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Vice co founder Gavin Mcinnes hates graffiti

i got dookies

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not that it matters but Gavin split with Vice awhile back and now runs a site called Street Boners & TV Carnage. He was the voice behind all the good vice Dos & Donts which he continues to do on the new site more or less. The split was bitter with him and Vice sniping back and forther over things.

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I would go out of my way to find whatever building Vice calls home, and go to town on it.


use to be on lafayette by spring next to the bike shop, now its somewhere in the west 20's i think.


if you follow this dudes logic you cancel him out, if you can trace graffiti to puerto rican ladyboy fame then ironically enough this dude thrives off the culture he is trying to now shit on, irony in being ironic cancels itself out. new yorkers were the pioneers of urban subculture which weather i like it or not, paved the way for handle bar mustaches skinny jeans and contradictory satirical magazines etc all living in their happy commune nest under the burg's roof these days. not that im agreeing but ill just say you're welcome and call it a day.

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Vice is a magazine.



When kids from the Midwest move to Brooklyn, they are giving a copy of Vice and an American Apparel catalog as the guide to being accepted.


dude is a god amongst hipsters, he like they're jesus , i bet he loooooooooves weat-paste and stencils though.. those are "street art" ...go back to williamsburg bitch!

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This dude is a brilliantly funny, endlessly sarcastic, hypocritical dickbag. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually had come to hate graffiti, but I also wouldn't be surprised if he said all of that just because he likes to piss people off. Either way, graffiti and the lifestyle it fosters certainly helped make him what he is today, and in turn, he is very largely responsible for making graff one of the four elements of the current state of hipsterism.



While he has split with Vice, it was pretty recent. He was the main editorial voice of the magazine for about a decade, during which time there were tons of articles about and references to graffiti. Until 2000 or so, there was a graffiti section in every issue. In the early 2000s, I remember them featuring etching cream in the "tidbits-- things we love" section. This of course came shortly after Gavin and the rest of those dudes moved to New York and fell in love with the Irak crew lifestyle, and hired Ryan McGinley (a very good friend of the Irak dudes) as the photo editor of the magazine. (I can think of at least 3 or 4 issues of Vice, off the top of my head, that featured Sace on the cover, and countless others that had him inside.) Whether he likes it or not, he's largely responsible for the massive interest in graffiti in the hipster world, and ironically enough, even more so for the shit that he's complaining about seeing in Brooklyn.


For the record, almost everything that you loathe about hipsterism was probably funny or cool when a few people were doing it as a joke between friends, then got featured in Vice magazine and seized upon by a bunch of insecure dolts who couldn't come up with their own style or image or attitude, then blown up to the point of ridiculousness. If the blame for the last 6 or 7 years of annoying hipsters could be traced to one person, it's probably this guy.

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For the record, almost everything that you loathe about hipsterism was probably funny or cool when a few people were doing it as a joke between friends, then got featured in Vice magazine and seized upon by a bunch of insecure dolts who couldn't come up with their own style or image or attitude, then blown up to the point of ridiculousness. If the blame for the last 6 or 7 years of annoying hipsters could be traced to one person, it's probably this guy.


i absolutely agree with EVERYTHING in this statement.


i GUARANTEE it was jokes while partying outta hand. and to a certain degree i think/hope most hipsters that dress like this now have a sense of humour about it.


but from all the debates on this site. i dont think they do.


which is fucking hilarious that they wear clothes like they do like drones and dont see that they look rediculous.


id have WAY more respect to someone with a hilarious sense of humour. dope to party with that dresses like this than someone who, just does.


and ya, this guy may just be whos responsible.


i kinda think thats dope actually.


he made sheep.

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This clownpenis is obviously trying to generate buzz for his new website/magazine. He knows there will be back-lash and hate pouring in from all angles. Brush it off, dismiss it, and make him figure out an actual way to make money.


If you buy into this guys hype, he wins.


p.s. canadian

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Brush it off, dismiss it, and make him figure out an actual way to make money.



pretty sure this guy's cake take is pretty dialed in.


and "actual"


unless of course all these years vice has been collecting food stamps from its advertisers and retail stores.


actually maybe your right. pretty sure when they first started all they accepted for currency were full subway stamp cards. but subway doesnt have those anymore of course so who knows how they print there magazines now.




gas vouchers maybe.

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This could be a blessing in disguise....hipsters might very well stop writing graffiti if VICE says it's not cool. That doesn't mean much but it will mean fewer headaches for me.

Exactly. I hope the next generation of vice nerds will consider graffiti as "uncool" or whatever.

Good riddance.

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I don't know why people get so worked up over other people's opinion of graffiti. Most of the people that aren't involved fucking hate it. Shit, even people that do it fucking hate it. But if you aren't doing it, your opinion doesn't count.


R.I.P. Dash Snow. A real trend setter, artist, and writer.

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If he's stupid enough to come to the East Bay and ping my gaydar like a fat man ringing a gong, I will do my best to find him then break his jaw and at least three fingers on his right hand for great justice and will try to post pics. If I see his bullshit graffiti in the East Bay I will do top to bottom SHAI tags through it and post pics on Channel Zero...you read it here first.


He was trying to suck my dick on Tinychat last night, so I told him to get his narrow Canadian ass down here and square up with me if he has a pair. He's trying to holler at certain East Bay Channel Zero people and make some connections but from what I've heard he sounds scared to meet me in person.


As he should be. I'll kick his ass.

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