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A 13-Year-Old's Slavery Analogy Raises Some Uncomfortable Truths in School


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Why arent you getting this? I'm white. There is nothing you can say that'll hurt my feelings. Why would I retaliate against a do six year old when I have to do is sit back and nothing and I'll have a great life? Meanwhile Darkie had to say goodbye to all his friends because his parents withdrew him. They martyred his entire social life on a personal vendetta against "the man." He was fucked before age six. He's probably right now on some forum writing about how he's "keeping it real" by "keeping it unemployable." That's what people like you don't get. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS NOT BE A NIGGER to be successful. That's literally the key to success. And not nigger as in black people. Nigger as in chris rock would call you a nigger for the post you just made.


youre lame as fuck dude. go get some pussy


so lil homie is "fucked" socially because he lost his friends from pre school b???get the fuck outta here faggot. who keeps the same circle of friends from kindergarden? hes not white, hes knows how to talk to women b.


you think youre successful?? you know who my boss is at my job?? me motherfucker! i go to work when i fuckin want to and im high and drunk all fuckin day making more money than you. my parents make more money than your parents too.


ridin 24's bitch. fuck your honda civic

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white people are always playing that victim card.




Yeah dog it's us white devils that play the victim card, not you lazy, boot lipped, nig-nogs.












Edit: Wait, what am I doing? I don't need to get in the middle of this, I'm white. I'm gonna go swim in my pool then go drive around at night and not get pulled over for no reason.

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youre lame as fuck dude. go get some pussy


so lil homie is "fucked" socially because he lost his friends from pre school b???get the fuck outta here faggot. who keeps the same circle of friends from kindergarden? hes not white, hes knows how to talk to women b.


you think youre successful?? you know who my boss is at my job?? me motherfucker! i go to work when i fuckin want to and im high and drunk all fuckin day making more money than you. my parents make more money than your parents too.


ridin 24's bitch. fuck your honda civic


Six years old is elementary school, not preschool. I'll let that slide because your parents couldnt afford it. And 24's dont count if your car's leased with money you were supposed to withhold for taxes. That also means you're not your own boss, because being "self employed" just determines what tax forms you fill out, which you never do. And that "business" of yours is unlikely legitimate if you never went to college. So I bet you're right, I bet you WILL be keeping it real into your 60's. More like your 80's with that chrome rim retirement plan you've got.... If you dont die in your 40's from cardiac arrest/diabetes/aids.

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i bet you wouldnt even have the balls to say those things to that LITTLE GIRLS face. let alone a black youth fresh from a jail stint.


i say some shit to a black youth and what happens? i stay white, employed, living comfortably and at worst get a black eye? while he gets another assault charge and does some more time.


either way, lulz will be had on my end of it.


and you stay black, bitter, and completely non-productive while questioning people's testicular fortitude on the web. you're really showing peckerwoods like me great reasons to think of you as anything more than 3/5 of a man.

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Why arent you getting this? I'm white. There is nothing you can say that'll hurt my feelings. Why would I retaliate against a do six year old when all I have to do is sit back and do nothing and I'll have a great life? Meanwhile darkie had to say goodbye to all his friends because his parents withdrew him. They martyred his entire social life/childhood on a personal vendetta against "the man." He was fucked before age six. He's probably right now on some forum writing about how he's "keeping it real" by keeping it unemployable.



You didn't even read the article and you're on here being a fucking racist.





To whoever else it was speaking rationally without insults. Yes, very much a socio-economic focus before race.

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I actually read the article AND watched the youtube video of her giving the speech. YOU didn't read MY response, fucktard. The post you quoted is something that happened to ME and has nothing to do with your retarded article.


THe real question is, why did Mr. Incognito find this article? Is he taking classes online at the university of phoenix? Or even worse, is he IN phoenix? if so LOL.


