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starving children vs. upscale dining???

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Newsflash: It's 2009, not 1789.

Nobody other than rednecks living in Montana kills their own food.

They buy the shit at the store.

Or they go out to eat.

But 99.99999999% of people are smart enough to know better than to drop hundreds of dollars on a couple slices of meat and a dab of whateverthefuck that desert is supposed to be. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Newsflash, your country is in a recession so I can completely understand why poor people can't appreciate or spend the money on a great meal. 99.9999999% of people who can afford a decent meal don't eat what you eat everyday. I bet 99.999999% of 12ozers have better food in their fridge than you do. Even healthier food is more expensive than fast food so poverty stricken people will be more inclined to eat crap food. It's only logical that you will never have an acquired taste for a great meal, you're poor we get it. Stop bitching at the people that know a good meal compared to the crap you feed your family.

Even back alley asians that eat cats and dogs are healtheir than you.




Also bring on some more big type because you blind...


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if youre paying more than 20 bucks a steak (and thats a mean fuckin steak) at home youre an idiot

and if you pay mad money for someone to cook that same steak for you then youre not a man


yall fags are seriously paying some retard with a high school diploma 100 dollars to put a piece of raw meat over an open fire for a couple minutes?


fuck outta here

50 bucks and ill get 5 people full AND drunk.

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Newsflash, your country is in a recession so I can completely understand why poor people can't appreciate or spend the money on a great meal. 99.9999999% of people who can afford a decent meal don't eat what you eat everyday. I bet 99.999999% of 12ozers have better food in their fridge than you do. Even healthier food is more expensive than fast food so poverty stricken people will be more inclined to eat crap food. It's only logical that you will never have an acquired taste for a great meal, you're poor we get it. Stop bitching at the people that know a good meal compared to the crap you feed your family.

Even back alley asians that eat cats and dogs are healtheir than you.




Also bring on some more big type because you blind...



youre a fucking retard

what does healthy eating have anything to do with cost?

sooooo people who arent pussies and can cook their own good food and are capable of doing something for themselves are instantly poor and or under privileged?


so basically what your saying is because your vagina is too big to allow you to provide for your family you compensate monetarily?

smart niggas eat, dumb niggas pay.

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youre a fucking retard

what does healthy eating have anything to do with cost?

sooooo people who arent pussies and can cook their own good food and are capable of doing something for themselves are instantly poor and or under privileged?


so basically what your saying is because your vagina is too big to allow you to provide for your family you compensate monetarily?

smart niggas eat, dumb niggas pay.



im gonna go ahead and quote myself right after i posted JUST so i can point out how big of a sucker you are for thinking someone is doing something that a 5th grader couldnt learn in 4 hours.

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^And even dumber niggas pay hundreds of dollars for anorexic portions of shit that they could get REAL portions of at a regular restaurant for a normal price. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


/says the typical obese american



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As much as I do agree that the "fail burger" looks like shit, I don't care.


That's a giant patty of kobe beef...there could be ACTUAL shit drizzled on there and I'd wipe it off and get to eatin


Seriously I would never drop $5k on a burger and vintage wine/champagne but there probably is people making $7+ figures yearly that would have no problems doing it.

Last week I dropped $45 for a ground wagyu burger, that was pretty expensive but it's in my top 3 burgers ever eaten. First is furburger.


Kobe and foie gras are awesome together, if you've never had a chance to eat them I suggest trying them.

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^This nigga be fucking cows!!!!!! :lol:


What kind of comeback is that?

You slipping DAO, come on I expect better rebuttals from you.


Go to your fridge and defrost some of this fine cuisine, I'll wait until you get back


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What kind of comeback is that?

You slipping DAO, come on I expect better rebuttals from you.


Go to your fridge and defrost some of this fine cuisine, I'll wait until you get back



Son... I'd much rather eat that^ than a wittle bitty slice of a cows tit, and I don't even like buretos and refried beans to begin with.

At least that shit aint gonna put me back a car payment, and I'll actually feel like I ate something.

You're a fucking sucker B.


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