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What time do you wake up.

Poesia [ ] T

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wake up at 1pm and take care of house work and errands....go to work at 830pm get off 5am in bed by 7am.oh and DAO fuck curtains AND your nega pwops...got some new wood blinds.....faggot.



So what you really mean to say is this:


"Thank you DAO for informing me that only faggots wear sleap masks. I've since stepped up my game and got some real-deal window shades and now I no longer need to lower myself to the faggotry of wearing a sleap mask."



^No problem my dude. Any time. ;)

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I can't fucking function without atleast 11 or 12 hours of sleep anymore and I don't get it. Like, what the hell. Isn't the normal person only suppose to get 7-8 hours a night?


Word the fuck up. I'm the same way.

I feel like it's unnatural and unhealthy to sleep less than 11-12 hours a day.

The shit just don't make sense.

It's gotta be evolution or something cause I know we're not the only ones like that, but my Grandparents honestly thought there was something wrong with me for sleeping past 9:00.

They acted like they never even heard of that. LIke you're just supposed to rise with the birds with a smile on your face like it's normal and shit.

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In the winter its when ever I feel like it, normally 910 am.


Rest of the year I'm up and out the door by 5:45 am, at work for 6:15 and have my shit, everyone else shit ready to go by 7am.............if one truck leaves later then 7:20 am I freak out and scream and act like a dick!

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Right now I'm enjoying being unemployed.

I still have to look for jobs and shit though, plus I want to keep a somewhat normal schedule.

So I'm up by 11 am at the latest.

My loud ass alarm goes off right next to my head at 8:50, and continues to go off until my mom gets pissed about the noise and comes in to turn it off around 9:30. She then shakes me and tells me to wake up. I don't really hear her or know what's going on so I am unresponsive until sometime between 10:30 and 11 when I randomly open my eyes and want to go smoke a cig.


I have a really fucked up sleep thing where alarms and stuff don't work on me because my brain just channels them out and I don't hear anything. Somebody has to physically shake me and scream at me, MULTIPLE TIMES, before I will realize that I need to get up.


This is the same schedule and situation I have when I'm working except it all starts a bit earlier. I have never been able to be on time for work or school due to this sleep shit.


I can goto bed at 8 pm, 10 pm, 1 am, 4 am, the outcome is always the same with me not being able to tell the difference between sleeping and what is happening in real life and not being able to snap out of it quick enough to get up and do what I need to do.

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Word the fuck up. I'm the same way.

I feel like it's unnatural and unhealthy to sleep less than 11-12 hours a day.

The shit just don't make sense.

It's gotta be evolution or something cause I know we're not the only ones like that, but my Grandparents honestly thought there was something wrong with me for sleeping past 9:00.

They acted like they never even heard of that. LIke you're just supposed to rise with the birds with a smile on your face like it's normal and shit.



If I get less than 12, I need to nap during the day. I fall asleep in class and shit if I don't. I don't know if it's evolutionary or what haha, but we will probably live longer considering our bodies get more rest.

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Money is lost when trucks sit idle



Nah, I feel you on that.


I just don't understand why the workday doesn't start later and end later.

I guess it probably will someday, but as of now society's for the most part still conditioned to that outdated "early bird gets the worm" mentality.


I'm probably just drunken rambling.

















PS, fuck you non "potato niggers".

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If I get less than 12, I need to nap during the day. I fall asleep in class and shit if I don't. I don't know if it's evolutionary or what haha, but we will probably live longer considering our bodies get more rest.


sounds like your over sleeping. sometimes i feel more energetic during the day when i wake up at 9am then when i sleep in all day until 12 in the noon.




i love sleeping 12 hours though, that shits butter. go to sleep at 2in the morning and sleep until the afternoon.



but in reality that shit dont fly, unless your a pothead loser with no job. the earlier you get up and get into that routine you'll feel better the rest of the day.

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Monday wednesday 7.00am at work by 8:30 work till 6:30 7:00

tuesday thursday satuyrday 6.00am gym till 8:00 am work till 6:30

sunday whenever my mates ring to get up and get out of the house (ususally 8.30am)

work too hard during the week to waste my weekends asleep.

In bed if not asleep by 11pm.

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Whats crazy is How us Americans are so much more aggressive and into Work and the Grind.


I wish America was more like Europe at times, they just stop working in the middle of the day and chill. Like shutdown. They are so much more laidback about shit. I wonder why such a huge cultural difference. It seems shit still gets done, and they dont worry much about losing there jobs and all that shit.

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the nightshift mayne. i used to work from 5pm to 2am, it was pretty dope getting off work and being in prime bombin time. waking up at 2 in the afternoon everyday. you start to miss the daylight though. definately dont miss the traffic.




^Word. I've worked jobs like that and I was in my best mental state at the time because of it.

That's actually my idea work schedual.


Working graveyard shift till like 7 in the morning on the other hand... now that's a diferent story. I can't hang with that shit.

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T;6205947']Whats crazy is How us Americans are so much more aggressive and into Work and the Grind.


I wish America was more like Europe at times, they just stop working in the middle of the day and chill. Like shutdown. They are so much more laidback about shit. I wonder why such a huge cultural difference. It seems shit still gets done, and they dont worry much about losing there jobs and all that shit.



It's because our society is SERIOUSLY overboard with the capitolistic rat race.

And our economy is set up to where we actually HAVE to compromise our lives to work insane hours just to make ends meet.


I heard that in some European countrys they actually have laws protecting their people from working more than 30 hours a week. They see that shit as inhumane to have to work any more than that. I tend to agree.

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i'm up at 6am, out the door by 645

i usually get home by 9-10pm asleep by 130am


fuck morning work outs. i'd rather work out after work. i could never motivate myself to wake up

early just to exercise. i can barely bring myself out of bed to go to work and i hate having to go to sleep early just for work.


Harvey, in school i used to do the sleep at 5am wake up at 11am and it was the best

schedule ive ever had. i always avoided the rush hours and got wherever i needed to be in

20 minutes tops, went shopping in the middle of the night when everything is stocked and no old people blockin the aisles.

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