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Recent Plot to terrorize NY Jews was by Shifty FBI Agent

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FBI Blows It: Supposed Terror Plot Against NY Synagogues Is Bogus

By Robert Dreyfuss, The Nation

Posted on May 23, 2009, Printed on May 25, 2009



By the now, it's maddeningly familiar. A scary terrorist plot is announced. Then it's revealed that the suspects are a hapless bunch of ne'er-do-wells or run-of-the-mill thugs without the slightest connection to any terrorists at all, never mind to Al Qaeda. Finally, the last piece of the puzzle: the entire plot is revealed to have been cooked up by a scummy government agent-provocateur.


I've seen this movie before.


In this case, the alleged perps -- Onta Williams, James Cromitie, David Williams, and Laguerre Payen -- were losers, ex-cons, drug addicts. Al Qaeda they're not. Without the assistance of the agent who entrapped them, they would never have dreamed of committing political violence, nor would they have had the slightest idea about where to acquire plastic explosives or a Stinger missile. That didn't stop prosecutors from acting as if they'd captured Osama bin Laden himself. Noted the Los Angeles Times:


Prosecutors called it the latest in a string of homegrown terrorism plots hatched after Sept. 11.


"It's hard to envision a more chilling plot," Assistant U.S. Atty. Eric Snyder said in court Thursday. He described all four suspects as "eager to bring death to Jews."


Actually, it's hard to imagine a stupider, less competent, and less important plot. The four losers were ensnared by a creepy FBI agent who hung around the mosque in upstate New York until he found what he was looking for. Here's the New York Times account:


Salahuddin Mustafa Muhammad, the imam at the mosque where the authorities say the confidential informant first encountered the men, said none of the men were active in the mosque. ...


Mr. Cromitie was there last June, and he met a stranger.


He had no way of knowing that the stranger's path to the mosque began in 2002, when he was arrested on federal charges of identity theft. He was sentenced to five years' probation, and became a confidential informant for the F.B.I. He began showing up at the mosque in Newburgh around 2007, Mr. Muhammad said.


The stranger's behavior aroused the imam's suspicions. He invited other worshipers to meals, and spoke of violence and jihad, so the imam said he steered clear of him.


"There was just something fishy about him," Mr. Muhammad said. Members "believed he was a government agent."


Mr. Muhammad said members of his congregation told him the man he believed was the informant offered at least one of them a substantial amount of money to join his "team."


So a creepy thug buttonholes people at a mosque, foaming at the mouth about violence and jihad? This is law enforcement? Just imagine if someone did this at a local church, or some synagogue. And the imam says the people "believed he was a government agent."


Preying on these losers, none of whom were apparently actual Muslims, the "confidential informant" orchestrated the acquisition of a disabled Stinger missile to shoot down military planes and cooked up a wild scheme about attacking a Jewish center in the Bronx.


It gets even more pathetic:


The only one of the four suspects who appears to have aroused any suspicion was Payen, a Haitian native who attended the Newburgh mosque. Assistant imam Hamid Rashada said his dishevelment and odd behavior disturbed some members, said the assistant imam, Hamid Rashada.


When Payen appeared in court, defense attorney Marilyn Reader described him as "intellectually challenged" and on medication for schizophrenia. The Associated Press said that when he was asked if he understood the proceedings, Payen replied: "Sort of."


Despite the pompous statements from Mayor Bloomberg of New York and other politicians, including Representative Peter King, the whole story is bogus. The four losers may have been inclined to violence, and they may have harbored a virulent strain of anti-Semitism. But it seems that the informant whipped up their violent tendencies and their hatred of Jews, cooked up the plot, incited them, arranged their purchase of weapons, and then had them busted. To ensure that it made headlines, the creepy informant claimed to be representing a Pakistani extremist group, Jaish-e Muhammad, a bona fide terrorist organization. He wasn't, of course.


It is disgusting and outrageous that the FBI is sending provocateurs into mosques.


The headlines reinforce the very fear that Dick Cheney is trying to stir up. The story strengthens the narrative that the "homeland" is under attack. It's not. As I've written repeatedly, since 9/11 not a single American has even been punched in the nose by an angry Muslim, as far as I can tell. Plot after plot -- the destruction of the Brooklyn Bridge! bombing the New York Subways! taking down the Sears Tower! bombing the Prudential building in Newark! -- proved to be utter nonsense.





so it turns out the FBI is doing what local cops have been doing for years, but on a much grander scale, don't they have better things to do?



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You know normally I don't like Feds setting guys like this up, but they would have killed a lot of people if they got the C4 and stinger missiles.


I really don't have sympathy if you plant fake c4 in NYC even if the Feds sold it to you...

How come if they are so innocient they tried to plant it? I would say it's a setup except they got the guys planting this fake shit.

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You know normally I don't like Feds setting guys like this up, but they would have killed a lot of people if they got the C4 and stinger missiles.


I really don't have sympathy if you plant fake c4 in NYC even if the Feds sold it to you...

How come if they are so innocient they tried to plant it? I would say it's a setup except they got the guys planting this fake shit.




From reading the article, it sounds like these dudes were just a bunch of impressionable idiots who were coerced into the shit by the very douchebag who sold them the shit.

And probably would have never come up with the idea on their own.

If that's the case, then that's pretty much a text book example of entrapment.

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dude, i feel you. ho homo.

there is a similar case against a bunch of "noobs" in florida who wanted to blow up the sears tower. they had never even been to chicago. they were all like janitors. literal terrorist noobs...



also, the miami bunch were mentally retarded street kids. the feds threw money at them.



fucking fbi is desperate sometimes.


partyvan fail.





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From reading the article, it sounds like these dudes were just a bunch of impressionable idiots who were coerced into the shit by the very douchebag who sold them the shit.

And probably would have never come up with the idea on their own.

If that's the case, then that's pretty much a text book example of entrapment.


It's entrapment right up untill the point where they tried to plant the C4 WITHOUT the agent leading the way. At that point you have no excuse - you know that shit is wrong.





That being said the media did blow it up like it was 911 pt 2 when in actuality nobody was ever in any danger

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Some family members and people who know the dudes who got locked for this are claiming that although they did convert to Islam in prison, when they spoke about it wasn't anything of anger, especially towards jews.


One of their little brothers also came out and said that his other brother which is one of the dudes that got locked, came to him and told him he would have 20,000$ cash to help him with his medical situation. I think he was in need of a Kidney. He also said the FBI agent promised him he would have the money that would help his little brother out.


I'm going to have to agree with DAO here (gasps!). These dudes were probably convinced into carrying our an operation they would have never done on their own.


The very definition of Entrapment. This was also probably done for the advancement of careers and of course to show the people Home Land Security works, and we're "safe".


Fuck all this bullshit.

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