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What is probable cause for a search warrant?


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probable cause is always a matter of your word vs the cops word. who you think a jurys gonna believe? oh and just a pointer: any greatfull dead gear or any jamband shit like phish or shit like that on your t-shirt or car is probable cause for a search. gay huh. anyhow a cop can say he saw you j walking 10 minutes ago and that he thinks he sees a fire arm printing through your waistband, and their you have it, royally fucked. once again what it boils down to is that if a cop wants to search you, hes gonna find a way. your only defense is keepin your eyes fuckin peeled and keeping your boots fuckin laced. who gives a fuck if you look like a dork with your tims choked up, youll look like a bigger dork in a jump suit so tighten them shits up and get on your track star tip. see cops and i be like zwing-foosh and all you see is a dust cloud cause im gone like a ninja </rant>

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for a police officer to search you on the streets (legally) they need A. your consent,which you would be a dumbass to give in most cases B. search after incident of arrest i.e.you got caught doing something stupid so they go through your shit. C.they have some form of probable cause. like you have paint on your hands or your lookin mad intoxicated. if your underaged and out at night your violating curfew and they tend to have a right to search your shit. idk if its a right but i just know they will. probable cause is basicly some form of evidence that leads a police to believe that you are up to no good and have some shit on you. it could be all types of shit. all of which you can debate in court and if the folks find your arguement valid and the search wasnt up to code all that evidence is thrown out.and this usualy means they drop the case..not always thoguh


for your house to get raided: this is just based off personal experience.


-you get arrested for graffiti


-you are caught with sketches.or pics on your phone like dude said


-someone snitches on you, and if you have priors that tends to be enough for them to be able to get a judge to sign a search warrant


-you let them in. GOD FORBID YOU EVER DO THIS. if you see police at your door dont answer it. cops have been known to slide their way through open doors and once their in thats basicly like saying "your free to look around officer"



not a lawyer or nothing.just stuff ive read or heard and stuff that ive had experience with.hope that helps for people who really want to know.

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Since search warrants have to be signed by a judge to stick and most judges take a very dim view of having their time wasted, 99% of 12 oz will never have to answer that 7 am knock on the door.


This is coming from someone who missed a raid thanks to an extremely fortuitous phone call...well, I saw a half dozen cop cars parked out in front of the house and had a pretty good idea why they were there. That's how I got to watch the whole thing from the neighbor's house, and while it wasn't funny at the time I had to laugh when I got a chance to read the paperwork. In short, they took our garbage can, speaker grills and a broken television that had five year old tags on them....then left photos, sketch books and paint behind.


I have yet to hear of a single raid that was comprehensive or logical in any way, or that produced sufficient evidence to lock someone up for more than 72 hours.

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i'm not sure whats worse. A court system thats well organized to fuck people or one that so disorganized that it fucks with you before it either drops the ball or fucks you.

With the first instance you kno what you are going to get 90 pct of the time. Bent over no lube /nh/

the second circumstance i've had to deal with too. I was arrested and spent friday - sunday in a drunk tank before they kicked me loose without a court date. I got the 7 am with a half a dozen police about 3 months later and all they did was throw me back in the damn drunk tank for 2 days in my pajamas before releasing me again but this time i got a court date. I showed up and they didn't so it got rescheduled. When i showed back up the complainant (dept of transportation) failed to show again so my shit got thrown out. My boy that got caught up with me he didnt show up to the second court date and they showed back up at his house and rearrested him only to do the same shit again. Drunk tank and a court date. I dont kno what ever happened about that. It was his stupid fault i got in the inconvenience in the first place i wouldnt call it trouble because i didn't get in trouble. The imbecile got shook when the police drove by and ran dirrectly to MY car where they picked him up and at that point i was screwed.

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I had to leave a bag at a spot due to being raided, 12 cans, bolt cutters and camera were found, my name was on a piece of paper with my name on it in the bag. got the call about 3-4 weeks later, cop said it was found in a completely different area that i lost it, i was told i'd be followed up, nothings ever happened from it.

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