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Anyone want to fake fight?

earl broclo ESQ

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Did anyone used to "fake fight" when they were kids? My brother and I used to watch Kung Fu double features on Saturday, then put on bathrobes and pretend we were martial artists.



How about guns? How many of you played "guns" when you were a kid? Actually, how many of you actually called it "guns?" Like you'd call your buddies up and say "hey, you want to go play guns?" Oh, and if your mom didn't let you have a toy gun, were you the kid with the stick?



What other dumb shit did you do to entertain yourself as a kid?

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oh, and i found a real "throwing knife" in the shed behind our house once when I was 10, and we were playing "power rangers"... and I almost threw a knife through his dome piece...



btw i was the green ranger.... later the white ranger....... .SEIT HIYA!!!

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'Gun wars'


We got these old kentucky rifle looking guns at a fair once. The hammer on them would actually work. You would pull it back and when you pulled the trigger it would snap forward. We got the idea to take the caps, from those red cap gun strips. We would tear each little piece off and put it under the hammer. Pull the trigger and the cap would go off when the hammer came down. We thought it was AWESOME.

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My mother only let me have one gun. She's wasn't a fan of us kids having guns, but finally broke and let me get one with my allowance. She said "this is the only gun I'm buying you, so if you break it, tough shit."


The gun looked like this:




So of course I fucked up, left it in the rain, it got rusted, the barrel eventually fell off, and the gun was shit. Luckily enough, my neighbor Paul's father was a Sargent in the air force, and all about letting his kid have guns. So I used one of his.


But if he wasn't around?




It was all about the stick guns, and I'd make sure I brought it home and kept it for the next day.



I just had a flashback. I remember when "Red Dawn" came on HBO for the first time. They played it constantly, and we'd watch that shit religiously. We used to play "Red Dawn" a lot back then.

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fuck yes, i was always the green ranger when we played power rangers in kindergarten.

we used to play dragon ball z when we were in like third grade at recess.


kamhamehas everywhere.

i pretend slayed nigga left and right.


also, which one of you was the kid who constantly kicked your friends in the balls cause you thought that shit was so cash?


i was that kid.


we would also throw our breakfast burritos at the cafeteria wall all the time and see who got the biggest splatter on the wall.


god i miss grade school.

we didnt give a fuck about money or girls.

lunchables were the normal diet.

and the right "you momma" jokes would make you a playground king.

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we threw rocks at cars


Oh yeah, we did that too. We used to try and get people to chase us actually. It was the whole thrill of it, we weren't even thinking about the beat down we'd get. We thought we were untouchable.


There was this undeveloped hilly land down the street from our house, and all the moto-cross kids used to go there to ride. So we used to go out there and flip them off or throw rocks. We just wanted them to chase us because we made all these escape routes, paths, traps, and hiding areas throughout the woods and field.


God I miss being a kid.

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Me, my brother and a few friends used to play fight all the time! We would usually play in a cemetary and have good vs evil battles. I think most of the scars i have are from this time period.


We also used to make firebombs from gunpowder and gasoline and throw them at eachother (extremely stupid i know but we were kids).


I also remember backyard wrestling when i was about 10 years old...my friends and i used to pretend we were our favorite wrestlers and unleash merciless beatings on eachother...it was awesome.

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we threw rocks at cars


oh god yes, THIS!


when we first moved into my house we had this big ass tree in my front yard.


when night came we would hide in it and throw whatever we could find at cars.


once we hucked a can of mountain dew filled with mud at this dudes car and hit his windsheild so hard.


dude immediately stopped his car in front of my house and freaked the fuck out, yelling into the night saying he was gonna kill us, while we hid in the tress trying not to laugh/crap our pants.


once time also my friends parents were throwing out some old couches and they stacked them on top of each other and it made a perfect hiding spot.


so one night i played spotter for cars coming by, i would give the signal and my friend and sister would huck rocks at cars, cause at the time that was the shit to do.


i saw a car coming my sis hucked a big fucking rock at this car and broke out the rear driver window. they called the cops and questioned us about it, we denied it up and down.


turns out that rock almost hit theeir daughter in the back seat.


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When I was a little older (12-15) I lived in a neighborhood where one house had two crab apple trees in their front yard. We used to monitor the house (ring the doorbell and hide, look in the garage for cars, etc.) to see if anyone was home. If they weren't, we'd pick sides and have a crab apple war. One group would snag a bunch and go to the other side of the street, the other one would stay at the trees. I remember this one kid, Todd, took a bunch to the woods and came back with them in a pouch he made with his shirt. He started screaming "WET ONES!!!!" like he was Rambo, and chucking his apples at us. Turned out Todd went in the woods and pissed on all the crab apples he had. For about 2 months we called him "Wet Ones."

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We had a park behind our house. One part had heges and trees and we thought it would be a good idea to build like..a god damn trench network in there or something. So we get every digging tool we could find our garages, even the ones that didnt even make sense, like the ones you used to dig holes for wooden posts and shit. So eventually a park ranger got suspicious and drove over towards us. We saw this and and took off. Imagine being in your park ranger mobile, driving towards some kids and seeing like a gaggle of 10 year olds throwing hedge clippers, shovels, and pix axes over a chain link fence and running for their lives. Jesus Christ.

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I also remember backyard wrestling when i was about 10 years old...my friends and i used to pretend we were our favorite wrestlers and unleash merciless beatings on eachother...it was awesome.



This was never ending. We used to do "Battle Royales." I was always Paul Orndoff.






My grandfather lived next to a graveyard. We had endless stupid games in that place.

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who remembers the constant arguments with their friends that was just the same line repeated over and over until you guys fought and became friends five minutes later??






fuck this thread got me out of my little depression funk, thanks earl, propped.



also who remembers when you would hurt your younger siblings and beg them not to tell mom and dad.

and then bribing them with a free punch or something?!



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We also used to make firebombs from gunpowder and gasoline and throw them at eachother



goddamn man, when were you a kid, the wild west?




I just loled , well chuckled, at the "play guns" bit. True true. The best days.


we used to make peg guns, paper pellets, improvised throwing stars, some other shit that data from the goonies would make except it never worked.


aerosol cans flamethrowers were always fun


also yeah wrestling, and i once shoryukened my sister and she had to go to hospital.

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We had a park behind our house. One part had heges and trees and we thought it would be a good idea to build like..a god damn trench network in there or something.



This was what we did in that field with the moto-cross kids. That was all under the age of 10. It was the shit. In my teens, we went in the woods with shovels, and built dirt jumps and corners out of dirt for our bikes. That was the shit. It took us a week and two weekends to make that shit, and kids came from the other neighborhoods to ride it.

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goddamn man, when were you a kid, the wild west?



Something like that...i was a little shithead just like all of my friends at the time.

We used to shoot at people riding their bikes with an air rifle that i had from my roof. The goal was to get them to fall off the bike and they did on many many occasions. This thread just brightened my day. Props earl. :)

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we also used to play 'running man' a lot.

it was a game based on the movie. we all had either a skateboard, rollerblades, a bike, a scooter, etc.

then the 'bad guys' would get weapons - usually sticks and rocks - and try to basically knock the 'running men' out.


i swear we were made of rubber with the amount of abuse all of us took day in/day out.

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