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Re: upscale dining pt 2...HiGh DrAmA. 5 InTeRnEtS CoVeR ChArGe.


I've got a smile ear to fucking ear. Speaking of brew im about to cap this night off with some fat tire and xanax and I'll be out. Enjoy your night. SUUCKAAAASSSSS.

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Re: upscale dining pt 2...HiGh DrAmA. 5 InTeRnEtS CoVeR ChArGe.


you have the ultimate in classic 12oz hoe photos though, so you win regardless.


why does everyone know who this broad is but me? PM me some photos my bros!!! someones got them saved...

here i was thinking bhead held it down for hate and nudez but im wrong?

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Guest 50million

Re: upscale dining pt 2...HiGh DrAmA. 5 InTeRnEtS CoVeR ChArGe.


50 are you drunk off the love of your superior lover???




no. i made mojitos to go and drank them at some art show/benefit thingie. i was fuckkkked.


soup: the man, the myth, the motorcycle accident.


he totally changed after this. or he was fronting the whole time before hand.


So to all those who think I care to put fiddy down: NAY. Never crossed my mind I would change anyone's perception in a particular way of her or me. Just calling it like I see it. She's a manipulative prissy pretentious contentious self-righteous pseudo-philantropist philandering hippocratic FATASS. Which is fine, she enjoys it and the world gotta a few of them around. Just not around me.


i think those who really know me can say with all honesty, this is definitely not me in any way. but im not going to sit here on the internets and be like 'oh nu huh'. instead, im going to post pedobear pictures.











and the other thread had more lulz.

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Re: upscale dining pt 2...HiGh DrAmA. 5 InTeRnEtS CoVeR ChArGe.


kristy was a recovering drug addict who was getting pretty cute, too, iirc.


she was also from a family that got fucked over, both financially, and emotionally, by the scientologist father.


it led her to extensive drug use at parties, and her sister becoming a hardcore bible thumper.


she was cute in the pic with the white shorts.

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Re: upscale dining pt 2...HiGh DrAmA. 5 InTeRnEtS CoVeR ChArGe.


i think those who really know me can say with all honesty, this is definitely not me in any way. but im not going to sit here on the internets and be like 'oh nu huh'. instead, im going to post pedobear pictures.


So you only act that way around me then. As flattered as I am by that idea, I doubt it. Although, everyone I've ever met who knows you has pulled me aside just to tell me that they think you're fucking crazy. That's not a bad thing. Just sayin those that got your back do so in an equally manipulative and really gay way.

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Re: upscale dining pt 2...HiGh DrAmA. 5 InTeRnEtS CoVeR ChArGe.


Hahahah homie that's not anywhere close to the story of my life. I've been around the world, climbed mountains, pulled away from police planes, learned stick in a stolen german tourists suzuki vitara and drove it backwards at four in the morning on a rum run through santiago de cuba. I've seen and done more shit than most ouncers combined. Im just chillin right now after an amazing night and having a good time with yall. No hard feelings.




^The life of a trustfund kid. Must be nice.

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Re: upscale dining pt 2...HiGh DrAmA. 5 InTeRnEtS CoVeR ChArGe.


Hahaha you've got an angsty view of the world. I dropped out of highschool senior year and did graphic design/ had my own teeshirt company. Parents have never paid for anything since.

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Guest 50million

Re: upscale dining pt 2...HiGh DrAmA. 5 InTeRnEtS CoVeR ChArGe.


kinda like mermaids, unicorns, and Centaurs

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Re: upscale dining pt 2...HiGh DrAmA. 5 InTeRnEtS CoVeR ChArGe.


I like to travel and do crazy shit. I like people who also like to travel and do crazy shit. We get along rather nicely. I dont like fake stupid drugged out bitches who'd rather complain and backwards rationalize their shitty life than be productive and better themselves and the lives of others.

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Guest 50million

Re: upscale dining pt 2...HiGh DrAmA. 5 InTeRnEtS CoVeR ChArGe.


Says the hard working supermarket employee who any time can't make rent asks mom for a $500+ bump.




whatttttttttttttt. thats blasphemy. my mom doesnt even have a job. im not even going to respond to this.












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Re: upscale dining pt 2...HiGh DrAmA. 5 InTeRnEtS CoVeR ChArGe.


I've got a smile ear to fucking ear. Speaking of brew im about to cap this night off with some fat tire and xanax and I'll be out. Enjoy your night. SUUCKAAAASSSSS.


Never mind, this explains everything.

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Re: upscale dining pt 2...HiGh DrAmA. 5 InTeRnEtS CoVeR ChArGe.


Honestly, just get the fuck over it already. You can claim you're joking around all you want, but everyone on IRC has seen you talk about this shit on a regular basis for like a year, regardless of if she is or isn't on.

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