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Darwin's Theory: Natural Selection, "EVOLUTION"


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Actually if you read the link soup posted, there is no implication that the least educated people are religious:


"Previous Gallup research shows that the rate of church attendance is fairly constant across educational groups, suggesting that this relationship is not owing to an underlying educational difference but instead reflects a direct influence of religious beliefs on belief in evolution."

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Who cares what other people believe anyway. There is fact and there

is fiction choose one and get over it.


How bout no? We gotta get America flat out accept Evolution as a fact. Can you imagine living in a country where SIXTY PERCENT of the population thought the world was flat? That's basically where we are right now. SIXTY PERCENT of america doesnt agree with Evolution yet you can see evolution just like you can see the world is round.


Evolution is so crucial to your everyday life. It's the reason you're fat, skinny, tall, short, weak, strong, diseased, etc. It's the reason why we can test drugs on mice first, because we're EIGHTY PERCENT genetically similar. It's the reason why we have sex, and why we don't look exactly like our parents, and why it's a bad idea to procreate with your sister. Its the reason why I had to have my wisdom teeth removed when I was eleven.


Evolution doesnt dispute RELIGION or the existence of a god. It disputes ONE dumb idea from a group of Abrahamic monotheists (Judiasm and their offshoot religions, Islam and Christianity) that somehow went from being a handful of hipsters in the middle east to 65% of the world population. Evolution still totally jives with monotheism, hinduism, and everybody else who doesnt think Even was spawned of Adam's broken rib.

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Getting everyone to except evolution and disregard what they have been taught their entire lives i think would be a bad idea. It would remove the prospect of everlasting life and the kingdom of god and going to heaven to marry a dozen virgins ect.. It gives meaning and stability to their lives and to life itself. Don't pop the balloon bruh

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God damn if I dont hate agreeing with Soup but your last two post were on point.


McNothin, ignorance is bliss and to most extents I say let people do what makes them happy,

and if believe and live their life concerning themselves is what they do with their faith,

im a hundred percent for that, but as fist and a few others have said these unfortunately are

many of the people who vote on retarded laws that dont effect them in any way other than by hurting their little feelings.


Keep religion out of politics, and as far as evolution goes ive believed in it for a while now, but I do also consider the possibility of a creator of some sort.

As Soup said, that can totally co-exist

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God damn if I dont hate agreeing with Soup but your last two post were on point.


McNothin, ignorance is bliss and to most extents I say let people do what makes them happy,

and if believe and live their life concerning themselves is what they do with their faith,

im a hundred percent for that, but as fist and a few others have said these unfortunately are

many of the people who vote on retarded laws that dont effect them in any way other than by hurting their little feelings.


Keep religion out of politics, and as far as evolution goes ive believed in it for a while now, but I do also consider the possibility of a creator of some sort.

As Soup said, that can totally co-exist


I love how in order for anyone to agree with me it's obligatory for them to say how much they hate doing so.


I do want to add that there are a number of religious people that contributed greatly to the study of genetics and evolution. Gregor Mendel, the Abbott of a monastery in zee Deutschland, was one of the most significant contributors to genetics in history. Even the pope thinks the creationist vs evolution debate is retarded. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19956961/ns/world_news-europe/t/pope-creation-vs-evolution-clash-absurdity/


So even if hating on Soup is popular (because Im smarter and better looking than everyone else), you can at least agree with the holy man in the pointy hat.

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No, that shit is false anyway but the reason I hate to agree with you is you're a bleeding heart.


And half the shit you say in here is retarded, 3/4 in channel zero and probably 100% IRL.

But when you've got a point, you've got a point.


Religious fools throughout history have got down on some science, I dont see why the two cant co-exist. Its like if you're religious, you have to be a retard and fight against science. If you believe in science and evolution it seems to mean you can't believe in anything else.

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Why is it being pushed as complete fact? It is only a theory right? Is it because the idea of one thing changing into another thing over millions of years supposed to be more scientific or is more suitable to teach in schools vs anything else? Should anything be taught in school regarding human origin if there are no definite answers?


Your thought ?[/size][/color]


There is a small group of researchers that ask these very same questions challenging creationism, natural selection and everything else in between. I suggest a good starting point if you're interested would be Lloyd Pye




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And there's the obligatory explanation for WHY it's obligatory to hate Soups when he puts you in the uncomfortable position of agreeing with someone smarter and better looking than the rest of 12oz.



sorry, just trying to give some empirical evidence for this statement you made.




