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crime goes backpacking

crime stoppers

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yeah auschwitz/birkenau was mental I ended up there twice some how but each time in dead of winter.

that little wall where the prisoners were executed is really moving to think that 100,000 people were shot dead against it and then you notice how eroded the bricks are.

really jealous Crime stoppers you're doing my backpacking trip of years ago and I get to relive it through your pics.


where's your next port of call?

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yeah auschwitz isnt something you can prepare for, you know what you will see but when you see it its surreal. so hard to come to grips with the fact that youre walking on the same ground as millions of people who were starved, tortured or gassed as soon as they get off the train.


not sure where ill go next; the polish girl i hooked up with lives in wroclaw and invited me to head up there, really want to see croatia, hungary, slovenia and slovakia. mum also wants me to visit her in london and im getting pretty broke so who knows.


just got offered to be the event manager at my hostel for a free room, going to do that for a while until i sort some shit out.

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just got offered to be the event manager at my hostel for a free room, going to do that for a while until i sort some shit out.


An interesting approach, I'm surprised you haven't got a YMS visa and just earn some pounds then go enjoy the fruits of your labor with decent cash around Europe then just head back to the UK, work some more, go see more. Each to their own and all that i guess, as long as you're having a good time aye....

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not sure where ill go next; the polish girl i hooked up with lives in wroclaw and invited me to head up there.


Smash that.


Remember in CPH when we got all those free drinks from that upstairs bar... The best part was when I tried to hit on that bird on the way out, should've settled for the Finn. Good times.



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An interesting approach, I'm surprised you haven't got a YMS visa and just earn some pounds then go enjoy the fruits of your labor with decent cash around Europe then just head back to the UK, work some more, go see more. Each to their own and all that i guess, as long as you're having a good time aye....


i was thinking about it quite seriously, i just find the idea of english speaking countries mad boring,but i am running out of options, im thinking thats a last resort type deal. my abilities as a liquor snob would work pretty well in london though, could jew mad retards out of their hard earned.


did you do the same?


Serious question,


Do you speak any other langauges and how much has that helped in your journey?


i speak conversational german, it has been seriously helpful in my german travels, people there seriously appreciate the effort i put in to learning what i have, which is fairly impressive for your average aussie. they open up and are far more willing to help, not to say theyre dicks if you dont but german is such a big language that their english is no where near as good as say scandinavian or polish people where its a necessity.


Smash that.


Remember in CPH when we got all those free drinks from that upstairs bar... The best part was when I tried to hit on that bird on the way out, should've settled for the Finn. Good times.




do i know you?


i still have a lump on my hand from opening all those ciders on the table, should have settled for the scando's. retrospectively, i would have been all in and around the swede you told to fuck off. funny how a few months of travel has made my skills a million times better.


shame we never did krakow dude, possibly the coolest place ive been so far, and thats a fucking big endorsement. save some cash and come over you jew, if shit goes to plan ill be here a while. wally, damo, nagy and a friend you dont know will be here soon, also the receptionist here is a mutual friend of jason (the awesome canuck from CPH) small world mayne.

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Ive been planning travels to SA or Europe and ive been learning Spanish partially through school and somewhat on my own.


Ive met alot of French who speak spanish fluently so im hoping if I do go to Europe, which now im favoring SA, that the langauge will earn brownie points.

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the whole idea of learning a language through a textbook is a joke. the best way to learn any language, as ive learned, is to immerse yourself in the country. you get a feel for the style and slang they use and learn far quicker than any other way ive tried.


think about it, how do little kids lean their mother tongue? they dont use textbooks or vocab lists, they just get into it. best advice i can give is just go there and it will happen naturally.

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Exactly why ive been focused way more on SA


Plus I have an unhealthy attraction to women with large brown asses.

Ive been trying to speak as much in everyday life, even to my family/friends who

dont speak a lick just so i can familiarize myself with it.


Im hoping by next summer to be teaching english somewhere south of the Equator.

