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80's-90's MEMORIES

poop stache

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Ahh, the snoopy sno cone maker. Oh the memories are pouring now. My 3rd grade crush had one of those, and the only memory I have of it is hanging out at her house thinking we were going to get married and make babies. Two weeks later, she pissed me off and it was on to the new girl.


In 6th grade, I had a girlfriend and dumped her because she had a crush on this guy:





I told her I couldn't date anyone that liked Kirk Cameron. She was also a New Kids On The Block fan. Had the jean jacket with the huge buttons. Even at 12 years old I had grown man standards. I just wasn't having any of that shit.

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I just wikipediad Kirk Cameron to see whatever became of him.


I learned two terribly shocking things.



1. Dude is now a Christian evangelist


2. They made not one Growing Pains movie but TWO.



I fear the people who would watch such a movie.




THis is who I was and am still all about:








But I just wiki'd her and found out that she's fucking dead.


Man I hope she did some hardcore tentacle porn before she OD'd



I'm done with looking up people I used to watch on TV.....

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Yeah dude, you didn't know she was dead? That's old ass news for sure. The whole Different Strokes crew was fucked up.


I was a fucking sucker for all the Dr. Who women. I don't know why, but I had dreams about them and no matter who was on there, I was in love. There was one whom I had it really bad for, and when they replaced her it was a sad day for young me.


Dr. Who was a pimp.



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