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BirthdayParty - Thoughts encouraged.


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wasnt there a thread like this a while back? weird



with some same answers


about jamba juice


















crazy maze. never been there. sounds crazy and fun


culture? never been there. but whatever girls like art.


again. art. theatre . whatever


nice trees and shit flowers whatever gay.


bring a camera.



and i heard you guys have that stuffed pizza




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I looked into that actually - its over a grand though for the peeps and liq. Eprops granted.

You ever actually done it? I was supposed to go for work a few times but ditched it.


-Yes paintball is rad, but my girl is not interested in it. I am though, maybe I will go again this summer.


Yeah...I did it once before.

It was pretty entertaining.

Everyone had a blast I think.

But for real, that shit is kinda dangerous.

A lot of people had bruises and shit after

it was over.

might kinda kill the mood if someone gets hurt.

and yeah...a G is kinda pricey i think.


swinger party with all your friends?

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I just went to my friends birthday party last night and we went bowling it was alot of fun. Idk about over there but here at night we have "cosimc" bowling they turn black lights, on pump music, and have like a disco ball and flashing lights. Then they have you play games where you have to bowl a certain way, do a dance and stuff. I had a kickass time. But hey I'm only 17 so maybe that wont work.


I would say a party at your house. Or rollerskating!! YEA!

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Yeah...I did it once before.

It was pretty entertaining.

Everyone had a blast I think.

But for real, that shit is kinda dangerous.

A lot of people had bruises and shit after

it was over.

might kinda kill the mood if someone gets hurt.

and yeah...a G is kinda pricey i think.


swinger party with all your friends?


on fullerton, near the popeyes? I remember a place like that with a bar in it.


hey, there's always DNG



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