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  1. anyone know what the long and thin markers are in this flick? ive seen them so much, just aint got a clue what they are
  2. Nove..

    What pen?

    bunch of sarcy cunts i was thinking it was 30mm http://www.graff-city.com/product_info.php?products_id=907
  3. Nove..

    What pen?

    what is he using to it that wide, any ideas? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/31/tagsn.png/
  4. graf is just another addiction to add to the list for me
  5. punks were doing it long before it became apart of the hip-hop culture
  6. http://www.thelondonvandal.com/blog/2010/11/25/10foot-jailed-for-26-months-free-10foot-free-10foot-free-10foot/
  7. since when has that been the right attitude
  8. linking up with people who already hit yards is a good move
  9. Nove..


    whats your point then?
  10. Nove..


    it says nove, it's going round in a circle
  11. illuminarty paint has actually gone down in price
  12. i think its wholesale, the price seems to have gone up on a few net shops
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