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Yet another photo thread - India


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Since not much is happening in here I thought I would share some pics foirma trip I took to India with my sister. It was 2 years back and I wasn't going to post any of them but I was adding them to my photobucket and thought you might like them being that it's pretty slow around here at the moment. They aren't the best shots ( I'm uploading them discretely at work soI've sadly missed afew goodies)


we flew in Mumbai which is a massive massive city and a fucking grubby one but with 30 million plus living there you gotta accept it.

first morning



hit the harbour to go to elephanta island


The building on the left are the taj mahal hotel that got attacked in the terror attacks and sicne then the whole area is pretty heavily guarded. The police drive jeeps and these armoured personnel carrier type vehicles and they dont like you taking photos of anything.


the buildings in front is the Gateway to India where the last british soldiers walked out of india during independnce.


got to Elephanta island and there were monkeys everywhere,


this one had just robbed the chips he's eating off an english tourist. I was sitting across the way and the monkey watched him buy them and then waitied until he'd opened the chips, then jumped down and attacked the guy. Dude shat himself and dropped the chips -monkey was pretty happy- guy's girlfriend was wetting her pants with laughter.

Like everywhere in India there is the token cow


elephanta island is all these caves that were carved out of solid stone and they are pretty nutso




after this we were kind of wrecked from all our drinking in Singapore on the way so we called it a night. India on a hangover is fuckin' painful at times

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Next day

sat under this sign waiting for the bank to open to change some money



they have million of little trucks and tiny little taxis there.


there were heaps of remant of the english occupation here - the university



we got taken to the central laundry at mahalaxmi - there is where they do all all the laundry for downtown mumbai


all of it is done by hand so your clothes came back looking like they've been beaten over a rock( which they have)

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Mahatma Gandhi's house or at least a house where he was interned for a long long time.

his room



shrine to him



streetside temple

(complete with copper and in the background and Ambassador car(indian made)



Malabar hill - this is the rich end of Mumbai and there are some rich people there especially the tata family


Pollution is still rubbish even there. further down the hill is where the zoroastrians used to feed their dead to the vultures to keep the dead from contaminating the earth. but the pollution has killed all the vultures so they uses solar heated things to cook the bodies off quickly. Couldn't get anywhere near that one.


anyway I wanted to get some paint so we took off to the markets to try and find some.


the CST station ( this is as close I was going to take photos from they really really watch this place and there are signs saying the you can get heavily busted for even pulling out a camera there)


the trains are pretty beastly






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Dharavi slums near mahim junction station - you can sort of see the DUAboys from denmark have a piece there



Person had just fallen out of a train. on the others ide of the footbridge they'd carried his limp body off and there was all sorts of screaming and freaking out so we took off.


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the markets were pretty grimy



those guys from Berlin have been here




every shop sells one thing





and every guy will be like " sir sir can I help I will help you"

schnitzel "I need to buy some paint"

indian "yes sir very good I will take you to the paint shop"

30 seconds later we're in a shop selling fabric

schnitzel "no I need Paint"

"yes sir very good sir"


few minutes later it happens again - then the third time you just keep your head down.

eventually I found some paint and had to wait while they sent a kid out on a bicycle to get it from the warehouse. it was the most toxic feral soul smelling shit ever.


by this point I was too knackered to paint so headed down to the beach.

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there's plenty of graff in india

huge Utah Ether rollers on the trackside and lotta gherman writers have a few tags around rocco and fach etc.

went out to the spot I could paint

some swedish guys graff with taxi in front.




Drax from London had been there



and there was some of this sort of stuff around







train back downtown - i took this shot because some how the train was empty. My sister had to ride in the lady only carriages - a busty white girl on the trains in mumbai is gonna be pretty popular with the locals. she was in the next carriage chilling out with old ladies while I was by myself. the next station my carriage filled up so much I had to fight to get off.


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I really want to go back to Pakistan sometime in my life, but I don't know that that would ever be a safe decision. I think I'll probably try for India instead and hope for some similarities.


Thanks for sharing.


I think unless you go to Kashmir or Rajastahn it'll be pretty different but it's still a lot of fun!



Great stuff. Gotta get there one day, just a bit over grime right now.


Don't get me wrong it's not filthy like you would imagine it's just that with a billion people there is just so much shit in the air, the water etc. the people however like most people in the smellier, grimier countries in the world are usually well kept etc - every kids is going to school in the cleanest uniforms. Aussie kids are slobs by comparison.

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beers on a posh hotel rooftop

even allowing for the fact it was probably 20 times local price it was still pretty reasonable and the stunning Indian waitresses made it worth it.

you can see how polluted it is - the sun sets before it hits the horizon



Arts fesitval in Khala Goda.

crows are fucking everywhere in India so I thought this was pretty cool.



every where in India and I mean fucking everywhere are water bottles so this was about that.

it's crazy how much rubbish there is in India - they don't care .

When we were on a boat the sailors looked at me aghast when I didn't throw my empty water bottle into the harbour but asked if they had a bin.


