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So I bought a Zolo with My tax return


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if anyone saw my preceding post in the day in pics thread understand I just had to explain to a naked begging woman I just saw hora self out to 10 bar patrons prior to getting to me as to why I viewed her is my sister my daughter my wife my mother and my aunt and as such refused to give her money such that she could pretend she has any value To me after she proved he was worthless trash worth at best five Australian dollars as a result of being with 10 men who are intellectually physically mentally and spiritually devoid of any of the assets that I possess


i'm fucking disgusted with the fact that in the simulation I've developed a moral Stants and strict obedience to the golden rule in viewing others as I wish to be viewed whereas I would never Holmar self out in the way the sluts were coupled with one assessment of need to immerse myself In such a locale to be able to live in the message that any bitch that didn't respect herself and the men who give money to such fraudulent whores they are willing to share with a room full of other worthless drooling lustful tards is never gonna get any from me

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I hope the angry aggressive Slightly drunk Emotion comes through in text with the above post. As my ex JJ once told me “alcohol reveals what soberness conceals“ which is why I decided Who willingly poison myself as my only means through which my moral integrity and my conscience can ever deal with the fact that women are whores and worse yet those who call themselves men use money to make them so.



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Yeah there's jerk off's always trying to cross museum makes me feel the need to get an M.Bison cap So I can tell any man coming of my arse that I am the M here to Stop these bisexual freaks of existence from eve having any Experience of love even I hate them fr.


A shame I can't afford $50 for the ultimate MeMe from bloodsport so I own the book to prove Bruce Springsteen is My SheDoShe



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As you can see from the past weeks purchases the book I bought to keep me off the Internet for the foreseeable future and one of the two Paganis I I acquired yesterday one of which I gifted to my mechanic Adrian so he could tell the story to his son at the Utopia came from the Pagan God MATT that lived in EL on which he was lucky enough to get his hands on As a result of his genuine altruistic Angelic nature.


Whilst it is good to have My branding on a line of toys like these there ultimately can Be only one master of the universe in the world of comedy that could link these things together in a unifying way along with the vine of life as depicted on the Ibanez Pia and Jem guitars.


I should include a picture of my Jem77BRMR for reference on page 777 of this thread If not for the fact that it's on my iPad not the phone and I'm making this message



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Also all my device settings are now set to either Monaco or Vatican City so I make my own laws for myself and also live without having ever pay tax to anyone ever again given all my currency is digital Yeah that's what happens in a fake artificial world akin to a matrix.


And that's because Australians become nothing but a dumping ground for the worlds waste Based on the disrespect I as a local who was born here has to tolerate day today

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Also is it wrong that I consider every screen name on my back as being a team of writers that have played it for hand designing and scripting my existence Where am I proudly displayed as a means by which I can mock those who believe that life is all the result of them and them alone.


So thanks to all the Contributors screen names are depicted I just wish I didn't have to deal with the con part of contribution here in Oz.


Warpaint is due to being the WArchief of OSS Apache aka MLSOB


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9 minutes ago, One Man Banned said:

Clean the inside of that van bruh, wipe that shit down.  


Fuck is you wearing around your neck?  You got some sort of Flavor Flav thing going on there?


Have you named your zolo?



No name for the Zolo beyond whomever has ran their mouth talking shit about Me fuelling the sentiment of getting them to STFU.


I shall clean the van which was initially the plan today yet got put off due to experiencing life as opposed to caring about completing the one obstacle to My ultimate happiness I have domain and control over. Sometimes delayed gratification is more satisfying you know what I mean especially when it involves karmic retribution and you think Noah had time to fucking clean the Ark completely.?


as for round one next year it's pretty much becoming equivalent of Mr Tis chain when it's finished I may go through each piece of it and describe what the requisite components consist of the meaning behind it yet you're doing so it would require fucking hours of exposition and Exclamation exclamation explanation to describe what the requisite component all total to  Which is something that is 100% unique never able to be duplicated and the reason why the motel logo has a red multipoint star around it because no one else will ever really get it No matter how many increments of time I utilise towards trying to convey the forbidden knowledge of love of which only I possess As the final arbiter and judge of whether anyone else has ever experienced it based on their treatment of Me thru what they give through and say to meand provision of providing my freedom From financial obligations forever

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The primary function of it is the serve as

a spot that I can adhere my van keys to so I am easily able know where they are always and it's a lot easier to find a key that attached to a big monstrosity of an item as it currently is as to find a tiny metal key amongst the thousands of individual things that can potentially bury them at any stage.


Having to contain ones entire life so one is able to exist and experience all weather types, whilst having devices to watch things on, a 7 foot surfboard and a guitar with backpack case in a 2 x 1.7 x 1.5 meter container that also has a channel for the bed mattress makes it pretty easy to misplace keys especially if I ever have to park on any angled surface.


