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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2012 in all sections

  1. when i was a kid i used to hate shitting in public, but around the time i turned 12 or 13 i started pushing out some monstrous bangers that had a hard time flushing down the shitter at home (which was pretty robust) and caused some unfortunate situations for example i remember visiting my grandparents who i didn't see but once a year and shitting upon arrival (because, cross country flight, and of course i wasn't about to shit in the airport or the plane) and later on the toilet wouldn't flush and grandpops had to work some magic with a wire hanger to get it unclogged and he pulls me aside and gives me the business, "that was a huge shit - that didn't HURT?" so i began to embrace shitting in public to avoid clogging my toilet or other peoples'now that i'm older and eat a more well-rounded diet, the giant sausage loaves aren't much of an issue anymore, but i'm at peace shitting anywhere, as long as the seat is clean and dry.
    2 points
  2. I'll take American Kate Upton to suck on my flag pole.
    1 point
  3. yo wishes I had a nomad... Life was good in 1995
    1 point
  4. Clearly shopped. No one uses a mouse with their left hand.
    1 point
  5. i saw a climate scientist on the news, he corrected a statement i made above.. apparently record highs are outpacing record lows eleven to one. so i guess we should all expect this. Realism that's a pretty good idea. cooling the body's core temp down helps a lot. i take a cold shower before bed. and aside from putting cold water on the back of your neck, rinsing your forearms up to the crook of your elbow is good too.
    1 point
  6. Safehouse really surprised me, shit was sick. Just finally watched 21 Jump Street. Was obviously pretty stupid, but had it's moments, like making commentary on the fact that all ideas in Hollywood are recycled (lolgetit). And Ice Cube, yay ice cube!
    1 point
  7. true...like what you just said for instance. tpbm wants khloe kockdashian naked on their bed.
    1 point
  8. took some 25i with my lady about a week ago tripping balls, we decided to get naked and roll around in the bed. she starts riding me, and i don't pay attention to the squish sound i keep hearing. she eventually stops and says "we're making a mess" she carefully helps me up and walks to the bathroom, flicks on the light. i've never seen such and amazing color red before. it was everywhere. down her legs, down mine,. covering my crotch. and slathered all over my cock n balls. the deepest color red. it looked like i murdered something with my dick. no sex for a week after that. couldn't look at her the same,. it's all good now though. taking birth control affects her bleeding, she missed a pill and was bleeding for two weeks straight. women: wtf are you doing to yourselves?
    1 point
  9. man, sure is a ton of crying and bitching going on in this here thread. all by people who barely paint in the first place, or people who don't even live here. "oh no, good writers are here? fuck that! i'm mad!" you. are. super. gay. edit*: saddest part, is that new toys will look at this bullshit and think that it's cool, or good to think like a closed minded jealous asshole.
    1 point
  10. Tp? Fuck I wish I had just seen tp while doing the doggy style. this old bust down I used to bang had chunks of shit a cm above her asshole I was damn near done so I just closed my eyes and stopped breathing once I busted that nut I had my mom come down and kick her out I was 17 and my mother hated any girl I ever brought home so I lit a smoke and my mom came down stairs naturally and broke into my room kicked us both out and said no more smoking in my house after that I never talked to that girl again I even thanked my mom after
    1 point
  11. Just fucked a woman minister on sunday... yeahhh
    1 point
  12. Bump this! Too fresh with it. got a little phonky with this one :D
    1 point
  13. link or it didn't happen.. lol.. funny shit King 157 by Whitey Bulger, on Flickr
    1 point
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