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I really think that the solution is for the mods to ban everyone and make everyone start a new account. End the props system since it is fucking retarded. And just permaban people for getting out of line once they have forced everyone to make new accounts. I also have to laugh at the irony of some of the people who troll threads posting in this thread talking about how to make ch0 better, since permabanning some of these people would make it better. :lol:

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I really think that the solution is for the mods to ban everyone and make everyone start a new account. End the props system since it is fucking retarded. And just permaban people for getting out of line once they have forced everyone to make new accounts. I also have to laugh at the irony of some of the people who troll threads posting in this thread talking about how to make ch0 better, since permabanning some of these people would make it better. :lol:


"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

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This is all wishful thinking and pent up ranting.


Channel Zero could change for the better, but I'll believe that it's improved when I see improvement. Mods and regular members are equally important in facilitating this. Just talking won't do anything, everyone has to make a conscious effort, including plenty of long term members...


I think some of this is rooted in the rabid tearing up of new posters...That shit just breeds a bunch of hardheads who get caustic with new heads and each other. I'm all for verbally sonning a noob who gets lippy...but you CAN "initiate" new posters without getting in a dick measuring contest over who can be the most obnoxious or condescending.

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Tearing into new members has always been present, but i think props really fucked it over. Before it was just the people who had been around for a while dogging the new folks in an attempt to get them to contribute something worthwhile and prove they were someone we wanted on the forum. Now, if someone with a lot of props doesn't like a new member, they tampon them and that person is pretty much fucked from the get-go.


Making people realize they need to contribute something to the site is one thing, but scaring off every new member or nega propping them just for being new only makes them continue to post garbage. If someone has 4 tampons before they have 25 posts, they're probably not going to have any motivation to contribute since they're going to assume people are going to ignore them/continue hating on them due to their already existing tampons.

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Where was all this support when I was running around like Chicken Little?


This played out exactly how I thought it would...some moderator gets fed up with a couple people, those couple people get the boot, a couple people defend them, they get the ax too, then suddenly everyone agrees with that mod and says "I felt this way the whole time."




Let's be perfectly honest here...most of you were doing the same shit, or cosigning it, or telling yourself and me "This is the way Channel Zero is, if you don't like it you should go somewhere else, UMAD (insert fail.jpg here)?" So the trolling and derailing commenced because there was no good example to follow and no enforcement of the (very simple and reasonable) rules. There was no need for a moderator to step in and stop it...it just needed everyone here to fucking cool it, and a lot of you thought I was trying to shit in your oatmeal when I said so.


And that's why I don't think I'd be the moderator you guys seem to think I would be. I would try to keep things on track and be fair but the truth is that I would have to show a lot of the class clowns (aka 5-10% of Channel Zero) the door to accomplish that...and that's really not what 12 oz needs right now. Raven needs more people, not less...but he needs those people be worth having around. However, on the way outside chance I was asked to moderate I probably would do it to try to give something back, not because I really wanted to or because everyone thought it was a good idea.


I agree that this thread has served its purpose. It put some things on the table that needed to be there and scared some sense into people who needed it. So if things are moving forward, then there's no reason to line up to give seeking brojobs and do an after game report. If the moderators are serious about handling shit, then I'll do what I can to assist them...but I'm going to have to see it to believe it.


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u-mad1.jpg u-mad1.jpg u-mad1.jpg

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I think a new round of mods might be a good idea...


It seems for the most part that the longer people are mods on here, the less moderating they actually do. That's not the case 100% of the time, and I don't blame someone whose been a mod for 5 years moving on with their life, but you need something to fill the gap.


I hate to be some dickish but i think the mods are so tied up in the petty shit that goes on in bricslayers that they dont have time to hit ch0, whats more important getting rid of snitching/name/spot dropping, can't imagine that the mindless pics in ch0 would even come to mind putting up with brickslayers baby sitting.

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The argueing shit is funny as long as it dosent derail a good thread

But the DAO shit is way tired, Red text, argeuing that a dog is a fucking whale

I will say though the stupidy of that dude has made me laugh just about as hard as anything

else on 12oz. Like it or not its part of the oontz though, and im not a DAO dick-rider

I think its a good thing dudes gone a minute, but I dont care whether he comes back or dosent.

The forum will go on contrary to what half you homos believe. Now when im looking for the Great pictures

or Latin women appreciation thread I wont have to scroll through thirty topics about cheesesteaks and the same fucking fail pics.


I say all that to say this.

I <3 the ounce, and like alot of you im ready to bring her back to glory

/nh for the sake of it

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Where was all this support when I was running around like Chicken Little?


No one's answered my question....


Again, it is not the sole responsibility of the moderators to keep some order around here since collectively the members have way more influence over what tone and direction the forum takes. If a member in good standing is trolling, talk them down...tell them to take their beef to PMs or AIM or whatever. If someone shows up with the sole intention of trolling, there's always the report button or, in extreme cases, a PM to a moderator. Yeah, I know, stop snitching...ultimately it's your call and no one needs to know about it.


If people aren't going to get with the program they should go. Simple as that, and it should have never been any other way. That doesn't mean Channel Zero will be boring and effete from now on. I mean, it sure as hell wasn't boring when I started posting in 2005 because people brought their A-game to the board and made good threads and posts (well, most of the time). That's what got me hooked, and I've been here ever since trying to do the same. We did it then, so we can do it again.

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No one's answered my question....


Again, it is not the sole responsibility of the moderators to keep some order around here since collectively the members have way more influence over what tone and direction the forum takes. If a member in good standing is trolling, talk them down...tell them to take their beef to PMs or AIM or whatever. If someone shows up with the sole intention of trolling, there's always the report button or, in extreme cases, a PM to a moderator. Yeah, I know, stop snitching...ultimately it's your call and no one needs to know about it.


If people aren't going to get with the program they should go. Simple as that, and it should have never been any other way. That doesn't mean Channel Zero will be boring and effete from now on. I mean, it sure as hell wasn't boring when I started posting in 2005 because people brought their A-game to the board and made good threads and posts (well, most of the time). That's what got me hooked, and I've been here ever since trying to do the same. We did it then, so we can do it again.


I remember you making an issue of how the forum was heading and at the time I was a reasonably unknown new member and the atmosphere of the forum made it quite hard to really contribute to ch0, I think things have changed now and new members take their shit and give it in ch0 (not that it contributes shit to the forum).


I think Shai would be a fair moderator and I think lots of other people like pistol and casek would too, however it is up to us as members of the forum to make the content, we are bitching about ourselves, not all of us are ignorant assholes we can post funny, crazy reatrded shit and have a 12oz laugh about it and not some 4chan replicant shit. Support the site make it more than other graf sites and be proud you're part of it.

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whether you disagree with our stance or not, i trust you all understand it's not a 'personal' thing. there were no petty arguments that spawned this, it was a years worth of PM's from respected members asking for us to step in. for a long time we tried to take a 'hands free' approach to things in here, largely as a result of so much complaining about our intervention. obviously that experiment was, as some would say a FAIL. no sweat.


i appreciate everyones opinions, and although i didnt read the last 3 pages, it seems things remained civil and on point. i wonder how the thread would have gone had we attempted to have it without the bannings.

ok, done wondering, it would have gone like the post up above me, that just got homie banned for 3 days for thinking he was hillarious. not so much.


thread closed, please go find more red heads for the thread, titties are infinitely more entertaining than watching dudes argue on the internet.

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