The crazy thing is my brother has an electric scooter for me to use at yet I am already out of room as it is to store it & given the scum in this city I cant get a rack to attach it or a mountainbike to the outside until I move south and end up in a small town where everyone knows everyone.


and the thing that I can't tangibly communicate to anyone is I'm affectively famous to a degree I cannot explain your arrangement anyone to be able to ascertain the ramifications of such that I'm really in a position where by I can extract my whole life back to the bear shell to sort it out and get the structure necessary to make the jigsaw puzzle fall into place Which would also allow me to renovate clean and do all the little things that become a meaningless to someone Who seeks to spend majority of the days at the beach getting sand on their feet and shoes such that cleaning My van OCD style like I did My Veloster and the BMW and Merc I had whilst married is mostly a futile exercise.

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I I should add I do have all the products and everything sandbag my room wallpaper with vinyl as well as rustproofing coating using fish oil and sealant primer as well as floor coating and window coverings along with casual and HiVis work gear, boots, shoes, sandals and food, drinks and a fridge. When I bought it it was set up for a simple weekend getaway vehicle amd it was perfect for that function as opposed to a MOBile ApartMENt and art gallery with Zolo and other pleasure inducing and BDSM itemz on wheels as El has become.



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It also probably doesn’t help matters when I walk around town doing a combination of the Vince McMahon strut the Dune II style sand walking and krumping whilst playing Prince of Persia with 5 dimensional unseen traps and an army coming to dethrone the King as the only Man with the balls and style to have rocked 12oz hats and attire as well as paint their work helmet Gold with an AlsoKnownAs sticker front and center like a true King would.


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I also forgot to mention the toolbox the coolant another fluids needed in an emergency that also are something necessary. I mean if you just saw how much volume is in my rainproof coat you can get why there is no point spot cleaning unless I evacuate everything out and risk the public that lurk around helping themselves to it whilst I am inside the van cleaning.


I could go bush which I tried once and you could not find an isolated spot devoid of any people to do this yet when I do that I risk ants bugs and spiders crawling into My clothes and such so it isnt worth the risk.


Part of the reason I'm always travelling around alone and really share close company with other people because they are unable to handle and deal with the attention that accompanying me brings due to my level of infamy as “The Paradigm of Carefree Living“ as My Myspace name came true to life


At the pub yesterday I had a funny conversation with a young guy who lied to Me initially boasting he had his own place and all this stuff etc yet I Found out you still live with his parents which is understandable at 23 yet when he told me he had his own house I said oh that's good so you go home each day into the same for wall of the bedroom Which remain static and in place almost like a prison where as I have the freedom to move around every single day due to the compromises I am willing to tolerate for such a luxury.


if one saw my post in the shit I want thread as to where I would like to put down roots primarily a street bearing my surname I'm pretty sure it's understandable that that would serve as a central hub to store stuff whilst I could revert Revert the purpose of the van back to its original form yet finances and the slavery neccessary to obtain significant amounts of it as well as my desire to seek money as my priority at the sacrifice of my freedom to spend time at the beach doing what I want or travelling around showing his board how I see myself and my city at its peak preclude me from doing so.

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6 hours ago, One Man Banned said:

I don't want to burst your bubble guy but most of us are living in a box.  Yours just happens to be on wheels.

Don't post your key, but I just want to see a pic of what else is hanging off your neck.


@nicklesndimescuz ska reference

Can I bring my box by any means mate I understand we're all in the cage it is the size And location of it the differs.


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Thread with worthless without pics to prove it because if there's one thing I've learnt in my 19 years and years place  Pics or it didn't happen




Also needed to add we having a literal galaxy of stars as opposed to the five detailed in the Scriptures of revelation one about the angel of death as real and a sign the old cancerous world of ciggie puffers shall soon be at an end with a pure ond resulting as its replacement




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Fundamentally necklace with the keys on it represents the fact that every resident on earth is affectively doing the hill as long as I see selfish fucks smoking cigarettes because I designate any no responsibility of providing a hellish landscape to all upon them as individuals wire extricating myself from the responsibility of manifesting a cancerous wasteland internally and externally like these buttsucking parasites represent themselves as.


I'm just doing what an affective leader does delegate responsibility over to the underlings while absolving themselves or any and all blame or responsibility or accountability that's what the jungle you my keys represent the fact that I've handed over the keys to others and yet they refused to open the door


Because nobody sucks on burning butts and inhales and exhales cancer in any version of Heaven or Paradise My mind can create beyons serving as those whom are to be humiliated by those who do not indulge in such behaviours to shame them to where they self exclude themselves from recieving any love, My own Mother included as I have tols her I am Waiting around to bury her when she comes to the cancers and see inhales every hour every day because he's already dead to me as he's everyone who has abandoned all logic and partakes in smoking cigarettes as well as those who defend the behaviour as those who do this only seek to keep us all in Hell

Edited by Mauler5150
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To bring it full circle to Mr Romeo’s keys, the fact we knew instinctively we were doing the wrong thing on some indescribable level such that we changed our behaviours when we heard the jangle of those keys approaching lest we face negative repercussions, all those who think they can do wrong without the God that exists within them and the one extraneous of them knowing better is delusional.


And even if you are disbeliever paradoxically you must believe there is a God within you that's creating your experience of your reality if not you're completely delusional and are a low level spiritual and intellectual entity that hasn’t even got their AI Kiddo aka Aikido whitebelt nor a Gi

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