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True Detective - HBO


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Anyone else watching this show?


As par the course for HBO it's nothing but class, it's dark, and so far im hooked.

Matthew & Woody do a great job playing polar opposite personalities but each character is brilliant.


With Eastbound and Down done, Boardwalk Empire in its final season and every other show I love going to shit im hoping this is the next big thing...


After 3 episodes im thinking it is.

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Yeah, his character drops some real shit, I find that I think alike in many ways.


Definately like his role over Woody's family man yet I still cheat bullshit.


Love that Shea Whigham is in everything now, the man is great.

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Yeah, one of the best, Sopranos will always be my favorite just for the simplicity but it's a damn sexy opening.


If you have HBO and you haven't peeped this shit yet, you're missing out.


I love how dark and gritty it is...such a refresher compared to all the bullshit sunshine investigation shows out there.

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Great show. In a way, McConaughey is playing two characters at the same time, since the show takes place in present day and as flash backs. His beer drinking, chain smoking, staring off into space drunkard character is just as good as his past self. Very well done, and those opening credits somewhat remind me of the old X-files opening - which is an all time favorite.

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i can't stand watching shows about cops.


there have been a few exceptions but i am in no hurry to see yet another.


I agree with you 100% but this show is an anomaly.

It doesn't glorify them at all or make them out to be some type of heroes.


You should definitely check it out, I love it and I hate shows about cops and police nonsense.

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!@#$% My mother grandparents and some of my closest friends like the CSU LSI or Crime Scene law & order bull shit. I have never and will never watch that garbage.

Anything that glorifies police activity as if its some divine calling makes me sick. Its just a fucking job that most people milk for a check rather then actually do passionately.


Ok now that I stated my disclaimer, this show is awesome. I am sick on the couch sick, and just watched 3 episodes straight.

Its more of a morbid nature, then police work. Demonic undertones and philosophical struggle of self bury the policing bullshit. I don't even care for these 2 actors in any capacity but together it seems to work, I can only attribute it to the writing. I mean I kinda like Harrelson but not enough to be all about it. Its pretty dark in general.



*edit I can't wait for the new forum so I can use all the pumpkin happy faces with out HTML errors, exhilarating.

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ep 4 was entertaining, but it was definitely a departure from the tone of the first 3 episodes. i was really into how tense and Busy scenes of sparse dialogue could feel in the first 3 episodes, credit to the writing and directing. this episode was fucking Action all the way.


one thing i noticed - rus likes to drink, but it also seems like drinking is a part of his cover, an aspect of his undercover identity. so the fact that he is drinking during the present day interview, from the flask that was hidden in that drawer with all the guns, perhaps implies there is still some large truth or reality he is hiding from. his whole "work in a bar 4 days a week, drink when im off. I know who I am" thing is bullshit.

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Great analysis guys.


Yeah, im with you DUB. I only watched the first season of SOA but that one 15min scene smashed everything that show has ever done. It was tense, hectic and just plain badass.


@Premium, that's a good observation. I like Rust's character alot more than Martin, there is so many levels and something is definately up. Im as intrigued as to why they are interviewing them in the ''present'' and what is going on as I am in the flashbacks.


Episode 4 was a bit different than the rest, but I think it's because of all the action, which I have no problem with.


Can't wait for next week.

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!@#$% My mother grandparents and some of my closest friends like the CSU LSI or Crime Scene law & order bull shit. I have never and will never watch that garbage.

Anything that glorifies police activity as if its some divine calling makes me sick. Its just a fucking job that most people milk for a check rather then actually do passionately.


Ok now that I stated my disclaimer, this show is awesome. I am sick on the couch sick, and just watched 3 episodes straight.


I agree with you 100% but this show is an anomaly.

It doesn't glorify them at all or make them out to be some type of heroes.


You should definitely check it out, I love it and I hate shows about cops and police nonsense.


ok. ... sounds like i should give it a shot.

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@Premium, that's a good observation. I like Rust's character alot more than Martin, there is so many levels and something is definately up..


I kinda disagree. Rus is Supposed to be more interesting than family man Martin, but what became really clear in ep 4 is that they are strangely inverted versions of one another. you are supposed to think rus is this weirdo and martin is a straight laced company man. but rus' drinking and drug addiction were all in the service of working undercover, aka they served a purpose that was ultimately good. martin is an outwardly good man, but his drinking and recklessness are actually fucking his life up and are totally irresponsible and selfish. episode 4 really inverted their relationship in a lot of ways. curious that in present day, neither are cops and both have returned to what could be called their "covers" - rus his drinking, martin his "a man needs a family" bullshit

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I kinda disagree. Rus is Supposed to be more interesting than family man Martin, but what became really clear in ep 4 is that they are strangely inverted versions of one another. you are supposed to think rus is this weirdo and martin is a straight laced company man. but rus' drinking and drug addiction were all in the service of working undercover, aka they served a purpose that was ultimately good. martin is an outwardly good man, but his drinking and recklessness are actually fucking his life up and are totally irresponsible and selfish. episode 4 really inverted their relationship in a lot of ways. curious that in present day, neither are cops and both have returned to what could be called their "covers" - rus his drinking, martin his "a man needs a family" bullshit


I definately wouldn't say one character is suppose to be more intriguing than the other.


From early on I made the observation that while Martin is suppose to be the voice of reason and the ''better'' man he was just as fucked up as Cohle, potentially worse. He preached all this family shit and usually backed up the religious nuts but in the end he was doing as much filth as Rust.


As for Rust drug and alcohol use being for a good cause, I see it more so as it was his only way out of a bad situation, he got used by the system and he is still using long after it is being used for a ''good'' cause. The Percs he buys off the hooker weren't just an in to get information, the man has his demons.


The only inversion I see of their relationship is that in the previous 3 episodes Martin was in command of their actions as detectives, now that Rust is more adept for the type of undercover work they were pulling he is more in command and is calling the shots that Martin previously called.


As for the contemporary, I have my ideas as to what's going on, but if I had to be honest I don't have a fucking clue for sure as they are holding their cards close to the chest. Rust only hid his drinking initially before meeting Martin's family...which he divulged. The roles have also changed because Martin needs Rust to mediate with his wife because he fucked up, where before it was Cohle who needed Martin to help him mediate with the other detectives they work for.

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i agree with all that


one thing i think about. all these characters seem to be grappling with their own definition of morality, and the show seems to give everybody a pretty fair chance to fuck up / to defend their view of themselves and the world. i wonder if they will afford reggie leadeux the same courtesy? we've seen rus, martin, the church, prostitutes, all be simultaneously good and bad people. the shot at the end of ep 3 was so fucking evil, that was awesome. but if they stay true to the show so far, they've got to complicate leadeux, too.

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Very interesting point.....I suppose we shall see.


I know it's jumping the gun but I can't wait to see who the madman actually is....awesome, creppy looking bad guy.


Maybe after all it will wind up being Rust....they sure as fuck in the present seem like they're trying to accuse him of something.

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that would really disappoint me, it would also remind me too much of the usual suspects in a way.


its crazy that the cops seem to not know anything about this period of time when rus went back undercover with these bikers to get this dude. obviously they should be looking back at this case, because there must be a lot of holes in the case, at least on paper.


if rus and martin are kind of opposites in the way they present themselves to the world, could you say the church and the satanists are a kind of mirror of their relationship? i feel like the tuttle people have to play a bigger role as the season goes on

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