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best believe I'm ratting your ass out


I never said I was a finger pointer,



best believe I'm ratting your ass out



I never said I was a finger pointer,























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Not even in my lowest point of lowness would I ever have even considered that.

And I've accidentally smashed some pigs in my time, when I was young and couldn't handle my liquor.

But never anything even close to that beastly.

its just a bad pic, shes pretty hot irl.

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And to all you people quick to call someone a snitch...I seriously doubt any one of you would do a 5 year bid for some dope that wasn't yours or a 25 to life stint for a murder you didn't commit.



If you say you would out of honor for your boy or the no snitch code then you're a fucking moron plain and simple.

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I seriously hope someone puts a bullet in Mouth For War's head


lowlife piece of shit





Yeah you're mad...cause you know I'm right, and you don't have shit to say.


You wanted to argue and play the snitch card by taking what I said out of context....Too bad you didn't have an argument to begin with.

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Wow she's a dumbass, where is that ex boyfriend now?


I wouldn't take the fall for anyone, I don't give a fuck who you are...If you're in the wrong and you want me to take your case, best believe I'm ratting your ass out...What kind of friend lets their friend go to jail for them??? Seriously? You can call me a snitch or whatever, but fuck you if you think I'm going down for some shit you did.



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OK, say you're painting a spot, cops come, your boy gets away and you don't...BEST BELIEVE I'M RATTIN' MY BOY OUT, I AIN'T GOIN' DOWN FOR NO SHIT HE PAINTED!!!



That is a snitch.



***fuck it, there is no reason to argue about this, now people know not to associate with you is all. Thanks for the heads up.

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