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NRA: Put an armed guard in every school, yeah guns!


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right, and 50s aren't easily accessible and aren't being used to kill kids while .223s are...


Remove the .223's and the weapon of choice will just change.


Alex Jones to me, as I said when I saw that video makes me, think, laugh and shake my head all at the same time. I think he brings up some excellent points, but comes off as a raving lunatic so most people will dismiss most if not all of the good points he brings to the table, and Piers in that interview try's to discredit his argument even further by bringing up Alex's views on 9/11. Which honestly have nothing to do with said issue.


I do believe Alex is on to something when he talks about Rx pills. They are a true epidemic. Almost everyone I know including myself has been effected by this issue. They destroy families, they destroy minds, and even as advertised can cause people to commit harm to themselves and to others. This isn't addressed at all, and I can pull up links that show the majority of these mass shootings the killer(s) involved were all prescribed one or more of these "medications".


Personally, I align myself with Alex on most of these issue's, call me nut's hate me as you hate him, it's the internet and who the fuck cares. We live in a increasingly chaotic world, and I'm not talking about human nature, I'm talking about corruption, and the breaking down of society, look at the U.S. financial situation, in 2008 how close were we to a true break down of services? Even the most liberal person has to admit a bullet was dodged there. However that issue hasn't even been solved. Another financial crisis is on the horizon, when it will come to fruition is just a matter of time. When society (America) get's to this point what will happen? Honestly I can't answer that, but I can say this, I live in NYC and if things were to get that out of hand, millions of people will panic. And I for one would like something other than a hand gun to protect myself and those I love from the possible results of this panic.


I just dealt with a massive tragedy of my own. I live in an area that was affected by Hurricane Sandy, my parents lost their home, I've seen how slow the authority figures are to respond and how truly on your own you really are when the shit hit's the fan. I survived that Monday night into Tuesday, I was lucky, other's weren't. I only have my own naivety to blame, and I know this. I would go into further details but I think my point was made.


I will not rely on a response time from anyone to protect myself and my family, and unfortunately these weapons are available, and as I said in another thread, apart from hurling all of these semi auto's and military grade weapons into the sun, people can and will obtain them. I think you can see where I am going with this, and in my opinion the only way to combat something of that caliber is to level the playing field.


Personally I would like to see training available to the public who would like to be able to handle such weapons in a responsible and respectful manner. No gun enthusiast (who isn't a sociopath) likes to see children hurt, but when I saw Obama shed his "tears" I could only try to stop myself from laughing, I doubt he cried when he received reports of innocent children that were killed in the numerous bombings and drone attacks over sea's. If he cares so much about children why doesn't he out law these types of attacks. Our American children really that much more important than Pakistani children? Or Palestinian children, or Afghan children? Get the point.


To me this is just an attempt to further take away America's rights, the people who are in a position of Authority aren't stupid, they know if the financial situation does take a turn for the worse, gaining control of the populace will be a pretty hard thing to do. Handling a situation poorly could result in wide spread riots, and civil unrest, then what happens?


Call it paranoia call it what you like, these are the unfortunate realities of the world we live in today. I would like to err on the side of what I can do to protect me the ones I love.


Their are tons of grammatical errors in here, I don't care enough to fix them, if you think that makes me an idiot or my opinion irrelevant fine, good for you.

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yes, American kids are worth more than kids anywhere else.

not out of racism or anything else, he is the president of the USA. whether his tears are real or not, I care about my community and my nation more than the rest of the world. he represents those kids and our people.


we are Americans by identity, not 'citizens of planet earth'

i think its perfectly natural and justifiable to care more about you and yours...

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yes, American kids are worth more than kids anywhere else.

not out of racism or anything else, he is the president of the USA. whether his tears are real or not, I care about my community and my nation more than the rest of the world. he represents those kids and our people.


we are Americans by identity, not 'citizens of planet earth'

i think its perfectly natural and justifiable to care more about you and yours...




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I knew someone would be dickish about this. I mean a handgun is different to a semi or automatic rifle. A handgun is not gonna be rinsing through magazines in the same way a assault rifle would.


Fucking gun nuts


really? how is it different, 17 9mm rounds shot from a semi-auto handgun are less lethal? do you have any recent exemple of a shootout with a legally owned fully auto rifle?

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a fully automatic assault rifle is gonna be able to fire a lot quicker, so that is different, but it is also neither here nor there as no one should be allowed to own a fully automatic weapon.


When it comes down to it, if you can't as a reasonably intelligent person understand that the reason you have so many killings with guns in America is because they are so readily available. If you can't even acknowledge that that is a problem then there is absolutely no reason to discuss it with you because you are as retarded as the NRA types trying to blame gun crime on everything from mental health issues, video games and films. I don't even know why people get so scared about even discussing gun control.


Why do you need to have a military spec assault rifle in your home anyway? If you want to go play with guns like that you should be forced to use gun ranges and the weapons have to stay locked up there.


Also talking about other weapons etc like knives and hammers, yea people get killed with them, but I don't remember hearing any stories about a hammer wielding nutcase killing 20 kids in school.

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It isn't even hard just a few things to limit guns


background check any history of violent behaviour on your record - no gun


any mental health issues - no gun


remove the immunity that gun companies have, tobacco companies can get sued for tobacco damamge why can't a gun company be sued for producing a pointless weapon with no other purpose than mass death?


add an additional 20% tax on guns and ammunition, don't you have a defecit problem?


