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Cheeto foot 2022


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Everyone remembers “Hoof girl” from back in the day so I’ll use this thread to ask how I can get my hands on a 12oz Reunion T-shirt since they are out of stock?


 Perhaps the man with the plan and the right idea I in regards to living can help in this regard given his name is listed to the right of mine @misterraven ?


 I’ll promise to post more on here however most of my free time after work is spent travelling in the car or outside of internet reception range so I will do what I can.


 Hope the rest of Channel Zero are doing well and consider this topic me pouring one out for the members whom are no longer with us.


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This forum is supported by the 12ozProphet Shop, so go buy a shirt and help support!
This forum is brought to you by the 12ozProphet Shop.
This forum is brought to you by the 12oz Shop.

Damn that sucks as I was stuck in financial purgatory at the time of release and was invested into other things so I missed out on a piece of history which is near and dear to my heart in regards to having traversed to the end of the internet and back again.


 If you ever want to part with it and want to send it to Australia, feel free to DM, as while it is not my preferred size, it would probably be a welcome change from the band tshirts i get at gigs I attend which are always a size too small. 

fWIW it would be my Christmas gift to myself as the last shirt I ordered from the USA took 3 months to get here in Perth/PER/Purgatorio 

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Yeah man I’m on the opposite side of the country to the floods. I was having a good run of things until Saturday when I crashed my car into a tree. I simultaneously lost my most loyal and devoted best friend in the process as my Veloster Turbo only ever let me down once in the past, yet in making the point that we only have one life and I am the better man who reached out to my father to try spend time with him in this life before write of us pass, I lost my Dad as he didn’t even respond to the pics of my crash which saw me a foot from death as it was my wake up call to him to stop wasting his time with his Mrs’ inherited kids and spend time with his sons as I’m the only one who is the first, the last and the one who will always be there for him as I proved in helping him move out of the past two relationships he had with women after denying mine and my brother’s existence while he was with them.


So now I’m at work on a break trying to figure out where I am to live as my mobile home is now stranded 100km from the city out in the bush waiting for me to retrieve it.


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I found a temporary place to crash so I can continue to work in the human zoo I’m currently working in as I outwit “Pitfall Harry” and his other goons that have laid assorted traps around the factory floor as I openly mock them all as the liars and deceivers of themselves and others which they are.


Ready, Player 1 isn’t just a movie but it is my present reality and in mocking the games masters I derive the ultimate comedic entertainment possible, as walking away from a crash as seen above without a scratch for the 3rd time only serves to prove that I can’t die otherwise the entire world dies along with me my for the infinite loop to repeat with me returning to mock humanity’s failures time and time again as I create myself as the paradigm of love whom refuses to bring a child into the devolving Hellscape of a society as we turn into cyborgs over the course of my lifetime.


Anyway it’s all comedy to me but I was sleeping at the beach in my car on weekends but the rangers caught onto me and I had to go bush as a result

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Funnily enough I’ve stopped smoking everything, but I’ll add I never smoked ciggies at any point beyond one when I was a teenager which put me off for life, if it counts for anything.

I found a place to crash, not ideal, but I can bus to work and survive for the meantime.

I still want that shirt though, only my $ is currently getting tied up in saving for a new car/van as you can’t live a decent existence here without one


i made other posts here but not sure what happened with them?

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But to give you an idea of why I said what I said above, I have pretty much been to Heaven, Hell and everywhere in between by investigating every philosophical, religious and other type of metaphysical rabbit hole that can explain away existence to where I have decoded reality back to binary zeroes and ones.


To give a concise explanation, people say it is “MONEY” that makes the world go around, but after a decade in banking and high level finance I realise MONEY is a fake construct of nothing but 1s and 0s stored on bank’s data servers and is effectively nothing more than numbers on a screen.


Yet as we typically write and would have historically written the number “1” in its most basic form as a straight line it follows that MONEY can be broken down as follows


M = | + \ + / + | = 4 x One

O = 0 = zero

N = | + \ + | = 3 x One

E = | + _ + - + - = 4 x One

Y = \ + / + | = 3 x One


Same for love.


By iterating the worthlessness of MONEY and the materialistic, capitalist paradigm it supports, I can effectively enunciate the part of the books bearing my names (Matthew Luke) whereby Jesus as played by me, overturns the tables on the moneychangers as I iterate how worthless those whom define themselves with their bank account balances truly are from a perspective of understanding the true nature of reality.


Anyway, I figure that is enough esoterica for the time being to get your mind triggered to help you grasp the concepts I may share on here for anyone interested as I am the only man I know of on planet earth whom not only knows how it is to go from a castle to living in a car, but also went up the mountain with Jesus/The Devil as depicted in my post above whereby I took Maria up the second highest mountain (Montjuic in Barcelona) overlooking the developed 1st world and offered it to her ala Matthew 4:8, on Christmas Eve no less.


and I need not mention that my birthday is May the 4th, yet in adding the year my entire birthday happens to sum to 10, which iterated me as One/Neo in the Matrix as “Matt Tricks” himself that we are not all “1” with the machine 😂

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Also since I was delegated the title of “Prophet” on Secondlife thanks to @defyonerI will share this photo from my wedding in Karnal, India, 💒 from 9-11-2011 whereby my Hindu in-laws dressed me as Azrael, aka “The Angel of Death” whose presence and appearance forbodes the end of the world as per Revelations 1:13 onwards 

noting I have a miniature sword in may hands and the only part of my outfit I chose was the shoes which I chose to match the hat I was delegated.


if you can’t see the ironic humour I derive in understanding how insane my life has been in that I got to live the role of the main character of the anime of my life, then you fail to see how this forum and the notion of “dogwhales” and such are not so far fetched as we all currently exist in “Atlantis” as we are buried by a “Sea” of 4G, 5G and Wifi and Bluetooth waves we as humans know exist but are unable to perceive given most humans fail to grasp the context of the “Ho Lie” aka “Holy” scriptures of any and all religions as their heads are stuck too far up their own (ass)holes.F98F6513-5EF3-424E-9C08-E4997C78E99B.jpeg.3451884f0b7e4108cfb9201bee3b84ac.jpeg

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Damn. I gotta stop wearing that shit so often. No jab Oner, just reminds me of how fuckin weird the master maker is with releasing them it’s actually wicked hard to get again. Shoulda bought a couple like smarty pants @LUGRDamn. Also, damn. Sorry you was down bad my man, I know the feeling. Never slept in a car or had a house wash away into the bush. Wtf? But I still know the feeling. 

