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Sno-pocalypse 2009


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Hippies were extremely hostile and often violent...



Uhhh, what?!!?






In his book, Spitting Image: Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Vietnam, Professor Jerry Lembcke (who served in Vietnam) notes that "One of the most resilient images of the Vietnam era is that of the anti-war protester - often a woman - spitting on the uniformed Veteran just off the plane. The lingering potency of this icon was evident during the Gulf War, when war supporters invoked it to discredit their opposition.


Jerry Lembcke demonstrated what we know to be true, and in fact challenge any believers in this myth to straighten us out by providing the main ingredient to make myth reality - solid proof. Jerry was the first sincere scholarly researcher to show that not a single incident of this sort has been convincingly documented. Rather, the anti-war Left saw in Veterans a natural ally, and the relationship between anti-war forces and most Veterans was defined by mutual support. The entry of Vietnam Vets or any Veterans into the anti-war movement would have had the impact of suppressing such spitting incidents.


That said, we challenge any believer in this myth to show documented proof (photos or news paper archives) that show any Vietnam Era or War Veteran being spit on as they return from any overseas tour during the Vietnam War.


Indeed it was reported that one Soldier wrote angrily to Nixon's Vice President Spiro Agnew that the only Americans who seemed concerned about the Soldier's welfare were the anti-war activists. While Veterans were sometimes made to feel uncomfortable about their service, this sense of unease was, Lembcke argues, more often rooted in the political practices of the Right.









PS-- the majority of people who go to college are not rich. This was also true in the sixties and seventies.

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i had to work today after all but we had pizza and beers for lunch.


my mom was a hippie, and about as far from violent as a person can get

spitting on someone, horribly hostile. but not violent

and in the context of a protest against violence.

that whole vietnam era was so polarized and the country was so divided..i'm not saying it was good or agreeing with what they did, but hippies were not violent doood.

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one thing that i'll say about all that insane protesting against soldiers, is that we do not fuckin do that shit anymore, and that was a great silver lining.

the country learned a hard, collective lesson about war from that

and as someone who has been against the wars in iraq and afghanistan since the beginning, i will not now, nor have i ever, taken the issue to soldiers.


my father always says that was the worst time for the country.. racism in all its forms during the civil rights movement, the riots and protests, vietnam, assassinations out the yang, and watergate. as bad as we got it, the way he talks it was worse then

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spitting on someone, horribly hostile. but not violent


In alot of places spitting on someone can be charged as assault, and for good reason. Spitting on someone is 100x more horrible than punching someone in the face. I've been in more fights then I can count, beat some people half to death, and I've still only spit on a few people ever because it's that serious to me


Violent may have been a bad choice for a word on my half... The whole thing about hippies that gets under my skin (hipsters like to do this too) is to that they like to do everything within their "legal" rights to provoke a violent outburst, them become shocked.


You can't spit in someone's face completely unprovoked, then be surprised when they lash out at you and say "see, I told you these soldiers were animals!"




I've actually asked muthafuckas "Why'd you make me do this to you?" as they were nursing their wounds, brought on by incessant shit talk and other such poking and prodding of my anger

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The whole thing about hippies that gets under my skin (hipsters like to do this too) is to that they like to do everything within their "legal" rights to provoke a violent outburst, them become shocked.


You can't spit in someone's face completely unprovoked, then be surprised when they lash out at you and say "see, I told you these soldiers were animals!"


They try to push the envelope with the intention of provoking violence.


well put.... couldnt prop you...

and not for nothing but fuck hippies.... 4eva...

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what. the. fuck.


but it was like 75 degrees yesterday so it's not sticking to the ground. its not even that cold outside and we're actually getting real snow, not sleet.


some asshole wished for a white christmas and fucked over north texas.

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