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New World Order

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Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name that refers to several groups, both historical and modern, and both real and fictitious. Historically, it refers specifically to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776.



The year 1776 is celebrated by the United States of America as the official beginning of its nationhood. 1776, or MDCCLXXVI, is the number shown at the bottom of the pyramid on the American dollar bill











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my boy linked me to this shit and he tried to kill himself a week or 2 after..for some crazy shit with his girlfriend, he took 19 tylenal extra. His grandma got him to the hospital tho and hes in the psych ward now. Hes doin ok i think. And also i am pretty sure reptillians and nwo is largely complete bullshit

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i went to an OTO meeting once too.

it was a bunch of metal heads lecturing about historical figure/things and burning candles.

and generally being weird. goat skulls and things.

it was neat but i could never get that into it. the historical side of its cool though.

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13th planet, reptile people, y2k, secret masons, handshakes that indicate your rank, tinfoil hats, fema camps, rfid chips, cctv, billy mays, shamwow, obama, sarah palin, flouride in the water, scientology, jesus camp.


so many conspiracies, so little time.

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13th planet, reptile people, y2k, secret masons, handshakes that indicate your rank, tinfoil hats, fema camps, rfid chips, cctv, billy mays, shamwow, obama, sarah palin, flouride in the water, scientology, jesus camp.


so many conspiracies, so little time.



and the culmination is 2012.

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Where's casek?


Also I work with some masons. Not in my shop, but building. They have bumper stickers with the compass/sextant thing and it says "ask1 2b1"


Saw a VHS named Millenium 2000 talking about all this shit when I was in middle school.

Then got deep into coast to coast for a bit.




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Flouride in the water is actually fucked up. Studys show that flouride accumulates in the pineal gland. The pineal gland is other known as the third eye, for its links to meditation and such.


Flouride nuts are the best! I was on the news for something way back in highschool and wound up getting random letters from a few conspiracy nuts forwarded through the school. the Flouride one was poorly typed out with photocopied newspaper articles and handwritten notes all over it. I wish I still had it, I'd post it up. craaaaaaazy.

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"Do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous Communist plot we have ever had to face?'"


"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

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Im a big classic printing buff and have studied many print methods, and always enjoy early examples of prints. I scored one of these complete 7 vol sets of the History Of Freemasonry. The plates date back to 1898, but this is the second printing, done in 1906. Each book has 6-8 BnW lithos, and one or 2 full color prints. These books are RARE in complete sets, and I am setting out to document the amazing workmanship, skill, and symbolism of these closely guarded works of genuine art.


Here are all the prints from volume 1, part of a 7 part series. I hope you enjoy, because as far as I can tell nobody has put such a rescource online, and they deserve to be displayed for everyone to enjoy and respect.



/end art fag spillage



























If you want a copy, peep ebay. I got mine from a local rare bookdealer, thats how I reccomend you get one.







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