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Thats because you dont understand concept one of nutritional science. Do you even know what sugars and fat are? Read a book sometime, you internet arguing stud you. I'd be happy to answer specific questions but im far to lazy to teach a whole basic class on it.


Allowing the food industry to regulate itself is to say we should stay the course, meaning my generation is going to live 10 years less than the generation before me. And before you go on that retarded "who fucking wants to live till 90 anyway?" rant, it's a quality of life issue. Signs of aging will happen sooner. Malnourishment leads to cancer, disease, balding, obesity, disorders on every level from organs to the brain to genetics, meaning your spermies pass on the effects of your eating habits. And when you compare kids, smart vs dumb, big vs tall, athletic vs weak, the most important variable is nutrition.



what are fats? what are sugars? what is a carbohydrate? what is a protien? please teach me, seriously take the time and educate me because i dont know whati am talking about. wait, read a book? i have and i paid my dues by getting my degree in health sciences.. sorry i'm not gonna xerox a copy and post it, so save it.


small question since, i'm clueless to what goes into my body... why is maltodextrin a complex carbohydrate?


i dont care how old you want to live and you are right, its irrevelant to the topic at hand. the regulation of your neighboors garden is not the business of the US government. for sale, ya i can see why.. it's called business. i am not for creating a monopoly thou, especially when it's a government intervention.


really, you can pass genetics on to your children and your childrens children?? someone call a press conference.

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what are fats? what are sugars? what is a carbohydrate? what is a protien? please teach me, seriously take the time and educate me because i dont know whati am talking about. wait, read a book? i have and i paid my dues by getting my degree in health sciences.. sorry i'm not gonna xerox a copy and post it, so save it.


small question since, i'm clueless to what goes into my body... why is maltodextrin a complex carbohydrate?


i dont care how old you want to live and you are right, its irrevelant to the topic at hand. the regulation of your neighboors garden is not the business of the US government. for sale, ya i can see why.. it's called business. i am not for creating a monopoly thou, especially when it's a government intervention.


really, you can pass genetics on to your children and your childrens children?? someone call a press conference.


You cant xerox things into the internet.

This bill doesn't regulate gardening.

Maltodextrin is a complex carb because it's hydrolyzed starch.

If you're done being an internetsy faggot, try saying something relevant, or did that degree come from the university of phoenix?

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thanks for the update, i'm still running on Windows 95, go figure... but thank you for your levelheaded thinking on reminding me of my blatant mistake.


the bill will setup for another bill, in the future, to regulate anything and everything grown on US soil. it's not that far fetched.


Maltodexrin, is broken down into a simple carbohydrate, via gastric acid, once it reaches your stomach due to the breakdown of the hydrogen bond that convienently is used to label it as a complex carbohydrate. So you are going to trust a governing body to regulate your food when they are allowing companies to fool the consumer by chemical trickery? if the "complex carb" is broken down into a simple sugar and then acts completely different in the body than a complex carb, how can you say that any governing body is really looking out for you? and dont even start with the consumer responsibility when you are pushing for government guidelines...

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I stopped reading this thread after about 30 posts, but in case it hasn't been said....do you honestly fucking think the government is gonna be patrolling neighborhoods and fining people from having a garden in their back yard for their own personal use? really? for real? for really real?


i get yuour point and i dont think they are going to be kicking down doors asking about your tomatoe patches but why allow it to be signed into legislation? if thats the case why do we need all this hype over legalizing marijuana? just grow and smoke if something written on paper is nothing to care about.right?

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You can work an internet forum but you dont know the difference between a xerox machine and a scanner.


Are you fucking seriously thinking this bill is setting up another bill to ban gardening? Seriously?


It's called a complex carbohydrate because of its molecular structure, not because of consumer marketing or the government. You're a fucking idiot. That degree must be in bro science.

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i posted this morning when i had to be at work at 7am, sue me for being groggy and 1/2 asleep. sorry i forgot the internet is such serious business, duely noted.


bills at times are used as precursors to be used as a stepping stone and the greater picture. A chess set has pawns for a reason.


no shit it's complex, i said that. i said it was marketing that convienently left out that it behaves like a simple sugar once the bond is broken. if you were diabetic, you might be singing a different tone after you go into diabetic shock, when all you did was place your trust into the hands of a company and a government that was suppose to setup guidelines.


so you are telling me that the isn't misleading?

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hahahahha "no shit it's complex" You sir, are clearly an educated man.


I dont even want to reply to you because you clearly can't read and don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The bill doesn't place trust in the hands of companies who are responsible for misleading packaging. It gives the government the authority to regulate companies for the purposes of food safety and health. The obama administration is trying to keep healthcare low-cost by keeping people healthy, which is why this bill is also being bundled with other bills to teach children about healthy lifestyles, healthy foods, etc. Misleading consumers would only lead to more health problems and add to the cost of obamacare.


Stop running your internetsy faggot mouth and read.

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They're wasting tax money on creating unenforceable laws. Nothing new here.


I lead a somewhat paradoxical lifestyle in that it's simultaneously beneficial and self-destructive. I think wanting to make the world a better place is honorable and admirable and I do what I can in that capacity, but George Carlin was right when he said that no matter what you do, the planet is most likely going to be a great big smoking ball of shit in 50 years due to greed and negligence.


But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try...and since I don't want to live past 50 or have kids anything I do is completely out of altruism.


You're welcome.

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why are you bringing up a point that i already agreed to? isn't that a waste of time or umad?


the packaging is still misleading whether or not if you agree with me or not. Arnold Schwarzenegger, already ran this "keep people healthy" program back in the day. The Obama Administration isn't a beam of shining light on healthy american living. it's already been done.


you are the one crying for regulation, i dont want it. go buy your regulated shit from somewhere else. oh wait you can cuz you regulated yourself into a monopoly. doesn't make sense to me to do that, why do u feel thats the way it should be?

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The fact that you think this would stop anyone from growing food is retarded.


its not just this...it clearly states that there will be no 'saving seeds' which how we have a lot of fruits and veggies now. farmers would have to plant, grow, harvest and destroy all seeds and buy new ones. it makes monsanto a hellof a lot of $$$$$$$$$.


this will destroy heirloom varieties.

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Meth heads are the complete opposite of lazy.

Either way, I was using that as an example.


Nobody's talking about a government telling you what you can't eat, we're talking about government regulation telling you what you can and can not SELL to the public.

Nobodies going to arrest you for eating your dogs shit and calling it chocolate, but if you try and pedal that shit to the public then you damned well better be arrested or at least shut the fuck down.


The way shit's been done for hundreds (not thousands) of years in middle America does not apply to the majority of Americans who do not live in the fucking bible belt.

And "snakeoilism" was an accurate word. So accurate that your only comeback was to call me a faggot.


You mad?




meth heads are superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lazy yo! yeah they get all tweaked out and rush around doin shit but they do shit in circles. they clean, mess shit up, come down and dont do shit.

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I also remember spinach and lettuce in recent history.

How should we prevent that from happening without regulation?


Newsflash: capitalists do whatever they can to avoid responsibility.

Their only interest is churning the buck.

That's why they get away with exactly what you've mentioned in this thread.

That's why they need to be regulated, to ensure that they're being responsible.





thr spinach was due to contaminated water run off.




Cause of first outbreak




The outbreak was traced to organic bagged fresh spinach—sold as conventional produce—grown on a 50-acre (200,000 m2) farm in San Benito County, California. Investigators with the Centers for Disease Control initially speculated that the dangerous strain of bacteria, E. coli O157:H7, originated from irrigation water contaminated with cattle feces[10] or from grazing deer.




giant, industrial farm...

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