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Yes. Exactly.


We keep shoving our dick in their face telling them what they can and can't do, and threatening them when they tell us to MYOB.

How the fuck are we gonna tell another country that they don't have the right to build the same weapons to defend themselves, that we fucking invented?

We threaten them more than they threaten us.


And then we're gonna threaten to board and search their fucking ships on some police type shit?

And expect them not to retaliate?

Could you imagine what would happen if they tried to pull that shit with us?



exactly, the reason everyone hates the US is like swamp said, we're the big kid at the playground, and we got the big guns, and tell everyone else they cant have them cause then they'd be equals, and americans dont want equals, we want to control the world, which is why so many countries and groups of people hate us. shit im a fuckin american and i hate us, love the country, and what it used to and still should stand for, but i hate the leaders and those who blindly follow the leaders.



i said this years ago, i think a decent part of the reason we're at war with iraq, is so we have another launching point for and occasion exactly like this. we make friends with the country and free it of its "tyrants" and in return they let us do whatever the fuck we want as long as they can continue to get their iraqi on. N.Korea wants to send some nukes? we'd have troops there by nightfall. the US has set up shop all over the world in case anyone wants to fuck around, we're parasites, we move from land to land until we've over run everything and everything follows our rules.

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DAO why don't you school us some more on the history between N.Korea and the United States and what has lead us to the point where we have come today.


I'm really intrigued.




We fought a war with them in the 50's cause we no likey commies.

That war ended in a stalemate.

We keep fucking with them.

They started building nukes so we stop fucking with them.

We tell them stop building nukes.

They say MYOB and build nukes anyway.

We mad.

They say "u mad?"

We say "I mad!"

They say come and get some if u mad.

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For all you idiots afraid of NK attacking Hawaii/Alaska can stop worrying. North Korea will NEVER DARE to attack ANY American soil. The bluffing has been going on for ages and they know what they are and aren't capable of dealing with.


One of the main reasons for the nuclear weapons testing was to simply advertise their weapons to countries like Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, and Myanmar. Remember North Korea is not only suffering financially, but they also have serious food and energy shortage issues. The famine in 1995-97 left a million people starving to death.


Another reason for the weapons testing was to assure their people that the dear leader(Kim Jong-Il) and his regime is still standing strong and his successor(his youngest son, Kim Jong-Un) must be taken seriously.

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