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Ok. Fuck McCain.


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What the fuck is the KKK gonna do? Come on now.

This is 2008, not 1950.

The KKK is just a bunch of dumb rednecks and the Secret Service is on top of their game.


I'm sure the KKK would make a nice patsy for the morons though if Obama does get murked.


shit, in most cases the fbi has already infiltrated them. all the hate groups have feds in them.

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just those two. examples: hillary and her healthcare package...forcing people to pay...ugh...obama and his healthcare package plus the childsnatching thing he has going on...gonna model the countries CPS like massachusetts does their child snatching.


boo to the commie dems. booooo!


and fuck the songbird mccain with his 100+ year holocaust of a war.


You're completely dillusional.

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yea, mexicans could be trying to take texas back.



what the fuck was i thinking?



we won it fair and square. hell, there were mexicans fighting with us.

i'm just saying that if you vote for a name alone, you might be making a foolish decision (and not even know it)



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we won it fair and square. hell, there were mexicans fighting with us.

i'm just saying that if you vote for a name alone, you might be making a foolish decision (and not even know it)




Kinda like how in Philly everybody automatically votes for the Democrat for mayor no matter how cool the Republican candidate is or how fucked up the Democratic candidate is.


That's why the last mayor was one of the biggest douchebags ever and the new mayor is an even bigger douchebag.

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Kinda like how in Philly everybody automatically votes for the Democrat for mayor no matter how cool the Republican canditate is or how fucked up the Democratic candidate is.


That's why the last mayor was one of the biggest douchebags ever and the new mayor is an even bigger douchebag.



to the hillary thing :check out the peter paul lawsuit that's going on in california.

i think you can youtube "hillary exposed" for the gist of it.


and yeah, people who vote blindly are crazy.


my aunt told me she liked bush and nothing could change her mind. i listed his current war crimes, nothing....his past crimes, nothing....bitch wouldn't budge...even though this country is going bankrupt as i type. dumb bitch needs to remember reagans saying about not trusting anyone who says "hi, i'm from the government and i'm here to help"

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I just want everyone to

know we are fucked either way.


Drink a beer.


I love it how we seriously have a candidate running who can and will change shit for the better, and yet you have these know nothing trendy fucks just repeating the same nonsense they where taught to say ewvery election to sound "cool" or some shit.


How the fuck could we POSSIBLY be fucked if Obama wins???

That shit just doesn't even make sense.

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I love it how we seriously have a candidate running who can and will change shit for the better, and yet you have these know nothing trendy fucks just repeating the same nonsense they where taught to say ewvery election to sound "cool" or some shit.


How the fuck could we POSSIBLY be fucked if Obama wins???

That shit just doesn't even make sense.



man, i hate to tell you this, but obama is following the advice of brzezinksi.

bad news follows that name like white on rice (/no black joke)

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[quote=rubbish heap tj6

And if you want to believe in the Illuminati that's cool with you, but realize you're subscribing to theory.



Yeah, cause McCain is so much better to believe in. I'm not an illuminati conspiracy theorist who devotes his whole life to far fetched conspiracies, I don't even believe half of the things they come up with but to think the american govt. is on the up and up playing by the rules and that any candidate is better than the next is asinine to me. Americans keep getting it stuck in the rear end by their leaders year after year, century after century and they still come back for more! THANK YOU SIR MAY I HAVE ANOTHER! PLEASE KEEP STICKING IT IN MY ASS OVER AND OVER!. What are you expecting from these politicians? I can't for the life of me understand why everyone gets all emotional and excited during election time. It's like donkey circus show. People like to see the Donkeys and the elephants do tricks. it's entertainment like everything else in America. Wake up.....stop buying wolf tickets.

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