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traveling through europe


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As a Londoner I would say come to London.

Send me a PM whe you get here I will show you a good time /nohomo /yesawesome.

Alos, dont miss paris.

Don't miss Berlin whatever you do.

Swedish girls are hot.

And go visit Europe in Copenhagen.

An absolute must.

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  • 2 years later...

i-talians are sneaky fuckers. you just have to watch what you're doing like if you're gettin' a taxi to somewhere then try to get a map, find where you are when you get in, and where you want to go, so the driver doesn't take the piss. same if you're in barcelona.


i'd reccomend italy, been to rome, venice, and lake como. all fuckin' amazing...

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haha ya'll just bumped up a 2 year old thread.


i had a great time reading through the posts. i already went to europe, planning to go back maybe next year and hit the spots i missed(suggested) in this thread.


anyway, i only made it to london(again), paris, and amsterdam..then met my sister up in munich.. she's back in CA, so i don't have a solid place to crash in europe..bummer


anyway, here are 3 pics


some boring, random intersection. reason for taking picture? i saw a dude get fucking smashed by a bus right there in front of me when i was outside smoking a cig:




stone henge:




roman bath:




eiffel tower:








outside of munich:





again, thanks for bumping an old thread and bringing a smile to my face


edit: pics are up /not a photographer

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