Buddha got herpes but at least he levitates


they love india and fill up lots of walls with this sort of stuff


up early next day to paint because I had a flight to catch.

can already see the effects of several days of rice and beer on the belly :D


jesus this paint was so bad (bosny brand I think) but combined with the humidity and the fact I'm rubbish at painting it stuck to everything except the wall.

took a a taxi up to the spot and paid him to wait while I painted. He was laughing 600 rupees was possibly an awesome start to the day.

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went here to see what was going on way back - likie how they take pride in painting signs but not for straight lines etc -makes them so much cooler!



poor fella selling huge balloons - he was across from our hotel everyday and never sold anything.


on way to airport

this is the wholesale vegie market and it smelled so good herbs etc


cliantro I believe


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got to Udaipur which was up towards Pakistan.



It was smaller place but pretty cool. stayed in a hotel that was all marble and found ourselves drinking beers within about 6 minutes of arriving there


palace on the lake but photobucket hasn't uploaded my night shots whhich were nicer


at about 9pm we realised we were leaving the next day so went out to check the Monkey temple


some kids took it on themselves to show us around


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Jaipur was pretty cool

the centre of the town is the pink fort which takes up blocks and blocks and sneaks into every second photo



The maharajahs still live there so much of it is blocked off but it's nice to check out.

does mean that the traffic is rubbish.

Iwas walking through this traffic jam and all it neeeded was one car to pull back and it would have eased up majorly but nobody backs off they just beep their horns louder

kids going to school - about 12 in an autorickshaw



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sister loved it because she was shoping for fabrics so this was the view for much of the afternoon


she was happy


when one of the maharajahs went to england he took water with him in this jug.

Cheeky cunt in the turban jumped in the shot then hit me up for rupees byt he time I walked out of the room he'd done it to somebody else so it's probably a nice little earner


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Once cool thing about India is it only takes a minute to organise something


I couldn't be fucked flying to Agra I wanted to see some of the country at ground level so I mentioned it to the receptionist at the hotel and within 10 minutes we had a driver to drive us. (In india most peole only have a drivers licence for their state so we needed a special driver.)


so we jumped in the car the next morning and went on our way to Uttar Pradesh and Agra!

the driver kept going on about a a place on the way so we said we would have a look.

it's called Fatephur Sikri and it was abandoned when the towns water supply dried up.




you can really see how heavy the pollution is here in that photo


in this square they used to execute condemned men by getting an elephant to tsamp on their heads which I thought was pretty hardcore.



then we got taken to Agra where we stopped at a mcdonalds - seemed like a good thing to do.

I had a mc spicy paneer which is like a cheese burger


the crumbed bit is paneer cheese- was damn tasty

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then like 100,000 other tourist that day we went to the Taj Mahal


that is the outside of the front entrance


it was crowded


anyway you've all seen it before so My photos wont do it justice - even if photobucket would upload half of them.

guy in black shirt tried to flirt with my sister really relentlessly.


weird how it's so pristine from the font then out the back there the usual monkeys and Vultures


so we had some time to kill before our train so it was beers on the roof of the hotel nearby - again you scope the pollution


there was a pointed anti monkey stick next to our table to keep these fellas away


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You're welcome gents!


the indian version of tracksides - this sort of stuff is everywhere



chai and chips for breakfast - the chai was from a kid walking through the train with a huge kettle in his arms

for 20 cents was a great way to start the day and since it's essentially booiled for hours you really aren't gonna get sick from it.


guy above me wasn't yet awake so I had to stay horizontal for another couple of hours to Varanasi


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Varanasi is a massive city on the banks of the Ganges river


It is the holiest of the seven sacred cities (Sapta Puri) in Hinduism and Jainism, and played an important role in the development of Buddhism. and it's pretty cool.


River was really low when we were there.


breakfast in the hotel was weird like a reverse zoo. we were in the cages and the monkeys on the outside


they are like burglars







this littlke guys was pretty good at getting my pancakes and bananas he'd come right up but if you pointed a camera he'd scoot off.


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cows just chill in India this fella is next to the wood for the funeral pyres.



On the other side of this pile down a small slope there are human bodies burning.


I was told it's really disrespectful to take photos because you might stop someone from escaping the cycle of reincarnation so here's a google image search image



We walked past several times and they were always burning but as whiteys you get so hassled for cash. If you get seen taking photos you're gonna get really hassled.


it was a really trippy thing to see 10 12 bodies burning because by the end you can vaguely see the shapes of bodies etc. it's kind of spiritual

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it's kind of spiritual but if the boat drops you there at night it's pretty much like a vision of hell all the flames and corpses lying around. there aren't too many lights just the flames etc.

the corpses are wrapped in white linen then draped in marigolds. Before being burned the bodies are dunked in the Ganges and then set on the pyres before being soaked with clarified butter.


they then burn really really hot


(no barbecue smell)

then the bits that don't burn are thrown in the river (the hip bones etc)


pretty metal

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it's kind of spiritual in terms of non spiritual person like me could feel the gravity of the situation.

it looks like hell but at least you're there with your recently deceased and the whole ritual isn't about preserving the memory of the dead but to break the link with them and let them go.


iof they are cremated in varanasi they don't have to go through reincarnation so they view it highly.



yeah bit of the partialbodies that is in Shocking Asia I saw that when I was twelve and it freaked me out.

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