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While yall was hating on Jose for coming here to wash dishes...


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The powers that be have been laughing at you and planning what to do with us after computers have taken all of our jobs.

And I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with just letting us run wild.

Hitlers "Jewish question" will now be America's "human question".

And if you ain't from money, take a wild guess at where you and your family are going?



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I'm waiting with bated breath to see what the computer that can do my job will look like.


Prob an emodroid, as I work in the design field.


is it all the jobs DAO? I ain't clicking that link cos it's usually virus-filled nonsense. You know the internet is a conspiracy owned by Jews and therefore full of viruses?


Like, will nannies be replace by computers? What about supermodels?




@DAO the article states "Tyler Cowen is a professor of economics at George Mason University and the author of the forthcoming book “Average is Over,” from which this essay is adapted."

Have you read the book in order to get the context in which this adapted piece of writing originally appears in its original format? I mean, he's an economics prof, so maybe this is not a prediction of things to come, but maybe a model based on one possible outcome? Genuinely curious on this one.

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'Our country is loaning money we don't have, to students that won't be able to pay it back, so that can get jobs that no lo her exist." -Mike Rowe



Our country is becoming a bunch of little bitches who think they are too good for blue collar work

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is it all the jobs DAO? I ain't clicking that link cos it's usually virus-filled nonsense. You know the internet is a conspiracy owned by Jews and therefore full of viruses?


Like, will nannies be replace by computers? What about supermodels?


The article clearly says not all jobs, but most people are not nannies or supermodels.

Are you suggesting that every single average Joe should strive to be a nannie or supermodel? How does that work?




@DAO the article states "Tyler Cowen is a professor of economics at George Mason University and the author of the forthcoming book “Average is Over,” from which this essay is adapted."

Have you read the book in order to get the context in which this adapted piece of writing originally appears in its original format? I mean, he's an economics prof, so maybe this is not a prediction of things to come, but maybe a model based on one possible outcome? Genuinely curious on this one.


Honestly, I just read between the lines. Not saying it's a deliberate evil conspiracy. But with an exploding population plus a dwindling job market, the only logical outcome is higher crime and more laws on the books to feed a booming prison industry. Because something will have to be done with the millions of unemployed "nannies and supermodels" roaming the streets without jobs, homes or any chance of adding any value to society.

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haha reminds me of this article originally written in newsweek magazine from 1995




"Baloney. Do our computer pundits lack all common sense? The truth in no online database will replace your daily newspaper, no CD-ROM can take the place of a competent teacher and no computer network will change the way government works."



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@DAO - the first part of my comment was meant to be sarcastic. Since you wrote

"The powers that be have been laughing at you and planning what to do with us after computers have taken all of our jobs."
I wondered if you literally meant all of the jobs in the world were meant to be taken by computers. Hence the sarcasm re nannies and supermodels.


Your response to the second part - re reading between the lines - you can't do that without context. And I'm honestly unsure of the leap of reasoning that led from "COMPUTERS WILL TAKE ALL OF OUR JOBS AND THE ELITE ARE LAUGHING AT US ALL" to "not saying it's an evil conspiracy but..." Have I missed your sarcasm? Cos normally it's subtle as Beth Ditto's ass. I'm not sure what you believe.


Anyways it's all bullshit. Computers will not take all our jobs. Human error and judgement and the things in our psyches that make us human are way too valuable for that to ever happen.


There are HUGE problems with the employment market, yes. But I don't think they're solely down to computers. There is definitely an element of computer replacement in jobs such as supermarkets (self-service tills) and industrial factory work (some skilled workers replaced by robots) but the issues with employment are much deeper - economic, societal and political factors are at play.


I'll be honest, your original post just made me think you were high and had just watched the Matrix before skim reading that article and madly Oontzin. You do you. It is quite magical.


ETA - ooh, for what it's worth DAO, the just of your thread title is bang on. Many industries rely on immigrant and preferably illegal immigrant labour. Fruit picking is one example I can think of where illegal immigrants are actively courted. Some of the employment/human rights abuses are appalling.

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What, you believe one dude's opinion just because it's on the NYT website?


Really? I reckon you should be a bit more critical about what you read, DAO.


Actually, what he said is what I've been thinking for a long time.

Or at least what a I read between the lines of what he said.

Real talk, people are mad as fuck about illegal aliens supposedly "taking our jobs", but how many of these same people are trying to pick oranges or wash dishes for minimum wage?

Mexican immigrants are the scapegoat tossed out to distract people from who and what is really taking their jobs.


If anything I'm too critical of what I read.

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when you call verizon, you can talk to a computer about your bill and not even press any buttons when giving account information.





I tried calling 411 the other day and after about 5 minutes of repeating myself what city and state over and over again, and then the computer directing me to the private home section after I repeatedly said "business", then repeating over and over again "let me speak to an operator" I finally gave up and had my boy google the shit on his phone.



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