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You're Pregnant, Man!

Milk Grenades

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CHICAGO (Reuters) - A transgender man who is six months pregnant said in an interview aired by Oprah Winfrey on Thursday that he always wanted to have a child and considers it a miracle.

"It's not a male or female desire to have a child. It's a human desire," a thinly bearded Thomas Beatie said. "I have a very stable male identity," he added, saying that pregnancy neither defines him nor makes him feel feminine.

Beatie, 34, who lives in Oregon, was born a woman but decided to become a man 10 years ago. He began taking testosterone treatments and had breast surgery to remove glands and flatten his chest.

"I opted not to do anything with my reproductive organs because I wanted to have a child one day," he told the talk show host. Beatie's wife Nancy said she inseminated him with a syringe using sperm purchased from a bank.

Now, he said, his size 32 jeans are getting a bit tight and his shirts are a bit stretched.

Nancy, to whom he has been married for five years and who has two grown daughters by a previous marriage, also appeared on the show, saying the couple's roles will not change once the baby is born.

"He's going to be the father and I'm going to be the mother," she said. Their marriage is legal and he is recognized under state law as a man.

The couple was shown on video provided by People Magazine, which collaborated with Winfrey on the show, showing the room that will be the baby's nursery. Beatie said the little girl was going to be "daddy's little princess.



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you call someone a faggot for wanting to have a kid?


if you read. he already has two other kids you fucking dumbshit


what is going to be so bad about their life?


they have a mother and father. im pretty sure, they care about their kids more than your parents cared about you. thats why you come on here throwing stupid shit like this into it cause no one cared to teach you value about life.


just, hey make fun of them because they cared to be different


fucking ignorant fuck

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Where you homeschooled or something?


If the kids at school find out that the kids mom is his dad they're going to torture the living shit out of him non stop. He's probably gonna get beat the fuck up every single day of elementary school and probably kill himself by the time he reaches middle school.

The last thing in the world he's going to want is "support from his parents". I wouldn't be surprised if the kid snaps and kills his "parents" for bringing him into the world.


You need to think back to when you where in elementary, middleschool, and highschool and remember how shit was just for rocking bo-bo ass shoes... now think about if some kids who's moms/pops was a she-man showed up at school.



I think this homie put it best.





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and the people that laugh will just look stupid.

cause they seem pretty happy as a family.

and the only reason people make fun is make them feel bad.

if they dont feel bad. they fail.

dudes been putting up with this for 10 years. im pretty sure he dont give a fuck what haters think.

he probably laughs at people laughing at him.

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Also, a big "whatever" to gender identity. Modern science has made just about anything possible, and there's always going to be haters hating because they can't adapt. I'm grateful I'm a guy who's happy to be a guy who likes women. Some people have it a lot more rough than I do.


Also, two good friends of mine are trans (male to female) and it's really no big deal.




Admittedly, going on Oprah and making this national news is kind of a big deal, but more in the "look at me, I want to be a spectacle because I'm different!" sense. If dude/lady wants to have a kid, then far out....but why make it EVERYONE'S business? He knows damn well people in OpaLocka, Florida aren't ready for his steez...and he's going to make a fuss when all the haters make a fuss.


Sigh. It goes on and on and on.

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Also, a big "whatever" to gender identity. Modern science has made just about anything possible, and there's always going to be haters hating because they can't adapt. I'm grateful I'm a guy who's happy to be a guy who likes women. Some people have it a lot more rough than I do.


Also, two good friends of mine are trans (male to female) and it's really no big deal.




Admittedly, going on Oprah and making this national news is kind of a big deal, but more in the "look at me, I want to be a spectacle because I'm different!" sense. If dude/lady wants to have a kid, then far out....but why make it EVERYONE'S business? He knows damn well people in OpaLocka, Florida aren't ready for his steez...and he's going to make a fuss when all the haters make a fuss.


Sigh. It goes on and on and on.



This dude is only going to be able to live in two parts of the USA, the north east and califonia aka the only two parts of the country that is capable of thinking rational thoughts.

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