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alcohol & you (a scientific inquiry)


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Just got a call from an old friend who got really into coke and binge drinking who is fresh out of detox/rehab.

Coke/booze fucked his life up, he got booted outta ASU and shit.


Mad funny he shows up to parties with a 6-pack on Sprite.


That's pretty awesome IMO.

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Im not sure if I can help you with this...


I dont really drink, when I go to parties Ill crack a beer and take itty bitty sips (maybe an ounce total per can) until it gets warm then I set it on the coffee table and grab a fresh cold one. Ill do that all night or until the beer runs out.


Ive been to a lot of parties in my time.

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i think im gonna quit taking sticks. I mean. Them hookups

have been ruining my life for a long time now. Thing is. I can

get 90 bars for like 12 dollars. Im unemployed and stressed out

but overal i dont think they are making my present situation

better. Less irritating maybe but better... eeeeh i think not


Shit, THATS a hookup.


Seriously though, check yourself into rehab or start a plan.


Like (for example), say you do 20 pills a day, do 20 monday, 18 tuesday, 16 wednesday...etc.


Good luck.

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i met alot of people in rehab for pills..i mean...it opened my eyes a majority of people WERE pill poppers....

sure you head your meth heads and alcoholics like myself.

but after a drank a while say to speak if there isnt enough alcohol...

im a pill popper too.

meth head

heroin whatever.....

but its not what i start out doing...drinking just leads me down the path to take whatever i can fit in my body to fuck myself up even more....

to get to the point of like....3days later

wtf happened

.........a/s/l/ has a good method above to help.

i had to be hospitalized due to my drinking withdrawls and panic attacks

rehab works, but you have to want it......

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i'm totally over alcohol after raging through my late teens and twenties.

alcohol has taken me all the places it could, and we have nothing left to explore in our relationship.


now, if i quit weed, i bet i start drinking wine

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I drink alot.

(fuck you, common usage makes it a word.)

At least a a six and a half a night or a few forties.

some nights with liquor or wine, I don't smoke weed.

When on the rare occasions that I cut back or stop for a while

my body goes on this insane eating spree (ok, so I go on this insane eating spree)

of fatty red meats and anything with a super high sugar content. It's all my body wants to take in which is strange because I usually eat really healthy alot of salads no high fructose no msg ridden shit. My only guess is that with all the sugar in cheap beers, malt liquors when I deprive myself of it my body is trying to get it's sugar fix by any means necessary but that doesn't explain the meat thing or salt or whatever.

I'm perplexed.

I'm 20 something ish about 165-70

and in fairly good shape I run (sometimes) and ride my bike everywhere.

what the fuck is up with this.







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Im not sure if I can help you with this...


I dont really drink, when I go to parties Ill crack a beer and take itty bitty sips (maybe an ounce total per can) until it gets warm then I set it on the coffee table and grab a fresh cold one. Ill do that all night or until the beer runs out.


Ive been to a lot of parties in my time.


this shit makes alcoholics sooooo heated....


you wastin the shit son.



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Im not sure if I can help you with this...


I dont really drink, when I go to parties Ill crack a beer and take itty bitty sips (maybe an ounce total per can) until it gets warm then I set it on the coffee table and grab a fresh cold one. Ill do that all night or until the beer runs out.


Ive been to a lot of parties in my time.


you're an idiot.

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beer does make you fat...


i was up to 310lbs when i was on the shit daily...


no joke on a Friday or Saturday I would drink 20-30 drinks throughout the day...


on a daily basis I would drink 2 forties....


fucked up when I started the whiskey...


the Irish mans fire water

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I went on the whiskey diet for a while (quit drinking beer, only drank hard liquor) for a year when I was about 26. I actually dropped some weight. Got into a shitload of trouble, though.


However, simply drinking less (about half to a third of what I used to drink since the beginning of the year) hasn't worked this time since my fucking metabolism slowed down on me.

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