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D.U.I Help


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hahahah loser, you got a d.u.i

someone's too stupid to see commericals, adds, radio adds, etc.


you deserve it if you get caught

that's like asking for help for getting busted selling drugs, doing graff, robbing banks, murder, etc....


don't ask for help man up and take what they give you


that's all imma say

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don't know how many people that come into chan 0 have gotten one before but i need some help.


i google searched c.a dui shit but nothing.


ok so i'm like one month away from it being 1 year since my dui. i did my work detail/comm service did the god damn 6 month program that california req's.


but i havent paid one dime of my 1,750$ fine. so i'm wonderin, if i dont pay it by next month do you think they'll summon me to court? or hit me with a warrant? or just let me make payment for a while and not get my license till im done.?


i kinda just want to go to jail for a week or so just so i don't have to pay this shit.

if anyone gots any advice (besides your fucked) please holler at cha' boy.

i know they almost revoked my probation for not paying, but that was in TN




check your local county laws, they are all a little diifferent

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hahahah loser, you got a d.u.i

someone's too stupid to see commericals, adds, radio adds, etc.


you deserve it if you get caught

that's like asking for help for getting busted selling drugs, doing graff, robbing banks, murder, etc....


don't ask for help man up and take what they give you


that's all imma say


thats the stupidest fucking attitude in the world


you get off on peoples misfortune mister good guy?

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maybe if you've been on here more than a day, you'd know i've been arrested several times for stupid shit


but i never asked for help on it


you just got -props for being lame


you do the crime, do the time

it's that simple


everyone knows what's right and wrong

even when drunk


you're probably not even old enough to drink

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Never had a DUI but I did have to pay $1100 to get my license back before.


It was a pile up of moving violations and insurance neglect.


I let it go forever and they suspended my license. Even after the suspension was long over, I never paid.




Finally NINE (yes, nine) years later, I walked in, cut 'em a check and dipped with my license...no questions asked.



Now I'm rollin'-they hatin'.

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maybe if you've been on here more than a day, you'd know i've been arrested several times for stupid shit


but i never asked for help on it


you just got -props for being lame


you do the crime, do the time

it's that simple


everyone knows what's right and wrong

even when drunk


you're probably not even old enough to drink





your post is so full of fail on so many levels it isnt even funny

so Im not even gonna point it out, I do know if you are in trouble with the law "manning up" does not include being an ignorant fuckhead and letting them screw you over to the full extent of the law

but thats ok, I -propped you back too

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first, i dont have 623 posts in 1 month

2nd, the law will fuck you regardless, you obviously are some kid from the suburbs who havent dealth with the law yet

3rd, you still did a crime, deal with it, it's not that hard to understand



my friend just got a DUI last friday, and is fucked fucked fucked, but he's not bitching or crying or asking for help


ive had many friends with dui's and none of them bitched

ive had many friends arrested, and some still in prison, they dont bitch and moan


you learn to deal with mistakes you've done


you're too young to understand, it's all good

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first, i dont have 623 posts in 1 month

2nd, the law will fuck you regardless, you obviously are some kid from the suburbs who havent dealth with the law yet

3rd, you still did a crime, deal with it, it's not that hard to understand

is this grown ass man seriously talking about my join date and post count?




more fail and lols , this is my 2nd acct, and lol at you thinking i cant drink - ive done county time too dummy

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i have a dui in bay area....they dont charge interest i paid my fine off $50 bucks a month sometimes when i was ballin i cut them a 200 dollar check....you cant do jailtime to pay off the fine because its seperate you could only do jail for the community service which is like 2 or 3 days or some shit.....just pay the shit off 50 a month it will keep them off your back.

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if you have to ask help for something YOU FUCKED UP ON

you're lame


learn lessons yourself else you'll be ignorant and arrogant like most ppl on this site


that's why you rookies talk shit, same stupid questions once a week


"hey how do i clean paint off my hands"

"what do i do if i get arrested for graffiit"

"what do i do if i get arrested for a dui"

"how do i have sex"

"how do i get my mom to give me money for paint"



you want to talk shit to me, look at the question and statement that was made in this thread


you all are just dumb ass teenagers with no balls


everytime i got arrested, i never asked for help nor snitched, just took it a day at a time and moved on


no matter the crime you do or accused of (which 99% of the time falls under want you did) you need to be a man and take into consideration there's a penalty and it wont change regardless


if you're an ass to cops and the judge, you'll get shit, if you're realistic you'll get realistic punishment


i guarantee most people on this forum agrees with me (minus the young ones)


get off this forum if you can't figure this shit out and want to think a dui aint shit


i can show you a 35 mile road with 80 crosses, 90% of them dui related

and you tell me that crime should have no punitive action let alone try and help someone get out of that crime


grow the fuck up and deal with what you do



ontop of that look at your location "my-fuck-the world" man that's like what 16 yo get tattoo'd on them, grow the fuck up

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if you have to ask help for something YOU FUCKED UP ON

you're lame


learn lessons yourself else you'll be ignorant and arrogant like most ppl on this site


that's why you rookies talk shit, same stupid questions once a week


"hey how do i clean paint off my hands"

"what do i do if i get arrested for graffiit"

"what do i do if i get arrested for a dui"

"how do i have sex"

"how do i get my mom to give me money for paint"



you want to talk shit to me, look at the question and statement that was made in this thread


you all are just dumb ass teenagers with no balls


everytime i got arrested, i never asked for help nor snitched, just took it a day at a time and moved on


no matter the crime you do or accused of (which 99% of the time falls under want you did) you need to be a man and take into consideration there's a penalty and it wont change regardless


if you're an ass to cops and the judge, you'll get shit, if you're realistic you'll get realistic punishment


i guarantee most people on this forum agrees with me (minus the young ones)


get off this forum if you can't figure this shit out and want to think a dui aint shit


i can show you a 35 mile road with 80 crosses, 90% of them dui related

and you tell me that crime should have no punitive action let alone try and help someone get out of that crime


grow the fuck up and deal with what you do



ontop of that look at your location "my-fuck-the world" man that's like what 16 yo get tattoo'd on them, grow the fuck up



actually i agree...

dude you fucked up,

you got arrested for driving under the influence

of either alcohol, weed, x, whatever the hell you took...

"dont do the crime if you cant do the time"

does that quote ring a bell?

not to sound like an asshole or come at your all wreckless..

honestly i think you should've paid off some of that fine

while you were doing that community service and all that..

so you could have gotten it out of the way and not have to

worry about it now like how you are..

im not sure how california laws work so i cant help you in that department...

but good luck with all that...

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Hmmmm...how much money have you spent on other shit since you got your DUI?


Let's break it down.


You might have bought-


400 pints at the bar (about 4 bucks a pop w/tip)


300 shots of whiskey


A 1/4 lb of weed (figuring the good shit goes for about 50 an eighth at the club)


A zip and a half of yay ( assuming it's wholesale)


A boat and a half of thizz


Three months' rent in the Bay Area


A nice track bike


A couple hundred cans of Montana


Around a dozen pair of limited edition Dunks


About 20 sushi dinners


OR any combination of any of the above.


So, what was more important than handling biz and just paying the fine so you wouldn't have to ask 12 oz. stupid questions later?


"Priorities" and "obligations" are more than just words in the dictionary, my genius.

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