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Ice Nerves

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These guys came to my high school back in like '95. For some reason they just popped into my head, and the youtube results were amazing! Just as over the top as I remember them. They're still at it too.




Steroid free!




And yeah, i went to a public school and these dudes definitely preached some god shit. Nobody complained because they were so wild :lol: :lol: :lol:

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My brother ripped a phone book in half once.

It was pretty awesome.


Theres actually a pretty easy trick to this that you would probably be able to do as well. You just taake the phone book and press both ends of it towards the middle so thers a pocket of air between each page, then its pretty easy to rip in half.


Your brother most likely played you.


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Cool .

Now I am going to run around and rip phone books in half and shit.

And then proceed to throw all of the papers on the ground.


Make sure you stomp on them for good measure...you gotta show those books who's the boss.

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having the power team come visit your school is a sure sign that you're in the ghetto.


i saw them at two different schools growing up, 3rd and 5th grade.


i got baptized because of the power team.


in grade 7, a little peoples and1 type basketball team came to my school. we all sat on the floor & watched them do trick shots, idk what it had to do with bullying though


just looked them up & it looks like theyre still doing their thing... the canadian half-pints

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