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Everything posted by Nove..

  1. anyone know what the long and thin markers are in this flick? ive seen them so much, just aint got a clue what they are
  2. Nove..

    What pen?

    bunch of sarcy cunts i was thinking it was 30mm http://www.graff-city.com/product_info.php?products_id=907
  3. Nove..

    What pen?

    what is he using to it that wide, any ideas? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/31/tagsn.png/
  4. graf is just another addiction to add to the list for me
  5. punks were doing it long before it became apart of the hip-hop culture
  6. http://www.thelondonvandal.com/blog/2010/11/25/10foot-jailed-for-26-months-free-10foot-free-10foot-free-10foot/
  7. since when has that been the right attitude
  8. linking up with people who already hit yards is a good move
  9. Nove..


    whats your point then?
  10. Nove..


    it says nove, it's going round in a circle
  11. illuminarty paint has actually gone down in price
  12. i think its wholesale, the price seems to have gone up on a few net shops
  13. 400ml's have now gone up to £4 in the uk 5 in some shops drug dealer tactics do shit for cheap get people on it then almost double the price, wicked
  14. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001058947362 cheapest best paint in town
  15. im on the organize of a blockbuster RIP GURU
  16. not sure if this has been answered but in my experience dont mix paint with ink
  17. if it is being used as evidence in an investigation i doubt you will get it back but its always worth a try
  18. if they don't search your bags, i don't see the problem
  19. all the dirty handz vids, mad amounts of destruction whole trains all panels covered in tags, i rate that i heard the sdk lot had the military come get (not sure on the reliability on that)
  20. i'm going to order some soon, its cheap as so i'm hoping there all good not many colours tho
  21. this. just keep your yard safe and you got no problem
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