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DIY: HomeEdition.

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Recently i've taken an intrest in just doing stuff myself. For example, since having found out that i have Celiac's disease i've been sick and all that from the addatives and glutens in foods. So now i bake alot for myself and cook alot of my own meals. Just the other day i made some scones, pumpkin bread, and brownies. Beyond that i've been getting into other things around the house like making Soap and herbal infusions. I just finished the first batch of soap the other day, maybe i'll take a flick. Also made my first infusion. which is basically a mixture of herbs and oils to help soothe a whiggz body. The one i made is for aches/pains. Smells terrible but i've had a painful shoulder so i've been trying it on it. I forgot whats in it though. Anyways, im working on putting together a garden and stuff, herbs and vegetables..hopefully it will turn out well. Any of you guys do anything like this? Tips on projects you've got going on? Any do it yourself projects bring them here and discuss.



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I landscaped a garden and tend it all throughout the year plus I have a vegetable garden and hot pepper patch. It is actually therapeutic. Smoke an L and enjoy playin in dirt.


As for upcoming projects...I am leveling a plot and placing concrete slabs for a Po' mans version of a patio.

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Be sure to put down crushed rock and sand to keep your patio level. If it is up against your house be sure to slope the pad away from the house so that water does not flow in a negative direction. My dad put a lot of time into building a half ass patio out behind his apartment with slabs of stone picked up here and there, did not heed my advice about rocking it first now it is a wonky and tilted.

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I'd suggest maybe a wooden patio? Me and my pops built one last year, it turned out very nice and it was really easy to do. I really dont know much about pouring concrete though.


Yeah, right now with the garden im working on getting all the stuff together, right now im tilling the dirt and stuff. Im putting in some new landscaping with my parents, heavy project..tons of shit still to be done.

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^^^ although we ditched the Shrek green two weeks ago for a matte yellow





We revamped the whole kitchen, switched out all the toilets, sinks, lighting fixtures and ceiling fans in the house.

I put a lot of tree's and bushes in the backyard.. (the pool pic is the only one i have access to at work.) I also spent the last month bringing my lawn back from the dead... that is when i sadly realized i am now officially a suburbanite... out there every day, caring for my lawn. Someone pass me a Johnsonville brat already.


I told the wifey to lay off since we are looking to buy a bigger house in this buyers market... so no more $$ on the present house... except for exterior paint and new fucking, muther-fukin fuk fuk roof... shit on me twice.

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I've been fucking with some entry level carpentry. I had some spare wood left over and I was bored so i built this little herb planter





and mounted it on my back deck




I've also got about 3 of these raised vegetable garden beds in my yard now



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I love building shit. Cool shit, not making potpourri and growing rosemary in a garden.


Right now I'm carving an oak cross member for a canoe.

Built a wall in my basement.

Ran wiring.

Built a bathroom with my dad.


Fun shit.


fuckin tool-time!

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I've got one for blueberries, a bunch of tomato planters, cilantro, onions, green peppers, chives, rhubarb, parsley, jalapenos, broccoli and a bunch of other shit. I'm trying to be able to feed myself in '09, fuck a produce department!


damn dude thats badass.

food rools.

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