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5 hours ago, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

Damn. I gotta stop wearing that shit so often. No jab Oner, just reminds me of how fuckin weird the master maker is with releasing them it’s actually wicked hard to get again. Shoulda bought a couple like smarty pants @LUGRDamn. Also, damn. Sorry you was down bad my man, I know the feeling. Never slept in a car or had a house wash away into the bush. Wtf? But I still know the feeling. 

I bought 2 because I didn’t know what the fit was like. 1 Large and 1 X-Large. They definitely have that hip hop fit.

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I’m not down bad my friend, I mean, look at the life I have lived! I have realised every dream I ever had, and if it is indicative of how the ultimate low of crashing my car was offset by an ultimate,  naturally induced high mere hours later, I ended up rising above the depression as I literally took to the skies in my own “Airwolf” inspired fantasy prior to ending up at a bush concert with 2000 attendees which helped me get a ride back to civilisation and get to work on the Monday to ensure I have potential to get a car again and get back on the road once more.CF76CB4D-E0A0-4464-8519-8B3B8929AABF.thumb.png.63b7d8bd2904e772b0485655f676f9e2.png021561DF-C850-4A3A-8AF8-8834106A99DE.thumb.png.71b3d7ddd4a93477ca7c382d7fed360d.png



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13 hours ago, LUGR said:

I bought 2 because I didn’t know what the fit was like. 1 Large and 1 X-Large. They definitely have that hip hop fit.

Well if you want to part with that one let me know and I will grab it from you for sure. I don’t care about the fit too much, but flick me a PM to discuss as I managed to not spend too much this weekend for a change and can afford to gift myself a new shirt 👍 



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12 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

I’m not down bad my friend, I mean, look at the life I have lived! I have realised every dream I ever had, and if it is indicative of how the ultimate low of crashing my car was offset by an ultimate,  naturally induced high mere hours later, I ended up rising above the depression as I literally took to the skies in my own “Airwolf” inspired fantasy prior to ending up at a bush concert with 2000 attendees which helped me get a ride back to civilisation and get to work on the Monday to ensure I have potential to get a car again and get back on the road once more.CF76CB4D-E0A0-4464-8519-8B3B8929AABF.thumb.png.63b7d8bd2904e772b0485655f676f9e2.png021561DF-C850-4A3A-8AF8-8834106A99DE.thumb.png.71b3d7ddd4a93477ca7c382d7fed360d.png



You definitely are living it up if you got to take a helicopter to a Bush concert! I hope they played me personal fav…



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Well not that Bush per se, but a mix of cover bands and original blues bands were playing out in the middle of nowhere. The helicopter rides were there and it cost me $150 for about 8 mins in the air but it was worth it as it reminded me that whilst I could and should have died just hours prior in the car crash had I not avoided hitting the tree centre on, I was still alive with the ability to gain a helicopter licence which is my new 10 year goal. 

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Well the way I see it is if one is to live their ultimate reality in life and capture it on the “forever” of the internet backed up on your choice of “Heavenly” cloud server (in my case iCloud) then you have gone as far as you can to manifesting Heaven as it can be once one delineates a singular reality from within the scope of the equal and arbitrary infinite whereby nothing has any value or precedence beyond anything else (as it is all equivalent or “null” as highs are equivalent to lows etc).


based on this, with Lamborghinis, the hottest women (to my taste) and helicopter journeys, I have not only lived out my 80s inspired (Transformers, M.A.S.K. & Airwolf (with some Knight Rider and MacGuyver thrown in for good measure) childhood fantasies and now can relive them at any moment I choose thanks to the wonders of modern technology.


Take from it what you will, but I love being me and wouldn’t change my life with any man or woman as I know my existence transcends anyone else’s, te only possible exception being Lelly Slater but he failed his kid and I don’t have such responsibility or regrets in my head as I didn’t bring a kid into this world only to become an absentee father.

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@Mauler5150I have been stoked to see you checking in more lately. Seems a lot of the Team
Alco heads are missing entirely or dead at this point.


Too bad about your rig, you seem to have a vigor that screams “I will bounce back quick” and I dig your efforts to educate us on your intense discoveries.


Alas I only have one reunion tee - but I think if

you put it into the universe, Shiva will deliver.. 

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Ahh another one familiar with Shiva, and I think that another gift is due to be delivered to the temple this week to try and invoke the potential of getting my hands on a shirt 😂


Myself, I have pretty much quit drinking alcohol beyond at most 3 beers or couple of glasses of wine with food these days to prolong my life and to avoid hangovers as I realise how bad they feel to deal with and I would rather not induce voluntary sickness if at all possible.


Sad to hear about a lot of people passing, and I’m trying to be more active on here as I make my comments each days, as I figure if I’m going to write in a public forum it may as well be “The Writer’s forum” whereby the Channel Zero people are some of, if not the coolest cast of misfits on the internet.

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