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Respect your elders. part 2

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Theo Huxtable: "More than likely they're just telling their side of the story. It was probably just jealousy: Out-of-towner came in to Philly and started crushing harder and with more style than anyone who had been living there. I like the Philly handstyle don't get me wrong, but not too many people can hang with Skrew when it comes to bombing & style versatility at the same time."




Had nothing to do with his style. His style and rep was more than welcome in Philly which is why he actually got a pass for way too long on what he was doing. It had to do with him going over anybody and everybody indiscriminately. Oldheads, dead people, people he was cool with at first... infact that blockbuster you posted with him and Next is what's going to get his ass whooped by somebody who was originally cool with dude because it was done over him and his peeps. Dude literally burnt every and any bridge he had in Philly. And it says a lot that he even had any bridges to burn in the first place being as he was an outatowner to begin with. Usually outatowners have to start from the bottom and earn their stripes all over again (if even given the chance) when they come to Philly. Philly is the most anti-outatowner city there is when it comes to graffiti, and dude was still welcomed with open arms. And still managed to get himself ran out on a rail.


Also, just cause you find pics of his shit on the internet does not mean that shit is still riding.

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