Why are there white teachers in mostly black/hispanic school districts? ASK THE BLACK/HISPANIC COMMUNITIES. BLACK/HISPANICS DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT TEACHING. There are some, I had some, but not as many as I've had whites and asians.


WHY DOES IT EVEN MATTER WHAT RACE THEY ARE? Kids don't see color that way. Kids in black/hispanic communities just think white people are rare like pokemon. When they see one in the streets riding a bicycle or doing something white people do, they stop and stare, and then go home and tell their friends. They dont think better or worse about them. The only kid who cares that their teacher is white, is a kid with racist parents. Poor Hispanic and Black people are the most racist people I know. That's not a bad thing, I'm just saying that poor black and hispanic people bitch about when a white person says ANYTHING remotely racist, then they turn around and help their kid write an essay about how nothing has changed since the days of slavery because their public school teacher is white. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. We can go back to the days when you had to be white to receive a public education if you feel that way.


The kid wasn't expelled for thinking public education was slavery. THe kid wasnt even expelled. The kid was removed from class. We dont even know for how long. I bet you it went down like this, the kid was taken out of class for the day so the teacher could have a sit down with the parent about the disturbing racist things he/she said. The parent/teacher conference happened, the parents didn't feel like their son/daughter should have to be more tolerant to white teachers SO THEY PULLED THEM OUT OF SCHOOL for the publicity. They said, "Sorry Junior, say bye to your friends because mommy and daddy have a vendetta to fulfill and we're gonna use you for political gain." ANY PARENT that pulls their kid out of a public school because of some shit THEIR KID said, instead of working with their kid, is a fucking moron.


A very similar thing happened to me in kindergarten. Black kid walks up behind me and bashes my head into a concrete waterfountain. Lost one of my first teeth like that. When he's sent to the principal he tells him that i called him a nigger. Him telling the prinicpal is the first time i ever heard the word. Black kid is taken out of class until the principal can talk to the parents. Parents withdrew him from school because they dont like the way their kid was treated and put him in some private school. Meanwhile i'm missing a fucking tooth because they taught their son a whole lot of intolerance.

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a racist just called me a fucktard!!!!!!! LOL


You're right… I didn't read your response… I don't consider anything you say to have merit or significance. I don't have time to engage with ignorance. And I couldn't give a fuck that youre still butthurt over something that happened to you when you were a little kid. Or that you use that as an excuse to justify racism.


If you think this subject is retarded, why don't you move on?

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a racist just called me a fucktard!!!!!!! LOL


You're right… I didn't read your response… I don't consider anything you say to have merit or significance. I don't have time to engage with ignorance. And I couldn't give a fuck that youre still butthurt over something that happened to you when you were a little kid. Or that you use that as an excuse to justify racism.


If you think this subject is retarded, why don't you move on?


OF COURSE YOU DIDN'T read the posts. Reading the posts so you understand context would make way too much sense for you.


Let me help you catch up. Right now you're calling me a racist for naming statistical facts about black people and saying my argument has no merit because a.) you couldn't be bothered to actually read it and b.) think im a racist. Meanwhile youre defending the right of a 13 year old to be wildly racist and accuse her white teachers of making her a slave. So lets get this straight: 13 year old raving racist black girl who blames whitey for all her problems: beacon of hope. White guy, telling stories about shit that ACTUALLY HAPPENED.... racist.


Come out with it. You think every other culture is allowed to be racist EXCEPT WHITE PEOPLE. . You sir are the real racist here. TUT TUT FOR SHAME.

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I dunno about all that, but it really annoys me when people think that only whites can be racist. I have dealt with a ton of otherwise educated and decent people who are part of that school of thought, and the shit drives me nuts.

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OF COURSE YOU DIDN'T read the posts. Reading the posts so you understand context would make way too much sense for you.


