked out of the wild, because there is a fucking bridge some miles away. also it's easy to burn all your money and be down with the working class/ down & outers if you know that if you fuck up your parents are searching for you with some millions on the bank. never the less good movie. also i skipped the shit in the book about the climbing sessions of the writer himself, i don't care about that, go sit on a dildo shaped rock somewhere. edit: oh yeah his parents also payed for his study and trust fund. boohoo
    1 point
  4. bojangles, still a huge fan. keep it up man.
    1 point
  5. Made dirty shits & stayed clean like a cat
    1 point
  6. There are many meals that Ive done that I plan to revisit to redeem myself from a failure. This past one was one of those meals. I do think the idea behind it was good but execution was rushed. But as you all know I rush because my kitchen isnt really a kitchen...yet. As of late I love making pork tenderloin medallions wrapped in bacon, theyre just too easy and dont require much to taste great. So I did Bacon Wrapped Pork Medallions. Mangu (mashed green plantains) with Black garlic butter mixed in. Ancho Chili Bourbon Sauce (which was weak). Cilantro cream sauce which I rushed to make a second batch because for ONCE I got a sandy bunch of cilantro. I dont always undo the whole bushel and rinse because I usually pluck it, but this time I wasnt thinking and got a ton of sand in my sauce. So very pissed. grilled pinapple and red onions. Manchego cheese.
    1 point
  7. Cool. Sooner it later I am going to get toilet seat out of the negs. If he doesn't end up banned again before that.
    1 point
  8. Decy fixed Btw Cil I remember you asking how much prawp power you got. You boosted me about 2.1k if that answers the question.
    1 point
  9. Look What I Found in some papers :D
    1 point
  10. You have always seemed to me to be a fucking uppity NY hipster. Go back to drawing on your rooftops.
    1 point
  11. I predict mormon and fundie porn to be trendy. OH CHECK OUT THOSE MODESTY GARMENTS YOU STAID STAID WOMAN
    1 point
  12. oath. paint, bird and Coopers.
    1 point
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