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:lol: ^

That image was in my head the whole time he was speaking his nonsense.


Soup, calm the fuck down jesus.

All I agree with you is that evolution and religion can co-exist.


You're not getting a medal or anything, and because you say one thing I agree with it dosent make me uncomfortable, it makes me go ''wow, he's not 100% retarded''


Anyway though the subject of evolution and religion are tired to me.

just had to knock Soup off his soap box.

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I'm shaking my head at how you don't get satire. All the years of posts you've gathered thinking you were developing a profile of a person you actually think exists.


Meanwhile I have no clue who you are, what other posts you've made, or how long you've been on 12oz. I am gonna judge you for typing "IRL" tho.


Also that picture is damn sexy. Makes me want to grow my hair out again.

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Its the internet you fucking dork, sarcasm and satire dont always translate.

Not to mention your dull sense of humor, and poor delivery of such dosent help your cause.


I dont know what you're rambling about concerning developing a profile and yada yada yada mainly because I bearly skim what you write.


I could care less bruh, no idea who you are other than that horrendeous picture that numerous

oontzers have used to clown you. Basically the only reason I even skim your post in crossfire is a lack there for of as far as anyone consistently posting in these threads.


And all thats funny, because you seem like the type of douche who would notice that shit and keep fucking notes like a loser.


So whats wrong with an acronym?

I guess that black kid did more brain damage to you in kindergarden that you've shared.

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Its the internet you fucking dork, sarcasm and satire dont always translate.

Not to mention your dull sense of humor, and poor delivery of such dosent help your cause.


I dont know what you're rambling about concerning developing a profile and yada yada yada mainly because I bearly skim what you write.


I could care less bruh, no idea who you are other than that horrendeous picture that numerous

oontzers have used to clown you. Basically the only reason I even skim your post in crossfire is a lack there for of as far as anyone consistently posting in these threads.


And all thats funny, because you seem like the type of douche who would notice that shit and keep fucking notes like a loser.


So whats wrong with an acronym?

I guess that black kid did more brain damage to you in kindergarden that you've shared.


Anyone else laughing at this?


You just said I'd be a loser for keeping notes on a 12oz user, THEN immediately called back a story I told like a month and a half ago... AFTER you said you barely read my posts.


Seriously I have no fucking clue who you are, what other user accounts you've had, if you've EVER made a thread or a post in Ch 0... I have no idea. No clue at all. I dont even follow the 20 or so 12ozers I've met in real life.


And yet you seem to think you have who I am pegged. Which is funny because you yourself started out saying "Its hard to tell if somone's joking or not." Your logic does not compute.


And you'll never know what i'm like in real life. You're not invited to find out.


ALso if i did know you in real life and you typed "IRL" I would :lol: in your :china: looking :(

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Haha jesus dude you try WAY too hard.


It was a month ago, youre acting like thats a year.

In crossfire time thats like hours homo.


That thread was entertaining, I didnt pick you out specifically I just have this thing called

a fucking memory. Its not hard to remember the faggot that calls himself gorgeous and smart

talking about a nigger beating his brains in on the playground, that shit sticks with you.


No one on here knows who I am, because ive never cared to get to know anyone on here because im afraid they'll all be huge fucking faggots like you. Whereas this site is a large chunk of your day to day

I actually have a life outside of arguing with people on the internet.


Ive had one account, its obvious from your name that you're a fucking retard whose probably

sucked too many dicks and done too many speedballs that you cant remember something someone says over a week ago.


I dont have you pegged at all, the less I know about you the better.

All I know is youre ugly, youre probably 30's if not approaching and you look like you're starting to

lose your hair already, but thats from a picture in this thread playboy before you go saying that

ive got KGB notes on your stupid ass.


And I promise you, if I knew you in real life we'd never be near each other as I dont hang out with faggots, losers, or old men trying to stay relevent.


I can also promise you if you even attempted to laugh in my face IRL id beat your face in worse than the preschool nigger.


I hear your moms calling, your butter toast is ready ya fuckin bum.

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wow, i never would have imagined a thread about evolution could have evoked such emotion from people.



Exactly what I'm saying. This theory has so much sentimental attachement to it. When the day comes that evolution is beyond a reasonable doubt proven to be false. People will shit their pants.

We need a extraterrestrial life thread on the radical theory of them mating with primitive man so we can mine for gold



Aliens Bro

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