Let me help you catch up. Right now you're calling me a racist for naming statistical facts about black people and saying my argument has no merit because a.) you couldn't be bothered to actually read it and b.) think im a racist. Meanwhile youre defending the right of a 13 year old to be wildly racist and accuse her white teachers of making her a slave. So lets get this straight: 13 year old raving racist black girl who blames whitey for all her problems: beacon of hope. White guy, telling stories about shit that ACTUALLY HAPPENED.... racist.


Come out with it. You think every other culture is allowed to be racist EXCEPT WHITE PEOPLE. . You sir are the real racist here. TUT TUT FOR SHAME.



Lol.. I don't even know where to start with this… not sure if I should be offended, amused or flattered that you think im a dude…


But um… Yeah sir, yes sir, you are right and I am wrong and your derogatory manner towards black people (in this thread alone) definitely makes me a racist.

I am very sorry and I promise never to talk about anything ever again.




For the record, I know plenty of racists… Some have skin like mine, some do not (go ahead and make assumptions on how you perceive that be be, also)….

I do not tolerate racism on any level. And if you're stupid enough to think I'm defending something just by discussing it then I'll just leave you alone to stew in that.

Have fun!

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Lol.. I don't even know where to start with this… not sure if I should be offended, amused or flattered that you think im a dude…


But um… Yeah sir, yes sir, you are right and I am wrong and your derogatory manner towards black people (in this thread alone) definitely makes me a racist.

I am very sorry and I promise never to talk about anything ever again.




For the record, I know plenty of racists… Some have skin like mine, some do not (go ahead and make assumptions on how you perceive that be be, also)….

I do not tolerate racism on any level. And if you're stupid enough to think I'm defending something just by discussing it then I'll just leave you alone to stew in that.

Have fun!


You know what your problem is? You're a woman brainwashed with this pseudo feminist crap from too many talk shows convincing you that men and women think differently, so if man says this, then a woman must take up an opposing position.


I dont know what color your skin is. It doesnt matter. You're an american woman, which sums up all your countless insecurities and self destructive character flaws nicely. You need to get some real world perspective. Everywhere is racist. Every culture is racist. I was raised by chinese people. My best friend's japanese. My coworker who i've known since highschool is black. MY roommate is indian. I hang out with mexicans that like to do mexican things like show off their hunting knives in fancy restaurants without thinking what the table of upstanding white folk might think next to us. The only one that pretends not to be racist is you. You think being politically correct and turning a blind eye to racism makes you less ignorant? Lets see what you just did: You avoided any real conversation about your shitty article. You missed the fact that everyone in here was making jokes. You went straight for defending a little racist girl WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY DISMISSIVELY LABELING everyone a racist. Clearly you have no problem labeling people and being dismissive to views other than your own, yet you have a problem with me for supposedly the same thing. None of that makes sense, but making sense doesn't matter to you because you're a woman.


Here's the funny thing. You wont admit you were wrong about EVERYTHING because admitting you're wrong isnt in your female hardwiring. You're so caught up in your own bullshit that losing a fucking thread discussion would feel like a demotion in the social hierarchy of stupid girls, which is SO important to all of you. Logic doesnt get your vagina wet. It runs on emotions, insecurity and paranoia, just like your brain.


Try to think like a man for a second and be logical. Read your first response to me again. Realize you made a typical female error in logic, shrug it off and take your cunt for a walk.



Oh and here's something to think about before you call me a racist again. Do you know where the term "nigger" comes from? There was this black guy who was acting like a nigger, so they called him a nigger. True story.

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Women. Do I need to say more?


You know what your problem is? You're a woman brainwashed with this pseudo feminist crap from too many talk shows convincing you that men and women think differently, so if man says this, then a woman must take up an opposing position.


