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The idea that there's people out there that "don't give a fuck" is a myth as far as writers are concerned. The minority has it's own set of codes, standards and practices that are acceptable versus unacceptable. Step outside of those boundaries and you're an outsider, one of the "majority"


Ergo, people that claim to not give a shit about what other people think are delusional at best

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I dont give a shit about what society thinks but i would like to think that in the graffiti world that people would be more open minded bu when you get people who would rather cross peoples shit out rather than help them get better you cant win.


Dog eat dog and shit.

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graffiti is a natural part of society like any other minor crime that many people participate in. either it be smoking weed, driving well over the speed limit, and things of that nature.


things like this are adament in my eyes to keep a balance. showing that their is not complete control over the people by the goverment and other forms of authority.


when i see graffiti in suburban areas if its toy or not. i think that it shows that mischif of any sort is a natural part of adolesnence that commonly carries over into adulthood in different forms. but is ever existing. if people didn't break rules america would still be owned by the british. france still a monarch. and so on.


so graffiti is a medium, a balance between control and anarchy. the ultiment show of freedom and defiance to buy into others ideals of being civilized.

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graffiti is a natural part of society like any other minor crime that many people participate in. either it be smoking weed, driving well over the speed limit, and things of that nature.


things like this are adament in my eyes to keep a balance. showing that their is not complete control over the people by the goverment and other forms of authority.


when i see graffiti in suburban areas if its toy or not. i think that it shows that mischif of any sort is a natural part of adolesnence that commonly carries over into adulthood in different forms. but is ever existing. if people didn't break rules america would still be owned by the british. france still a monarch. and so on.


so graffiti is a medium, a balance between control and anarchy. the ultiment show of freedom and defiance to buy into others ideals of being civilized.


i knew you were gay.



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Well twinky you bust be a fucking parasite

What Eon Orc said was 100% accurate and actually makes sense unlike your piece of shit posts that has no argument or want in the thread or for the majority of the forum itself.


go back and crawl underneath the rock you came from.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When I started my homie was 2 years older introduced me into graff.

We would try different cans, try diff tips or various household aerosols etc.

There were a couple shops in LA where you could get ny fats, ny thins, and something called 3 finger flairs. Other than that we met up with other heads at school, hunted down the latest issue of can control to bite styles or wherever.


Nowadays you can buy 20 diff brands of specially formulated graffiti paint, 30 diff caps for various sprays, buy hundreds of different mags, dvds, markers, mops, click on hundreds of youtube how-tos and demos on various caps and markers. not to mention the whole net aspect being able to come here and see thousands of diff regional styles from all over the world.


its much easier now and dont fuckin forget it.

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^^^^^^Well said. I started writing in the mid 90's. Never even knew they had graf mags, other than the page in the back of the Source. Never knew there was an internet that had graffiti shit on it until I was 6 years in the shit.


Matter of fact, I never heard or saw anyone do "real" graf when I started. Never knew there were caps until 2 years after I started writing and bumped into the first writer I've ever met and got kinda laughed at for being clueless, but schooled for 5 minutes. And I painted alot those first two years with stocks. How I view graf, and what it means to me, and how I acquired knowledge and understanding of it is something you kids nowadays would never feel. Trust me, it felt phenomenal. Even though I don't see shit wrong with mentoring, I think you'd be better off learning the ropes yourself.

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i went off and on with graff since i was like 12 and im 21 now, and im not very good by any means. but theres a dude whos kind have taken me under his wing and he teaches me shit, shows me the ropes, how to act with people, hes in the best crew around here and i have no idea why he helps me but its definately nice to have a mentor.


i think alot of the og's DO want to pass the torch eventually, i mean yea alot of them are elitest dicks, but they put in the work. but i think as a toy you have to prove you really are committed, not going around saying your a writer and going to hip hop stores and shit and then gettin frustrated cus no one helps you after like 4 months and quit. have respect for history, know your place in the food chain, and just do you dont conform to what u think a writer is and youll catch someones eye eventually.


another big ass mistake is having you and a buddy start out and just make a crew, do work, practice, sketch piece bomb tag all of it dont just sketch for 2 years or whatever bs these clowns say. practice on walls not just paper, and eventually someone will see your progress and put you down. Just cus ur shit doesnt end up on the internet and cats dont talk about u on forums doesnt mean they dont on the streets.


keep your heads up, stay committed, respect the traditions and history of your city/town or whatever and you'll earn some respect.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i never had a mentor.and i wish i did if not to show me how shits done then to atleast tell me how toy i was.when i started out i thought i was hot shit.i look back now and i realise how much of a fag i looked like back then.rockin that ugly ass style of mine lol.and i would be nice to have a person show me how to idk not get caught.i took me getting caught up to learn all that shit.all the tactics i have not and the techniques i use ive had to teach myself how to do.through trial and error.it would have been alot easier for me if someone was there to teach my ass.

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