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I seriously don't believe that he thinks the reason people were making fun of him is because he was the only person on the whole forum that knew that swimming mammals DIDNT evolve from fish.


Super trollin...


YEah, gotta be trolling. There is no way that a rational person can twist the arguments the way he does, and then stick them like a whale on a bone.






see what I did there? :cool:

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I'm assuming you were in the 6th grade before 1980. Things change DAO, scientific discoveries happen all the time. You are using animated pictures as "evidence"...I wasn't here for your original argument but I'm just showing how it might be flawed.




It was a lot closer to 1990 when I was in 6th grade.

Do you really think NBB and I google image searched those pics in 1980?



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Also, another gem that you missed out on from that original argument that you weren't even around for is Wolves, foxes and Coyotes not being dogs because they're not domesticated.


And Spitfire saying something about nobody knowing for sure that the Earth was round until we took pics from the moon.


You wanna jump in on that too?

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YEah, gotta be trolling. There is no way that a rational person can twist the arguments the way he does, and then stick them like a whale on a bone.






see what I did there? :cool:




You weren't around for it either.

Another noob jumping on a meme that you know nothing about.


You gonna say that wolves aren't dogs and that nobody knew the earth was round until pics were taken from the moon, too?

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Hey, stoopid, according to your current username either were you.



Yes, I was around under another username and no I WASN'T EVEN TAKING PART IN THE FUCKING FISH DISCUSSION, you autistic fuck. I'm still referring to how you took what I said about some borders being natural barriers and you twisting that in to me talking about fucking Asians and 3 continents on the Asian land mass.


This is the perfect example of you trolling and proliferating arguments.

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Hey, stoopid, according to your current username either were you.



Yes, I was around under another username and no I WASN'T EVEN TAKING PART IN THE FUCKING FISH DISCUSSION, you autistic fuck. I'm still referring to how you took what I said about some borders being natural barriers and you twisting that in to me talking about fucking Asians and 3 continents on the Asian land mass.


This is the perfect example of you trolling and proliferating arguments.



Hey noob, you have no recollection of the subject that you're interjecting yourself into because you're a fucking noob.

If you weren't a noob, you'd have recollection of the subject that you're interjecting yourself into.

And you also would have stated your original name to prove that you're not a noob.



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Yeah, nice try DAO, been here since 2007, watched your silly arguments about booze being a stimulant, urine being sterile, you not pooping in public and all that other shit. I wasn't part of the dog/whale argument as I didn't give a shit about it. I did enter in the discussion if Indians were Asians or Mid Easterns, etc. However you will note that in this thread all I have said is that borders are not all man made, as you have argued but that some are also natural such as mountains, rivers and coastlines. That's all I've said, but given that you love the attention you insist on trying to find a button to push by expanding arguments and taking creative license with what people actually say.


And it was ASS that you used to argue with, not Tresix0, as I said in the other thread.

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