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Getting pulled over by police? Have an iPhone?


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Not sure if you're familiar with the workflow, or shortcuts apps but they basically allows for automation on your iPhone. If you have a complicated task you do repetitively, it's dope setting up a 1 step automation that does all the steps for you automatically.


You can even share these automations with other people so if you're lazy, you can just find automations written by other people. Here's one I found recently that I thought was genius.






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Eleven states require the consent of everybody involved in a conversation or phone call before the conversation can be recorded. Those states are: California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington. These laws are sometimes referred to as “two-party” consent laws but, technically, require that all parties to a conversation must give consentbefore the conversation can be recorded.  CHPs do not play that shit at all...


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I can understand the law here, where if you're recording the conversation you need to be at least taking part in it (1 party consent). I don't know what purpose it serves to require both party's to consent. Or where they draw the line when it involves people recording in public, inadvertently picking up audio. Stupid law.

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Or just install a dash cam, which is a great idea and well worth the cost of admission. 


In most traffic accidents, it’s common for both drivers to be ticketed as its usually one persons word against another. Dash cam records video, audio, GPS and speed. It all sits discreetly in a car dash and is recording 24/7. 


Same way a police aren’t going to remind you that you’re being recorded by their dash cam, can’t see why you’d be under obligation to do the same. It’s always just recording and not something you’ve actively done for that incident. Pretty sure it would be admissible. 


But besides that fact, most things these days are judged in the court of public opinion. Might not be admissible, but when it’s looped on the news cycle for days, it’ll result in the same, if not more damaging in terms of evidence anyways. 

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I use Dash cams in both my work, and personal vehicles. Their manuals  usually referred to “check your local laws for audio recording rules”. There’s also a setting on them that allows you to turn audio recording off and on. i’ve turned my audio recording off because the few times my dash cam has saved my ass, I’ve been embarrassed by cursing in my vehicle after an Idiot has caused an accident. I imagine if I passed through a state that did not allow audio recording, but had audio recording turned on I would have to remove the audio portion of the recording before submitting that file as evidence. I’d also imagine you’d be in the clear by saying the dash cam is not recording audio if your questioned by the police., whether it is or not they would have no probable cause to check.


That said, I still activated this shortcut/workflow into my iPhone to record myself better, the dash cam only captures what’s in front of the windshield. I even set it up to Activate using a Siri command to prevent an additional ticket for cell phone use.

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I was a huge fan of Workflows, this new Siri integration makes it unbelievably convenient.


See red & blue  lights in rear view, "Hey Siri, police encounter"

Text sent, recording activated, dimmed, do not disturb on, all hands free minus the start/stop recording button. 

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1 hour ago, DETO said:



You're going to need to update to iOS 12 (The latest Version) and once that's done go into the app store, update all your apps, then download an app called "Shortcuts".




Once all that is done, you'll be able to download the app. You'll need to do a dry run, to grant shortcuts all the necessary permissions (access location, camera, etc.).


After all that, if you're extra slick you can go into settings > Siri > and set up a new shortcuts trigger phrase, I used "Police Encounter" , most people were using "I'm getting pulled over" but I found Siri misread those words too often so I went with Hey Siri, Police Encounter.

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