Make all gun owners go to a proper test, you need that to drive you should be qualified to own a gun - if you don't no gun


and that isn't even taking away any guns, just making it harder and more expensive to get them


every sale of a gun has to be kept on record permenantly, also could make every gun owner once a year confirm he still holds that weapon.

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it's a country with a complete gun control, almost like uk. If the killer come with a revolver holding six rounds would he kill more people than a hammer/knife/axe psychopath?


So I suggest you learn more about the american gun law, you will be amazed to realise that most of your propositions/ideas are already existing laws.

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it's a country with a complete gun control, almost like uk. If the killer come with a revolver holding six rounds would he kill more people than a hammer/knife/axe psychopath?


Based on a number of recent attacks in China I'd say it's pretty clear that the answer is yes, the person with a 6 shot revolver would kill more people.

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When it comes down to it, if you can't as a reasonably intelligent person understand that the reason you have so many killings with guns in America is because they are so readily available. If you can't even acknowledge that that is a problem then there is absolutely no reason to discuss it with you because you are as retarded as the NRA types trying to blame gun crime on everything from mental health issues, video games and films. I don't even know why people get so scared about even discussing gun control.




"The key facts are:


• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people

• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people

• Puerto Rico tops the world's table for firearms murders as a percentage of all homicides - 94.8%. It's followed by Sierra Leone in Africa and Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean"


again, more guns doesn't really equal more murders.




Also talking about other weapons etc like knives and hammers, yea people get killed with them, but I don't remember hearing any stories about a hammer wielding nutcase killing 20 kids in school.



This kinda turns into the argument of which situations are "more important" than others, or which do you choose to care about more, OR whose lives the media would value more/report on because statistically, more people get killed by those weapons in the US every year than guns. but it isn't really as gripping as hearing about a school of kids being shot up. You're right though, nobody has killed 20 kids in a school with a hammer or knife.

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More guns will cause more gun crime it is that simple.


Those other countries are like lawless 3rd world backwaters hardly comparable to the USA. I honestly don't care if nothing happens in the U.S. I don't have to worry about guns because they are so rare here.


I just find it hilarious that people actually believe there isn't a gun problem in the USA.

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I didn't read any of those aforementioned backwater countries, but I'm willing to bet they include Jamaica and Brazil, or other parts of Central/Latin America.


Those countries have a higher gun problem than the US, but comparing them to America as equal states is hysterical.


From my time in this thread, all I've learned is that people who refuse to budge--even a little--on the gun issue can't make an argument with direct correlation substantiating their position...it's always loose parallels at best and wholly unrelated comparisons at worst.


There's that drug argument again...people want drugs for personal gratification, not to kill others. It's entirely different. The market would not be nearly as high if guns were banned outright, and I don't even agree with a complete gun moratorium. And gun crime is already rampant with the policies that are in place, so yeah, there's not a hint of that either...

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More guns will cause more gun crime it is that simple.




It's not quite THAT simple, because like I posted before, info taken from the FBI site suggests otherwise. In other words as gun ownership keeps going up in the US, violent crime keeps going down. I think we are technically at a 20 year low. And again, no, im not saying it's BECAUSE of more guns that it goes down, but at the very least the increased numbers of arms here haven't affected violent crime rate by making it go up.


say what you want about crime in other countries and how you can't compare it, but the fact is the US is the #1 country for gun ownership, by leaps and bounds. by Decyferon's logic, we should have the highest gun crime rate....we don't. not even close.


I'm starting to sound like a broken record. this whole thread is. And something is annoying about arguing constitutional gun rights with people who don't even live in this country, besides Fist, who's last big post made sense.



The governor of NY gave his speech yesterday outlining his plans for increased gun control. half of it i actually agree with, such as increasing penalties for criminals caught with guns, and increased effort to keep them from the mentally ill. The part i don't agree with is banning the sale of "assault weapons," mainly because I'm not so sure Cuomo even has a definition of assault weapons. For now he means AR15 styled rifles, in the future I see him going for any semi automatics, including handguns. The other part I don't agree with is magazine limits. So I already can't carry more than 10 rounds in my glock, but i can carry multiple magazines of 10 rounds if i want. seems like a half assed law that does pretty much nothing. At the same time, to reiterate what Fist said, if you can't stop someone with 10 rounds in a handgun then you really don't know what you're doing in the first place.

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First video is pretty dumb, he's trying to compare two statistics that are actually compiled differently. Violent crime in America is what, three or four offences? Here, or the UK it encompasses a lot more than that.


Second video, well, from this thread it would seem the 'anti' people are more targeting the need for someone to own assault rifles, automatic rifles, I guess.. Big guns. Because as long as people say 'guns stop crime' for, every single story posted, unless I've missed one, that backs up the argument of guns stopping crime, has been a small handgun.

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yet another straw man.

this current outrage isn't born of violent crime, it is not about gun murders. it is about MASS MURDERS. how many mass killings took place the UK in 2012, 2011, 2010...


one in 3 years with 12 dead. the previous was in 1996 which was what the UK ban was born of. (there was one in 2012 with 3 dead, US doesn't count mass killings until 4)


how many in the US in those 3 years, and since 96 and how many killed?


bringing up fucking el salvador or honduras? come the fuck on.


for those of you on the guns can do no wrong side: what or when is the line crossed that guns do need some attention? is it ever going to be a gun related problem or will you always skirt it to blame society, education, movies, games, etc?

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