I dont know what color your skin is. It doesnt matter. You're an american woman, which sums up all your countless insecurities and self destructive character flaws nicely. You need to get some real world perspective. Everywhere is racist. Every culture is racist. I was raised by chinese guys. My best friend's japanese. My coworker who i've known since highschool is black. MY roommate is indian. I hang out with mexicans that like to do mexican things like show off their hunting knives in fancy restaurants without thinking what the table of upstanding white folk might think next to us. The only one that pretends not to be racist is you. You think being politically correct and turning a blind eye to racism makes you less ignorant? Lets see what you just did: You avoided any real conversation about your shitty article. You missed the fact that everyone in here was making jokes. You went straight for defending a little racist girl WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY LABELING everyone a racist. Clearly you have no problem labeling people and being dismissive to views other than your own.


Here's the funny thing. You wont admit you were wrong about EVERYTHING because admitting you're wrong isnt in your hardwiring. You're so caught up in your own bullshit that losing a fucking thread discussion would feel like a demotion in the social hierarchy of stupid girls. Your vagina doesnt run on logic. It runs on emotions, insecurity and paranoia.


Try to think like a man for a second and be logical. Read your first response to me again. Realize you made a typical female error, shrug it off and take your cunt for a walk.





Women. Do I need to say more?


well, no. but you did! thank you for sharing! you seem to know a lot about women!


I feel bad that I've upset you (must be that stupid vagina of mine, compassion is in our "hardwiring" or so i've heard)… and I feel ULTRA bad (for you) that the thoughts of a 13 year old girl have your knickers in a knot.




and LOL at me watching talk shows! sorry darl... not my scene.

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Sweetie, women can't upset men, because they cant get words to form logical sentences.


And OF COURSE that's not your scene... jesus.


Reminds me of this broad...


Also, "compassion?!" You're being COMPASSIONATE to a community of racist people! Why is that ok if you hate racism? Wait, I know why. It's because you pity them for being less fortunate than you. You pity them for being black, poor, and uneducated. That's not compassion, that's liberal guilt and patronizing. AND you fail to realize that they're poor and uneducated BECAUSE THEY'RE RACIST. That little 13 year old girl is fucked. She's not going to go to college and get along with white classmates and white teachers. She's not going to get a job and work for a white boss or respect white clients, customers, and coworkers. SHES FUCKED. And her parents were fucked for the same reasons. The MOST IMPORTANT lesson for anyone to learn is taught in kindergarten/preschool: HOW TO BE SOCIAL. This girl doesnt have it, and she's living in a community that supports her antisocial behavior. That community is raising failure. This isnt a socio-economic issue. Its a cultural one.

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Sweetie, women can't upset men, because they cant get words to form logical sentences.


And OF COURSE that's not your scene... jesus.


Reminds me of this broad...


Also, "compassion?!" You're being COMPASSIONATE to a community of racist people! Why is that ok if you hate racism? Wait, I know why. It's because you pity them for being less fortunate than you. You pity them for being black, poor, and uneducated. That's not compassion, that's liberal guilt and patronizing. AND you fail to realize that they're poor and uneducated BECAUSE THEY'RE RACIST. That little 13 year old girl is fucked. She's not going to go to college and get along with white classmates and white teachers. She's not going to get a job and work for a white boss or respect white clients, customers, and coworkers. SHES FUCKED. And her parents were fucked for the same reasons. The MOST IMPORTANT lesson for anyone to learn is taught in kindergarten/preschool: HOW TO BE SOCIAL. This girl doesnt have it, and she's living in a community that supports her antisocial behavior. That community is raising failure. This isnt a socio-economic issue. Its a cultural one.


Woah! Back that truck up, Master of the Universe!

It is YOU I feel sorry for (now, even more so... upsetting you with my topic of discussion and vagina).

I was not referring to the girl in the story when I previously mentioned compassion. Is that clear?

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Woah! Back that truck up, Master of the Universe!

It is YOU I feel sorry for (now, even more so... upsetting you with my topic of discussion and vagina).

I was not referring to the girl in the story when I previously mentioned compassion. Is that clear?


As long as you didnt misguide some of that compassion towards niggers I think we've found some common ground. Glad we cleared that up. Now how do you feel about jews?

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