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update for those interested about poland;


realism; ive been kicking it with polish peoples all week, they are very openly racist here, like they hate everyone that doesnt have white skin and even then they have some hang-ups.



there are seriously few minorities here, which is a pretty stark contrast to the rest of europe. i know a gay dude here who had a friend who got jumped outside a gay bar for being gay...ha!


polish girls enjoy the dicking too.


i give this place my full endorsement.


and a joke i learned here; what happens when a jew with an erection runs into a wall?

































he breaks his nose.



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  • 3 weeks later...

its been a while since my last update, my photobucket went over its bandwidth so i couldnt do much.


still working at the same hostel, although i got given a bartenders job because she fucked a dude on the bar couch in the middle of her shit and verbally abused customers who called her out on her shithouse service. she also didnt rock up for a shift and they asked me to fill in, pretty much a given at that point.


as mentioned in another thread, i fucked a girl i work with, big mistake now everytime i hit on someone new one of the workers cockblocks me...assholes. i also hooked up with a girl who cuts herself, is a nutcase and gave me her pyjama top because she thought it would remind me of her...on the weekend she stayed at my hostel and i had to move heaven and earth to avoid the depressed psycho, fun times!


anyway, birkenau



kinda like The Great Escape.



the main selection area, if youve heard of Joseph Mengele AKA the angel of death; this is where he did his thing.



train car used to transport people from as far away as Greece.



would have been a bitch being so close to freedom



the main gas chamber, they tried to destroy as much evidence as possible but didnt do a good job.






bunch of beds in a normal housing building.






latrines, no running water. the prisoners who cleaned these had the best jobs ironically. they were always indoors and they were always so filthy that no guard would search them so they became vital in smuggling messages and prisoner lists to the outside.


thats about it for the death camp.

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time for some flicks. this is an old stone quarry a few minutes out of Krakow. its become a local scuba diving and beach sorta spot. its fucking awesome






i hope the panoramas are big enough.


one of the dudes i work with--one of the nicest guys ive met on my whole trip--took me up to the highest point in town to chill out, there was a perfect 360 view of Krakow and it was breathtaking. one of the greatest views ive ever seen, i was speechless and these photos barely do the place justice






we took a few beers up there and chilled out, then i went to pick up some people from our second hostel and brought them to our 6 year anniversary party. thanks to my diet of eating shitty food once a day i got blackout drunk far quicker than normal. while dudes were partying until 8am i was in bed by 2 or 3. fuck!

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Looking killer. I hope you're not diluting that distinguished, superior and sophisticated Western Australian accent being over there so long...


its not what it used to be but its still there. infuriatingly, i get called british far too much for my liking.


listen to this shit. das efx




in other news. mums flew into krakow to catch up with me as shes soon to leave london for the bleak shores of australia (riveting, i know). she brought over some top end american IPA's, some killer islay scotch and a big book of beer. in short, my mother is way better than yours. she also bought me clothes, as a backpacker new things are somewhat of a rarity for me, my boots and jeans have prolific holes in them yet i cant do shit about it.


the weather recently swung into the mid to high 20's (80-90fahrenheit for you silly rednecks) so my current clothes arent a good option unless i enjoyed having my balls drip sweat all day long. i bought a pair of shorts for 4 PLN (1 dollar) and thongs for 20 PLN, pretty serious value. got a job working on a pub crawl run by a dude from the same part of the same city im from in AUS,small world. now, some flicks.



the next flicks are taken from the 6th floor of the krakow music academy, its a well kept secret because only students are allowed in. but the same guy who showed me the hill overlooking town also took me here on the condition that i didnt say a word until we were sitting at a table up in the cafeteria. worth the subterfuge as its one of the best views in town and super accessible, i took my mum there yesterday.



the man himself, this dude is basically my guide for cool shit to do in town, and he loves drinking so we always have something to do.



im not sure what people expect of poland, but its usually wrong, i know this comment doesnt tie-in with the photo but fuck you.



sewper-dewper view of the old castle and church, and really good food too.



my camera has a panorama function which i recently discovered, hence the increase in my usage.



and finally, the flamboyantly gay receptionist i work with, fantastic dude.

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